Chapter 221 Learning to cook

The down-to-earth feeling finally made Qing Xing regain her three souls and seven souls.

In a trance, her brain, which had become dull due to shock, gradually became active.

What did the girl just say?
When you climb over the wall with Zanthoxylum, is Zanthoxylum very comfortable?
"Miss, you and Huajiao also took this road when you came to Prince Yu's Mansion?!" Qing Xing covered her mouth and stared in astonishment.

As the big maid who only cleans up the courtyard and boudoir for Cen Yuwei every day, she actually doesn't know the extent of her girl's misbehavior outside.

She only knew that the girl acted recklessly and never cared about the eyes of the world.

Today, I actually saw and heard...

For a moment, she was so flustered that she didn't know how to answer.

"What's so surprising?" Cen Yuwei snorted softly, as if she was dissatisfied with Qing Xing's fuss, "It's just a small matter of overturning the wall, it scares you. Follow me in the next few days, You can see many such little things, so don't behave like my maid next time."

After saying that, Cen Yuwei turned around first, and walked to the inner courtyard familiarly.

Seeing her leave, Qing Xing quickly calmed down and followed her.

It wasn't the first day she knew this man, so she shouldn't be surprised.

Cen Yuwei is already very familiar with the road to Prince Yu's Mansion.

Passing through the pavilion and corridor, bypassing a rose clump, she led Qing Xing into the main courtyard.

"Huh? Strange..." Cen Yuwei looked around, but couldn't find any acquaintances for a long time.

The bodyguards she was familiar with on weekdays and the servants who were close to her seemed to be absent.

After a long while, she only found one person who looked familiar.

"What about your Highness? Where did you go early in the morning?" Cen Yuwei asked straight to the point.

"Girl, Your Highness has gone to the kitchen after breakfast."

"The kitchen?" Cen Yuwei frowned, "Then how do I get to the kitchen?"

"Little one will lead you there." The servant felt that the road was hard to describe, so he quickly put down the kettle, wiped the handles in a hurry, and led the way for Cen Yuwei.

Being led around by the servant, he finally arrived at the kitchen.

"Girl, it's here."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Cen Yuwei nodded politely and sent the servant away.

Probably disturbed by the movement at the door, Yuan Ying rushed out to greet her.

"Miss Cen—"

"Is Yun Mohan in there?" Cen Yuwei rolled his eyes.

"Yes." Yuanying nodded and led her in, "His Royal Highness is developing new dishes. If the girl is not in a hurry, you can wait in the courtyard first."

Cen Yuwei couldn't sit still, and wanted to squeeze into the kitchen as soon as she heard about the new dishes.

While looking inside, she asked Yuanying: "Why did he think of learning to cook? Isn't he only interested in making snacks and desserts?"

Regarding the fact that Yun Mohan is good at cooking, she has never seen it in the storybook.

So, in her spare time, she quietly asked Gu Fan.

According to Gu Fan, it is not accurate to say that their Highness is good at cooking.Because he can only make some snacks, and can't cook.

Cen Yuwei was also curious about why she knew how to make snacks and why she only learned how to make snacks.

But Gu Fan only wants to disclose that it has something to do with his childhood experience, and he doesn't want to say more about it in detail.

If you can't ask, you can't beat people up to extract a confession.

Several times of probing failed, so Cen Yuwei had no choice but to put this doubt aside.

But today...

She actually discovered that Yun Mohan had started to learn how to cook?
Is it because she unintentionally triggered something, causing him to be different from the description in the script?
(End of this chapter)

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