Abandoned Concubine

In the middle of Chapter 303, is there anything tricky?

In the middle of Chapter 303, is there anything tricky?

Waiting to see Zhongyong Hou's mansion marrying his daughter and carrying the dowry, the melon-eaters suddenly discovered that the marriage...is gone?
"Is this marriage still possible?" Many people are asking.

"It's hard to say." More people answered like this.

Even if the epidemic is cured, the body may not be able to do so.The emperor would not wrong Lord Su so much.

I dare to keep these words in my heart, Yan Xinlang is one of the three nobles in Yecheng, and he is very cruel when he beats people.

However, this noble man cannot be seen on the street for the time being.

Due to the epidemic, Zhongyonghou's Mansion sealed itself up according to the doctor's request.

The gate of the courtyard was closed, and three meals a day were provided to a nearby restaurant, and all the supplies were handed over in front of the courtyard, which was extremely mysterious.

For a while, not even a bird flew by in front of the door.

Now that there is no excitement here for the time being, the attention of the melon eaters has turned back to the matter of Su Wang's Mansion vs. Mighty General's Mansion.

However, Dongfang Hao had already sent Zhao Wuliang to Dali Temple, and the other eight people had also been sent back.

On the bright side, this matter has nothing to do with Su Wangfu.

The Dali Temple, which is equivalent to the Supreme Court of the 21st century, was dragged into this VS battle, replacing King Su's Mansion and facing the mighty General's Mansion.

Jian Huai, Minister of Dali Temple, cried out repeatedly, feeling extremely depressed.

When Dongfang Hao sent the man, his arm was broken and his brain was burnt. According to the current level of medical treatment, it is unclear whether this man will survive.

The old mighty general brought the word that after Zhao Wuliang was Zhongliang, Dali Temple could not ignore human lives.

This, this...is it close to Dali Temple?
There were three black lines hanging on the back of Jian Huai's head.

The emperor didn't speak for a while, the fifth son's routine was too deep, he had to watch it for a while.

From top to bottom, a bunch of spectators.

Jian Huai is the Minister of Dali Temple, and he will take the lead in this matter.

Both ends are tough, and neither side can afford to offend, so the balance is simply balanced. Jian Huai intends to follow the rules.

Dali Temple had its own cell, found a clean one, and let Zhao Wuliang live there first.

If you can't take human life lightly, you should call Ni Zhiyun, a well-known doctor in Yecheng, in a high-profile manner. The decoction and medicine are not lacking in nutrition. If you still die like this, it is not the responsibility of Dali Temple.

Jian Huai privately hoped that the guy couldn't bear it and died.In that case, there is no need to judge, and the case will be closed directly.

It takes time to cure a disease, especially the ancient decoctions, which are slow to take effect.

Ni Zhiyun became a big celebrity in Yecheng, and he went to the prison of Dali Temple every day.

When he came out, facing the enthusiastic onlookers, he had to give a medical explanation of today's diagnosis and treatment, and make a simple prediction of Zhao Wuliang's future physical direction.

The common people's medical knowledge is limited, and they don't understand if they talk too much. In the end, they simply said, "The body is recovering."

Well, that means there is still fun to watch.

The crowd expressed satisfaction.

Dispersed in a hurry.

Things are going on at the same time. Mei Yunteng's shrew wife, Zhao Xiumei, heard that her brother was arrested and made to die, so she quit now. Regardless of Mei Yunteng's obstruction, she will die Come back from Yancheng.

Then, I was so sad.

During the bumpy journey, she found out that she was pregnant and... had a miscarriage.

After so many years of marriage, she finally got pregnant with one, and she just disappeared?
Zhao Xiumei was so dumbfounded that she couldn't even cry.

At this time, she finally realized that she was in trouble.It's okay to talk about other things, she killed the Mei family's son (daughter), can the old mighty general tolerate her?
With bloodshot eyes, he stabbed to death the doctor who saw the doctor and the maid who served him with a knife, and put the situation back together.

