Chapter 209 Too Clean

"Huh?" Cen Yuwei raised her eyebrows in surprise, "What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know, it's just a feeling." Yun Mohan leaned against the window and looked out, "What he described seems to be vaguely pointing to Lao Zhou, can a person who works for the superior let the focus stay on himself What about him?"

"You mean, the more clues pointing to Lao Zhou, the less likely Lao Zhou will have problems?"

"Yes, many of the cases I have dealt with before are like this." Yun Mohan nodded.

But after hearing this, Cen Yuwei grasped another important point: "Before? Do you remember?"

Yun Mohan's eyes froze.

He realized he had said the wrong thing.

But so far, he couldn't deny it.After turning his thoughts, he simply thought: "I didn't think about it, it's just that there are many notes on the papers I left in the study. If I look at those on weekdays, I can barely understand the past."

"Is that so..." Cen Yuwei didn't ask further.

She seemed to have no obsession with how long it would take for him to get his past memories back.

Seeing her like this, Yun Mohan was not used to it.

"Weiwei, after reading those, I always feel that my past is no different from the present. Before you..."

"I might have misunderstood you a little bit before." Cen Yuwei easily brought the topic over.

Before, she had always been worried that after his memory recovered, he would feel that she had lied to him and had a rift with her.

But the more she got along with her, the more she worried about it.

She believes that sincerity can always be seen.She cooperated sincerely and was not afraid of his doubts.

Besides, she has already considered the marriage, and she has naturally made preparations for the memory.

"It doesn't matter whether your memory recovers or not, let's talk about the business first." After a short pause, Cen Yuwei asked again, "Then do you think there is something wrong with Xiao Wu just now?"

"Not yet. But don't you think that not seeing any problems is the biggest problem?"

Yun Mohan's rhetorical question made Cen Yuwei fall silent.

He was right. As one of the servants on duty that night, as one of the most suspected suspects, how could it be possible to completely wipe it out?

However, he is too clean.

"Then let Gu Fan and Huajiao go to Taiping County together, try to find Lao Zhou, the two of us, go to Wu's house in the suburbs of Beijing tomorrow?"

"Okay." Yun Mohan had no objection to Cen Yuwei's arrangement.

It was decided, the two left the post house and went to Sihai Tower.

At this moment, it's past meal time.

But inside the Four Seas Building, there was still a lot of voices.

The good business is evident.

"It smells so good!" Cen Yuwei moved her nostrils, and then spontaneously went to the private room on the third floor.

Although she had never been to Four Seas Building, she had heard Cen Nanfeng's descriptions all day long, and she knew a general idea of ​​the internal structure.

It can be seen that she knows the way well, Yun Mohan couldn't help but get even more angry.

It seems that she often comes here to eat on weekdays!

It's just a restaurant, even if it's delicious, can it compare to the royal banquet in the palace?
After all, he learned his skills from the royal chef in the palace, so why is he not as worth looking forward to as a restaurant in her mind?

Yun Mohan was very unconvinced, until Cen Yuwei asked him if there was anything he wanted to eat after ordering, and he just responded indifferently: "No!"

"What's your reaction?"

After dismissing the servant girl, she asked again: "Are you still worried about investigating the post?"


"Why are you unhappy? I can't be the one who offends you, right?"

Yun Mohan wanted to say yes, but was afraid that her temper would follow.

After thinking about it, he finally said, "It's from Sihailou!"

(End of this chapter)

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