Chapter 951
Soldiers of the Ming army lined up in three rows inside the fence and fired their guns outward. Countless gun pellets shot out.

"Let go!" Amidst the shouts of the officers, the soldiers, enduring the pungent smell of gunpowder smoke, coughed and nervously shot in turn in the white smoke.

However, the speed at which they fired could not stop the cavalry on the attack. When the four guns of the Frang machine were fired quickly, the speed of the Frang machine's shelling slowed down immediately, and without the Frang machine, the pieces of iron sand hit by the Frang machine would be head-on The coming Qingqi was knocked down, and the Ming army's firepower was immediately weakened by half, and Qingqi immediately rushed to the front of the battalion.

All this was only for a moment, but it made the Ming soldiers imagine that if the rate of fire of the bird guns was faster, if there were more Franco cannons, and there were endless guns, would they be able to stop the cavalry from attacking? rushed up.

At this time, three thousand Mongolian cavalry, with more than six or seven hundred casualties, approached the camp, and threw flying hooks one after another, hooking the fence of the Ming camp, and then urged the horses to pull back. The horses exerted strength at the same time, straightened the rope, inserted it into the fence in the soil, and was immediately pulled to shake.

The cavalrymen of the Qing army swung their whips and whipped desperately. The horses suffered from pain and struggled to move their hooves. Finally, with a long hiss, they suddenly pulled down a section of the three-foot-long fence and brought out patches of soil. , Qing Qi was still being shot off the horse.

In the distance, Daishan's eyes were like water. He squinted and watched the Mongolian cavalry pull the fence of the Ming army's camp. He didn't feel sorry for the casualties of the Mongolian soldiers, but waved his hand, "Heavy cavalry attack!"

As the elder of the Aixinjueluo family, Daishan has gone through ups and downs, and was awarded the title of "Batulu" when he was young. He has commanded countless battles in his life and has rich experience.

Although the older he gets, the more conservative and gentle his temperament becomes, but once he decides to fight, he doesn't hesitate to command and act vigorously.

"Woooo..." The Qing army's horn sounded again, and another three thousand cavalry rushed out of the Qing army's formation.

Although the Mongols in front suffered heavy casualties, they had already broken through the fence of the enlightened army camp, creating conditions for the heavy cavalry to rush into the Ming army camp.

At this time, the Ming army's front was already covered by Qing cavalry arrows, the gunmen were constantly being shot down, and the formation was slightly loosened. The Mongolian cavalry opened the fence of the Ming army's camp, which undoubtedly further exposed the Ming army.

There is a saying that it was raining all night when the house was leaking, and the ship was broken and hit by waves. Xie Qian was letting the soldiers stabilize their formation in advance. The horns of the Qing army rose to the sky. Slowly drove out, all men and horses were fully armored, and under the sunlight, the whole team shone coldly.

"Heavy ride!" Ruan Mei exclaimed.

The army of the Chu Party fought the most with the cavalry of the Qing army, and the infantry of the Ming army was most afraid of the heavy cavalry of the Qing army.

Xie Qian's face turned cold, and his expression became solemn. He had never fought against the heavy cavalry of the Qing army, but when the court martial arts taught generals, he mentioned the heavy cavalry of the Qing army many times, and compiled books and sent them to the front-line generals. for the exchange of experience.

Xie Qian saw that these cavalry were as tall as the hills, and they charged up to shake the mountains, and the momentum was monstrous. He immediately waved his hands and ordered: "Flang's machine is replaced with live ammunition, and the attack is suspended!"

The chess and card officer behind him immediately issued an order, heavy cavalry bows and arrows are hard to hurt, and gunballs can only break through armor within fifty steps, but at such a short distance, at most one round of gunshots, the front line will be hit.

After the order was conveyed, Frangji stopped immediately, and the gunners quickly loaded the sub-guns with ammunition, and prepared all four sub-guns so that they could fire four rounds quickly.

The heavy cavalry of the Qing army raised their speed slowly. When they reached [-] paces away, the leading general knew that he was about to enter the attack range of the Frang machine. The Qing general with only one pair of eyes raised his spear, and the heavy cavalry in the front row, They all cast their eyes on him, stretched out the lance in their hands, lowered it, and aimed the spear at Mingzhen.

"Kill!" The heavy cavalry was wrapped in iron armor, and the man and horse plus the armor weighed at least several hundred kilograms. The impact of running was enough to shake mountains and rivers.

Because the heavy cavalry is too heavy, it is very slow to start, but once it runs, the speed cannot be easily slowed down.

Seeing that the heavy cavalry had picked up their speed, they were flying with all four hooves, and the cavalry leaned forward, and they were about to attack the Ming army's line like a mountain, and the ground-shaking momentum gave the Ming army great pressure.

Xie Qian stared closely at the incoming cavalry, calculating the distance in his heart, and when the cavalry entered five hundred steps, he waved his hand decisively!
The flag platoon officer waved the red flag, and the commanding officer of Frangji shouted loudly: "Let go!"

The cannons rang out like muffled thunder, and the whizzing shells flew towards the enemy cavalry. In the front row, a knight was suddenly hit by a shell on his helmet. With a crisp sound, the cavalry's neck was thrown upwards, and the neck of the cavalry was lifted. It broke, and the lance in his hand hung down, and his body slowly fell on the horse's back.

In order to strengthen the impact, the Qing army tied the cavalry to the horse. Even if they were crushed to death, they seldom fell off the horse. The horse carried his body and continued to gallop. Seeing that no cavalry fell, the Ming army showed panic.

At this time, a shell finally hit the horse's head, and the whole horse and the cavalry flew into the air, and then fell heavily on the ground, splashing a cloud of dust, which immediately relieved the Ming army in the front row.

"Spearman!" Xie Qian roared, and the spearman quickly ran from the gap between the gunslingers to the front, then squatted down and erected the gun forest to resist the impact of the heavy cavalry.

? 150 steps!Fifty steps!

As the distance approached, the officer commanding the musketman, perhaps because of nervousness, his voice was a little out of tune, "Let it go!"

Gunpowder smoke billowed up, thousands of guns fired at the same time, and the spearmen squatting in front saw a spectacular scene.

The cavalry who rushed to the front fell down one after another. The gunners did not hit anyone, but all aimed at the horses. In the blink of an eye, the entire plain seemed to have an earthquake, earth and rocks splashed, and horses hit the ground one after another.

The soldiers of the Ming army did not have time to rejoice, and the heavy cavalry crashed into the gun forest of the Ming army like a torrential flood, and the entire formation quickly sank in. The front line was instantly knocked away by Qingqi with the momentum of a dike collapse.

"My lord, the cavalry has broken through the Ming army's line!" Nikan said loudly, pointing at the cavalry, his face full of joy.

Dai Shan had already seen it, but although the heavy cavalry broke through the Ming formation, the Ming army's entire front was not in chaos.

Daishan waved his hand, "Wakda, lead [-] cavalry, see the opportunity, and rush into the camp."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Nikan again, "This king will give you [-] infantry troops. You must defeat the Korean army flanked by the Ming army as soon as possible, and then outflank the Ming army's rear. This king will send [-] Ming troops, all Stay here."

(End of this chapter)

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