Chapter 668 Chaos
Until, a series of coughing broke the silence.

"Cough cough...cough!" Emperor Yongming pressed his fist to his lips, coughing vigorously.

His originally normal complexion suddenly turned red.But when the coughing ended, the abnormal blush faded away in an instant, leaving only paleness on his face.

Seeing Emperor Yongming like this, Xu Kedong also turned pale in an instant.

The only difference is that he is flustered.

Outsiders don't know about this patient's illness, they only think that his health has improved after letting go of his heavy burden, but he knows that His Majesty... is at the end of his life.

Today's signs of improvement are nothing but flashbacks...

"Your Majesty, please take a sip of warm water first, so you can relax." Xu Kedong hurriedly handed over a cup of warm water, and at the same time, he also handed over the new handkerchief that he had prepared earlier.

Sure enough, as soon as Emperor Yongming moved his hand away, a small puddle of shocking blood appeared at the tiger's mouth.

However, Emperor Yongming didn't seem to care about it, he just lowered his eyes to glance at the bloodstains, then took the handkerchief to wipe off the bloodstains, and then calmly picked up the water glass.

A sip of warm water rolled down his throat, and he finally felt a little better.

If you speak again, your tone will return to calm: "The imperial decree I asked you to draw up before, have you finished it? Show it to me."

"This..." Xu Kedong turned bitter when he heard the imperial decree.

"What? It's been two days and things haven't been done yet?"

"No, this servant just thinks that it's inappropriate for you to look at these things now..." Xu Kedong said, the bitterness on his face became more and more intense, and in the end, he almost couldn't control his emotions.

He knew very well what that imperial decree represented.

To be precise, that was not an imperial decree at all, but a suicide note...

But Emperor Yongming, who also understood the meaning of the imperial decree, had no other emotions in his tone except flatness: "There is nothing inappropriate, this is only a few days earlier or a few days later.

"Look at it earlier and make sufficient preparations to be serious."

When Emperor Yongming got to this point, Xu Kedong had nothing to say.He can only take the imperial decree prepared in advance according to this person's will.

"That's right, all the necessary arrangements are well planned." Nodding satisfied, Emperor Yongming said again, "If you want to say goodbye, then you should have some stars. I'll have lunch today, so I'll go to Fengqi Palace to meet you." Use it with the queen."



It was clearly only a few days, but the situation in the capital had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The relationship between the emperor and empress seems to have improved, and the prince has completely taken over all important government affairs.Judging from this appearance, the Sun family should have the potential to make a comeback.

However, a gossip came out from nowhere, saying that the crown prince was secretly investigating the case of an official of the Sun family using his position to sell his official rank.

Moreover, he has obtained tangible evidence and is ready to go to court for questioning.

The relationship between the emperor and the queen eased, and the prince and the queen's mother clan broke up.

The weird Guanxi made everyone in the capital feel insecure, even those who did not participate in this kind of power struggle, all followed suit to prevent accidents from being accidentally contaminated.

During this sensitive period, another big event happened, which surprised everyone—the banquet that should have been hosted by the emperor himself and invited the students on the list was changed to the prince's seat!

If the crown prince is involved in all these matters, then the succession to the throne... is probably just around the corner!
But His Majesty is obviously fine!

Could it be that…

All of a sudden, all kinds of messy rumors were flying in the sky in the capital, and the already chaotic situation suddenly became extremely chaotic.

(End of this chapter)

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