With a broken heart, he continued to rush to Yecheng.


These days, Chu Sijiu basically lives in the Plum Blossom Courtyard.

When the news of Yan Xinyi's "epidemic" came, she had an extremely strange expression, she rested her chin in a daze and said nothing.

"Ma'am, the news is very true. Eunuch Fuhai came here just now, and brought the emperor's oral order, saying that the wedding date is postponed, and Wang Xing is already dismantling the previous arrangements."

Chunhuan did a good job of reconnaissance.

Not only her, but the maids in the four side concubine courtyards have wandered around intentionally or unintentionally, and they are all reporting to their masters at the moment.

Chu Sijiu let out a soft "huh", but her face was still... confused.


That is, a temporary epidemic.Divided into outbreak type, persistent type, seasonal type, regional type, highly toxic type, specific type and so on.

In her previous life, she followed the medical team to Africa to show her love, so she knew these special terms.Drilling back and forth in my mind at the moment, don't mention it too much.

The level of medicine in this world is low, but anything that is contagious is called a seasonal epidemic.

So, probably just a common viral cold.

Not necessarily the legendary smallpox?cholera?plague?

So this marriage...is just postponed?

Chu Sijiu felt that he was really a kind person. At this time, he didn't intend to think of people in the direction of death, and cursed a few words along the way.

Good person, my sister is really a good person I haven't seen in a hundred years.

"The prince is here." Chunhuan whispered in her ear.

"Hmm." She responded casually.

Without looking back, he heard familiar footsteps coming slowly.

Out of nowhere, this guy said he would not marry Yan Xinyi.Then, the epidemic came?Could it be that he did this?
"What are you thinking?" The voice was warm and quiet.

Chu Sijiu raised her head and looked at him suspiciously.

It's very complicated in his mind. If he did this thing, with such a precise strike point, he would have mastered high-tech biochemical weapons.

Even in the 21st century, this is a high skill that Liu Defei can fly.

"Postponed?" she asked.

"Hmm." Dongfang Hao's face was calm, he stroked her cheek with his fingers, and said in a narrow voice, "The swelling has subsided, and she is still as beautiful as a flower."

There's nothing wrong with this....

Chu Sijiu's mind was still spinning, "When do you plan to continue getting married?"

Dongfang Hao thought for a while, seemingly embarrassed, "It's hard to say."

Chu Sijiu bared his teeth at him, "Virtue!"

Dongfang Hao gave a rare smile, "I'm afraid Yan Xinyi's epidemic will never get better."

Chu Sijiu stared, her voice was very soft, and she spoke very fast, "You don't lack conscience to do bad things, right?"

Dongfang Hao raised his eyebrows, and glanced at her in a good mood, "Is this king this kind of person?"

I am very disdainful.

At most, when Lin Yinjing couldn't find anyone, the senior brother quietly pointed out the direction.And when they were retreating, Mingsha brought his guards and helped them cover... That's all!

"Is it really the epidemic?" Chu Sijiu didn't quite believe it.

If things are different, there must be demons.

"Marquis Zhongyong went to the palace in person and told his father what he said. If he didn't deceive the emperor, he really got the epidemic." Dongfang Hao's words were very skillful.

He also admired the Yan family for reacting so quickly and giving such a perfect answer.

What I don't understand is that the Yan family can let Yan Xinlang marry the daughter of a merchant from the Northland Kingdom, but they are not willing to let Yan Xinyi marry the prince of Wu Kingdom?
Is there something tricky in this?

Frowning, he didn't want to think about it.

Anyway, his crisis is resolved, Ah Jiu will stay in Su Wang's mansion obediently, and after a few years, when the rumors pass, let her have a pair of children, and it will be complete.

Coming out of the Plum Blossom courtyard, he made a special trip to Lu Daoren's courtyard.

They discussed a few words quietly.

Lu Daoren looked rather embarrassed, but he also nodded his promise.

Dongfang Hao walked out satisfied.

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(End of this chapter)

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