Chapter 168
Lin Yuan looked at Rhubarb, who had dirty eyes and a naughty face, and then looked at Shen Shuting.

She is fine.

As long as the kids like it.

But whether Shen Shuting would agree, she didn't dare to guarantee it.

Shen Shuting also glanced at Rhubarb, frowned slightly, "You can keep it, but you must clean it up."

Is this...agreed?

The fourth brother Shen and the fifth brother Shen were overjoyed, and immediately took the rhubarb to the river with An An, and went to bathe the rhubarb.

Half an hour later, the rhubarb was washed clean, and the rough spots on the body became more obvious, but the appearance of the rhubarb after washing was also several times higher than before.

And since Shen's family raised rhubarb, Shen Sidi and Shen Wudi had another entertainment project.

Play various games with Rhubarb, or train Rhubarb's various skills.

Don't look at Rhubarb's appearance is not high, but his skills are strong.

As a result, Shen Sidi and Shen Wudi also had one more hobby, that is, walking dogs in the whole village, which can also be said to show off.

When he sees his friends, he starts to show off his skills, which makes other friends jealous.

"What's the big deal? It's not only your family that has dogs, but mine too!"

Little Ruan Qing was very unconvinced, seeing Fifth Brother Shen's frightened look, she was so angry that she gritted her teeth.

Fifth Brother Shen touched Rhubarb, "Of course it's amazing, hmph, is your dog as good as mine? Rhubarb will open the door by itself."

Little Ruan Qing said angrily, "Won't you know how to open the door? Dabai will too! Dabai, Dabai!"

A half-strong big white clay dog ​​ran to little Ruan Qing's side.

Ruan Qing gritted her teeth and said to Dabai, "Dabai, let's not let others look down on you, won't you also open the door? Let's show him a look."

Shen Wudi wrinkled his nose.

Look at this posture, the big white dog of this dead girl can really open the door?
Okay, if the big white dog can also drive, it will be faster than anyone else!
Fifth Brother Shen immediately let Da Huang show his hand, and Da Huang did not disappoint Fifth Brother Shen, he pawed at Yan Jin's door and it opened.

Then stand up on the front legs and sit down, with a proud and majestic posture.

Dabai probably felt very stressed, and he was reluctant to go forward, but Ruan Qing slapped the dog on the head and gave a threatening yell, so Dabai had no choice but to rush to the front line.

It pulled a few times, and the door opened.

After the door is opened, the door also needs to be closed.

Dabai opened the door, and then stood outside, pushing the door with his paws, leaving a gap for it to get in, but as a result, one of them pushed too hard, and the door slammed shut outside.

Dabai left himself outside.

Dabai looked left and right, and for a second or two he had a naive sense of where am I and who am I.

After a while, it realized that it had locked itself out, whimpered and stretched out its claws in a particularly aggrieved manner, and began to knock on the door.

Awow, this dog is locked outside, open the door for me.

Ruan Qing gritted her teeth angrily when she heard Dabai knocking on the door, "Dabai, you still have the nerve to knock on the door? Close the door and you can shut yourself out? You're so stupid!"

Let her be laughed at!
However, Ruan Qing opened the door anyway.

Da Pai rubbed against Ruan Qing's legs aggrieved and fawning, as if begging for mercy, I didn't mean it, please forgive me master.

Ruan Qing deliberately reprimanded it, but couldn't bear to blame it too much.

Although Dabai made a joke, Fifth Brother Shen also thinks Dabai is very cute.

Just as cute as its owner, Ruan Dongdong.

Ruan Dongdong is the nickname Shen Wudi gave Ruan Qing in his heart. Ruan Qing is a head shorter than him, like a short winter melon.

(End of this chapter)

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