Chapter 916

"According to the information we inquired before, the first and second young masters of the Yao family are at odds with the third young master, Yao Yuanzhao. Maybe we can use this to defeat the Yao family from within, wouldn't it be better?"

Ye Yunqing's thinking was very simple, and she could see that Yao Yuanzhao was the most important person the Yao family had to deal with.First get close to those two who are at odds with Yao Yuanzhao, and then slowly provoke them. Given their status as important people here, they want to go directly to Yao's family, which is still a bit daunting.

Xuan Xi thought, her wife is still smarter.

At the beginning, he also thought about this method, but... he can't say it now.

"My lady, you are smart." Hao praised without hesitation, no matter what my wife does, she is the best!

"Why are you going to the spirit master conference?"

"Go." After finally getting news of the Lingzhu, he couldn't give up easily, "But it's fine for me to go alone, lady, you are here, take care of grandparents, father-in-law and mother-in-law."

"It's a good idea, I'll go with you." Hearing that the Forbidden Forest is a dangerous place, how could Ye Yunqing feel relieved to let him go alone?
"And I have space and a white tiger. Although my strength is not as high as yours, I am better than you no matter what! In case of danger, we can still hide in."

Seeing her appearance, Xuan Xi knew that this matter could not be done.Moreover, there is no way to go secretly without telling her, "Okay, then let's settle down with grandpa and grandma first, and we can't let them go on adventures with us."

This Ye Yunqing agrees, although the space is very safe, but who knows what is in the forbidden forest?At that time, don't let the people who were finally rescued be trapped in with them, that would be bad.

After returning to the space, Ye Yunqing told Jian Shengfeng and Jian Yunfan about it, but Jian Yunyao still didn't wake up, Ye Qinghai wished he could stay in front of her all day long.

"Are you really going to that Forbidden Forest?" Jian Shengfeng asked.

Ye Yunqing nodded, "Well, we're going to find something inside."

"Is it a Lingzhu?" Jian Yunfan asked.

Ye Yunqing and Xuan Xi did not deny it.

Jian Shengfeng sighed, "Although I don't know what you young people think, but ordinary people can't enter the Forbidden Forest." Although the two of them are very capable, "The Forbidden Forest is very dangerous. I, an old man, went in when I was young. Once, that time I almost couldn't come back."

Jian Shengfeng was lost in memory as he thought about it.

At that time, I was young and energetic, and I didn't know what it meant to be afraid.When everyone is saying that the Forbidden Forest is dangerous, and those who have been there dare not mention those two words when they come back, Jian Shengfeng still doesn't care. The more dangerous and terrifying he is said, the more he wants to break into it. Chuang, see if it is more terrifying than the Palace of the King of Hades?
He relied on his own ability to get a chance to enter the Forbidden Forest, and it was that time that he would never forget.

The outermost part of the Forbidden Forest is called the Misty Forest. There is not only mist there, but also countless monsters hidden in the mist.

Yes, that's right.What is in the mist is not a monster, they call it a monster.

Those monsters hide in the mist, and every time they take advantage of people alone, they attack and grab them from behind.

Every person who was taken away was torn to pieces when he was finally found, and the heart inside his body was gone.

So those monsters are eating people's hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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