Autumn of the 17th year of Chongzhen

Chapter 990 Wu Sangui is in Eastern Sichuan

Chapter 990 Wu Sangui in Eastern Sichuan
After hearing the report, Hauge raised his head and looked behind the general. He saw a few people behind him standing with a general with his arms hanging. It was Mannili table who was captured by the Ming army a few days ago.

He was looking east and west, seeing the desolate soldiers of the Jin army all over the valley, his face could not hide the color of sorrow.He was continuing to look around, when he suddenly noticed a pair of sharp eyes looking at him, and hurriedly turned around, but Hauge was staring at him.

When the four eyes met, there was a sudden panic on Nili's table, and he hurriedly lowered his head, not daring to look directly at Hauge.

Hauge nodded, asked someone to let him come over, and asked directly angrily: "What did the general ask you to come here for? What did you say?"

Ni Lishuo hurriedly knelt down for Hauge, lowered his head, and said in a low voice with no confidence: "The general will ask the minister to persuade the emperor to surrender, saying that the safety of the emperor can be guaranteed."

Hauge grinned grimly, "You still have the face to be a vassal? You should have surrendered to the Ming army a long time ago!"

Ni Lizhuo kowtowed in panic, "Your Majesty, I am not afraid of running out of firewood to keep the green hills. I also think about it for Dajin. Now the army is trapped here, with no food and grass inside, and no strong reinforcements outside. It will be destroyed by the Ming army for a long time. so···"

"So you came to be a lobbyist for the Ming Dynasty and forgot your identity! Do you think I am Ming Yingzong?" Hauge glared angrily, and suddenly laughed, and everyone around him changed color, "I am the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Son of heaven, how can you be humiliated! You yourself are weak, and you want to make me a laughing stock?"

Hauge is the emperor, and any person who claims to be an emperor, once he falls into the hands of the opponent, the end will be extremely miserable.

There are many such examples in history, like the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty, not only was given to death by poisoned wine, but also was ravaged by people after the Zhou Dynasty.

As he said that, Hauge suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled out the waist knife of the bodyguard beside him, Ni Lizhuo subconsciously leaned back, and said with a pale face: "Your Majesty, I am not afraid of death, I am just sincerely for the Emperor..."

"Hmph, for the sake of me, go and tell the God of Changbai Mountain!" Hauge's voice was stern, and he swept over with a knife. Ni Lizhuo instinctively stretched out his hand to hug his head, but Hauge chopped off his arm and head together, and the blood flowed from it. A mist of blood sprayed out from the neck section, and the head and the severed arm fell to the ground, before the headless corpse fell to the ground.

"The master humiliated the minister to death, such a person is not worthy of being a minister of the great gold!" Hauge looked at the corpse and cursed angrily.

When the people around saw Hauge killing Nilituo, there was a dead silence. At the same time, they also understood Hauge's attitude. He could not surrender, let alone be captured. He was absolutely unwilling to be the laughing stock of the world.

"The cunning of the southerners has made me trapped here, and I am in a desperate situation. However, I am the Son of Heaven, the Emperor of Dajin, and must not be humiliated. The southerners want me to bow my knees. It is no doubt a dream. The only thing left to do now is to fight to the death. The party will live up to the name of the ancestors." Haoge suddenly stuck the knife on the ground, and his voice spread all over the field.

Everyone around, including the soldiers scattered in the valley, heard this and felt sad.

"Pass this person's head to the first army, so that the soldiers can take a look and correct the morale of the army!"

Several soldiers immediately stepped forward, picked up the severed hand, and carried the body away, while the head was passed around by a general.

Hauge ordered to take the head of the Neil table and pass it to all the officers for a look, in order to shock the army and show his attitude to the Ming army. When everyone in the army saw the head, they had mixed feelings in their hearts.

However, the leader of the Nilituo table did not have any morale in the army. After the desperate Jinjun understood Hauge's attitude, he had to make two choices in his heart. Choose to save your life.

At that night, some people in the Jin army fled in a organized manner, surrendered to the Ming army, and chose to save their own lives. This means that Hauge's last moment may be approaching.

