Chapter 551
This person used to avoid her, but whenever she got close, he would leave her and stand far away.

At first, she thought that he was only putting on a show because the girl from the Cen family was by his side.But after trying a lot later, she found that he was really, really not a womanizer.

In other words, it's not close to women other than girls from the Cen family...

If the girl whom he cared so much for was a girl from a famous family whose cultivation and beauty could rival his, she might just let it go.

However, the one held in his palm was the eldest daughter of the Cen family...

The girl's notoriety was known to everyone in the capital, and her deeds were the subject of jokes and conversation among countless people.It can be said that she has nothing but her family background and appearance!
How could she be so full of love for her? !

At the same time that dissatisfaction arose in her heart, Princess Zi Luo gritted her teeth and leaned closer to Yun Mohan.She tested his bottom line, and whispered to him at the same time: "Does your Highness know why the sixth prince came out of the banquet and why he hasn't returned for a long time?

"Because he came to see the Miguo Mission. They are hiding in a secret place in this garden!"

"Really?" Yun Mohan calmly looked at the flowers in the distance, his eyes never fell on Princess Ziluo, and his pair of phoenix eyes were even more emotionless, "You always say that they are connected, but they are mixed together , what can be done?

"Collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country? The sixth prince has no chance to touch the secrets. Win-win cooperation? Neither side seems to be able to help the other.

"You have said so much and in such detail that the possibility of convincing people is still zero."

"That's because you don't know the current situation in Miguo!" Princess Ziluo bit her lower lip, and said with difficulty, "Miguo is not as peaceful as it seems on the surface.

"Since the great defeat by Qi, all those in power in Miguo have been roughly divided into two factions. These years, they have been fighting openly and secretly, thinking of overpowering each other every day, but because they are evenly matched, they have to fall into a stalemate.

"Under such circumstances, foreign aid is naturally very important! Even if it is as far away from the power center of Daqi as the sixth prince, it may become a bargaining chip to help one side suppress the other.

"As long as he can help a little bit with the New Year's Tribute, the side that is helped can relieve a lot of pressure."

Seeing that Yun Mohan was unmoved, Princess Zi Luo couldn't help but grabbed his cuff and said, "You don't have to doubt that the person from that side chose him because his concubine mother had a past with the people behind the scenes.

"You can send someone to investigate the specific situation. With your ability, it is not difficult to find out.

"And I found you today and sold this news to you, not to be a good person. I am asking for you. I hope that you, the person in charge of the annual tribute, can help us block them and not give them some relief. opportunity for something."

Princess Ziluo's words are half true and half false. The past of the sixth prince, mother and concubine, as well as the undercurrent under the peaceful surface of Miguo are all true.

As long as Yun Mohan puts his heart into it, he can find out.

But some details are not true.As long as Yun Mohan believes along with the previous facts, after that...

"Your Highness, please..." Seeing that the goal is about to be achieved, Princess Zi Luo's voice softened a bit, "As long as you can raise your hand to help us once, Zi Luo will definitely remember it!
"You can repay whatever you want, including..."

As she spoke, she slowly leaned towards Yun Mohan.

(End of this chapter)

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