Chapter 225 Sweetness
But Cen Yuwei was not as anxious as he imagined.

Hearing his reminder, she just touched her chin and thought: "Yes, the summer afternoon is hard, it's not good to go out in the sun and expose you to the sun.

"Then let's wait a little longer. After lunch and the sun is westward, it's not too late to go out."

Yun Mohan: "?"

Is it so casual?Not urgent?

Also, what does it mean to expose him to the sun?
He is a big man, how could he be afraid of the sun?Her fine white skin can't stand the scorching sun, right?

"Do it quickly!" Seeing Yun Mohan's thoughts drifting away, Cen Yuwei hurriedly pushed the wooden basin containing the stuffing towards him, "This is ready, let's add vegetables at noon!"

Yun Mohan: "..."

Unable to resist Cen Yuwei, he could only continue to work according to her wishes.

He was busy, and Cen Yuwei watched quietly beside him.

The atmosphere in the kitchen was also harmonious for a while.

Apart from…

"Can't you look in another place? You keep staring at me like this, I feel uncomfortable..." Yun Mohan turned his head, trying to discuss with Cen Yuwei.

It was uncomfortable for her to keep staring at her back.

But Cen Yuwei directly refused: "You cook, I don't stare at you, do I stare at the dishes? Don't be hypocritical, take care of your dishes!"

Yun Mohan: "..."

Those who are labeled as "hypocritical" can only look back silently.

What can be done?I can only bite the bullet and continue to work, I can't, Weiwei really thinks he is hypocritical, right?
Seeing him calm down again, Cen Yuwei nodded with dissatisfaction.

Not bad, it still looks cute and pleasing to the eye.

The black hair was tied to the top of the hair in the form of a ponytail, and the slender and beautiful neck was completely exposed.Whether you look up or down, you can see clearly.

And that curvaceous waistline...

Every time the rolled up sleeves sweep across the side, a little gap can be revealed, and people can't help but have the idea of ​​crossing the arms and wrapping around the waist.

The gaze behind her became more and more serious, and Yun Mohan became more and more uncomfortable.

However, in the eyes of others, the interaction between him and Cen Yuwei is only sweet.

"Our girl and His Highness Prince Yu have always been sweet?" Standing in the courtyard and watching for a long time, Qing Xing finally couldn't help asking.

"Your Highness and Miss Cen are not sweet, they are just friends." Yuanying corrected flatly.

As His Highness explained, they still can't treat Miss Cen as a princess.Only after Miss Cen is tempted can she change her mind.

Yuan Ying firmly remembered the master's instructions.

After taking Qing Xing's question, she refuted it without hesitation.

Qing Xing: "..."

Guessing that this piece of wood, Yuanying, doesn't understand love, Qingxing said in another way: "Then, your Highness also gets along with our girl like this on weekdays? Has he considered the impact on our girl's reputation?"

Yuanying looks at Qingxing strangely.

The masters don't worry about these things, what are they worrying about?
As a subordinate, don't you just need to follow orders?
Yuanying felt that Miss Cen's new maid was inexplicable, but considering Miss Cen's face, he still replied: "All decisions are in Miss Cen's hands. As long as she wants, His Highness can propose marriage at any time."

The implication is that King Yu has already done everything that can be done, and the rest is all up to Miss Cen.

Hearing this, Qing Xing couldn't help falling into silence for a while.

She probably didn't dare to question her master, so Yuanying didn't say anything more.

The scorching wind blew past, leaving only the humming of cicadas in the courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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