To the east of the Tuojiang River, in the past hundreds of miles is the Chongqing government, to the south is the area controlled by the Ming army, and to the north is the defense area of ​​Wu Sangui, where the Ming general Wang Deren and Wu Sangui confront each other.

Since the Battle of Eastern Sichuan, on both sides of the Yangtze River in the Chongqing section, the Ming army and the Jin army have not made any war, and have been living in peace.

Hauge returned to Chengdu to compete with Sun Kewang for southern Sichuan, and all military affairs in eastern Sichuan were handed over to Wu Sangui.

Although Hauge sent Han Chaoxuan to Nanjing to seek peace and hope to restore relations, and there was no news of the collapse of the Nanjing side, it seemed that there was a possibility of reconciliation, but Wu Sangui did not relax his vigilance because of this.

Since Wu Sangui accepted the affairs of eastern Sichuan at the end of last year, he began to build a defense line along the Yangtze River. He deployed soldiers and horses to garrison several important ferry crossings. He believed that even if the peace agreement was not negotiated, and the Ming army attacked eastern Sichuan, he could still make the Ming army return without success.

The negotiations between Ming and Jin dragged on for a long time, and during the negotiation time, Wu Sangui learned from the spy sent to the south bank that the Ming army's strength in the southwest was getting stronger and stronger. On the official road from Guangxi to Guizhou, various There is an endless stream of vehicles transporting supplies such as food and armor.

The situation in the Southwest was originally controlled by the Ming, Jin, and West, and it was a balanced situation. However, the Ming army continued to increase its troops and investment in the southwest, which broke this balance. Wu Sangui began to worry about the strength of the country and the Western Army.

At this time, the Jin army planned to drive Sun Kewang out of southern Sichuan within three months, but had a tug-of-war with the Western army in southern Sichuan for half a year, and did not realize their plan to dominate Sichuan.

Seeing this, Wu Sangui wrote a memorial to Hauge in March, stating that the balance of forces in the Southwest had changed. It was after reading the memorial that Hauge chose to temporarily return to Jiading Prefecture and In the area of ​​Chengdu Prefecture, while resting and reorganizing, they adjusted their strategy.

In May, the inflated Ming army took the lead in going to war against Sun Kewang. Wu Sangui knew that the Jin Kingdom would also be involved in this battle, so he paid close attention to the progress of the war between the Ming army and the Western army.

At this time, the envoys of the Kingdom of Jin were still negotiating with the Ming Dynasty in Nanjing. If the Jin army wanted to seek peace, they should not intervene in the war. It was just a way for the Ming Dynasty to stabilize them temporarily so that they could concentrate on annexing Sun Kewang. Once the Western Army was destroyed, the Ming Dynasty's goal would definitely be the Kingdom of Jin, and they would have to face the Ming Army independently, which would be very dangerous.

In June, the Ming army was in full swing, and at the beginning of July, Sun Kewang was besieged in Luzhou. This time without Wu Sangui's reminder, Hauge had already made a plan to intervene in the war.

Wu Sangui, as a high-ranking member of the Kingdom of Jin, was guarding the county king in eastern Sichuan. Hauge naturally wanted to communicate with him, so he was able to know the entire battle plan.

When the Ming army and Sun Kewang were both wounded, the Jin army suddenly went south to intervene in the war, annihilated the Ming army that besieged Luzhou, and annexed Sun Kewang to obtain the greatest benefits.

Wu Sangui has no objection to this plan, it can indeed maximize the interests of the Kingdom of Jin, and the Southwest will be determined in the first battle, just like when Dorgon asked him to fight Li Zicheng and then reap the benefits, they are the best at this First hand, there shouldn't be any problems.

After understanding the battle plan, Wu Sangui began to prepare, because once He Tengjiao's main force besieging Luzhou was over, the Ming army in the west would lose half, and the main force of the Jin army could take advantage of the situation to attack the empty Guizhou. The time has come to cross the river and attack Chongqing.

(End of this chapter)

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