Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 389 I want to go out and wander

Chapter 389 I want to go out and wander
This rain can't stop.

continuous underground.

It's been five days.

Yecheng is not bad, but Qilin County, which is relatively close to Yecheng, suffered a disaster.

The amount of water increased, and the two converging rivers suddenly changed their course, forming a vast ocean.

In the first two days, Prince Rui Dongfangming was sent by Dongfang Guiyi to the Southland Kingdom to be a witness of reconciliation.

There is no other way, Wu country has a lot of snacks, and it overwhelms Beidi country.Although there was no important military report from the Ministry of War, Dongfang Guiyi was still uneasy and had to get Situ Tianyu back quickly.

That guy was working as a watchman in the Southland Kingdom, if Dongfang Yan didn't come back, he wouldn't come back either.

It's useless to persuade anyone.

Dongfang Guiyi already recognized this son-in-law in his heart, and with a headache, he announced the old general Zhenwu into the palace to talk.

Move with love, know with reason.

The old general still didn't let go, but his attitude improved a lot.

Dongfang Guiyi was not in a hurry, now it was Situ Tianyu staring at his daughter like a hungry wolf.He didn't intend to beat the mandarin ducks, if the old general Zhenwu really had the ability to separate the two, he would admit it.

Now the heavy rain continues, according to past experience, Qilin County was hit first, and then a series of townships will be hit by disasters later.

Fortunately, it is May, and when the sun comes out, we can still sow a season of rice and wheat.

When Mei County was hit by a disaster last time, it was originally planned that Yi Wang Dongfang Yu would go to save his face and prestige, but he was robbed by Murong's family.The emperor waved his hand, then continue.

It's just that the scale is bigger this time, so we have to work hard.

However, Dongfang Yu was not happy, he thought that once Prince Rui left, he would be allowed to enter the palace to approve memorials, but in the end, the emperor kicked him from the center of power and went to the countryside to engage in political achievement projects.

His face is long, like Changbai Mountain.

Dongfang Guiyi is a human being, and he can tell at a glance that his sixth son is emotional, and he doesn't intend to comfort him.Now that he is still alive, he can deal with him gently, but what if he dies?

I've had a terrible headache lately.

He had an ominous premonition that some things should be arranged.


Gallery courtyard.

"I heard that Qilin County was hit by a disaster. There should be the granary of Murong's family there." Chu Sijiuchun gritted his teeth and joked with a smile.

"What do you want to do? The half of the people can still be called back." Shui Hanbing asked.

In the past few days, he has been thinking about the way to retreat, and feels that the bodyguard killer team has to be regrouped.

Chu Sijiu frowned, thinking seriously.

"Good horses don't eat second-time grass. Let's forget about opening a granary. As for the other half of the people? Wait, I always feel that Yecheng is not peaceful and easy to be targeted."

"Xin Nailiang is also idle when he is idle, let him take someone to find a villa on the outskirts of Yecheng to hide in case of emergencies." Shui Hanbing insisted.

Is this it?

Chu Sijiu actually didn't care, "Okay, just watch."

Shui Hanbing stood up without saying a word, and went straight regardless of the heavy rain outside.

Chu Sijiu was so puzzled, he always felt weird.

"Yun Duo, has anything special happened recently?" She asked thoughtfully.

"No, it's raining recently, what can happen." Yun Duo pursed her lips in puzzlement, and she also felt the strangeness of Shui Bingbing.

Has the previous calmness been eaten by dogs?
Because of the rain, the two sat under the eaves of the courtyard, and the rain floated up mist, giving them a hazy beauty.

Chu Sijiu didn't talk to Yun Duo about the backyard of the palace, so he kept his mouth shut.

With such a heavy rain, Dongfang Yun dragged her pregnant body, and came to Su Wangfu twice in five days, only to find Murong Qingxue.

When did these two become like this?

Let's start bad water together.

It's a pity that Shui Hanbing can't let Shui Hanbing go and listen to the corner, and he can't know himself and the enemy, which is also a headache.

Dongfang Hao stayed in the palace for another night.

Bringing a message, the rain was too heavy, the emperor asked the prince to have dinner in the palace, and then discussed state affairs, it was late, so he stayed in the palace.

Although it was impossible for this guy to sleep with the maids in the palace, Chu Sijiu just felt unhappy.

Dreaming that night.

Dreamed that Dongfang Hao and Murong Qingxue were flirting with each other, and she was so angry that she threw something at him, which woke Jiji up and kept her eyes open until dawn.

Of course she doesn't believe in the things in the dream, but it can spoil her mood.

The feeling of worrying about gains and losses is too f*cking to worry about.

"What are you thinking about?" Yun Duo asked strangely when she saw that she was holding her cheek and hadn't spoken for a long time.

"Things are impermanent, you should cherish the people who happen to be by your side." Chu Sijiu said something in the bosom friend style.

"That's a good point, you must tell Brother Han Bing." Yun Duo nodded vigorously.

Chu Sijiu laughed, if life were so simple, the world would be peaceful.


After another two days of rain, the sky finally cleared up.

Clear blue, white clouds.

After nesting for so many days, Chu Sijiu felt that his body was going to be moldy.

Standing in the inner courtyard of the gallery, looking at the palm-sized sky, she said sincerely, "Ah... I want to go out and roam..."

She had already taught Yun Duo the word wave.

It means going out to play crazy, not going home, not doing business, and so on.

Yun Duo was also excited, "I want to go out and surf..."

"It's been a long time since I went to the horse farm in Songgang Ridge, let's go on a horse ride." Chu Sijiu was in high spirits, and slapped his palm on the table, making a happy decision.

However a report is required.

There are quite a few spies from Su Wang's Mansion on Suzaku Street, so we can't let them lose their jobs and return to training.

"Chunhuan, go out and say hello, just say that I'm going to ride a horse at the horse farm in Songgangling."

"Yes, ma'am."

Chunhuan went out.

The team got busy in an instant, rushed to the palace, found the relevant person in charge, wrote a note and stuffed it into the memorial, waiting for approval.

Lord Su was pestered by Prince Xiao to chat.

The emperor had a severe headache and needed to rest his eyes and rest his mind.Dongfang Muyi often observes the expressions of those imperial physicians, all of them are furrowed so tightly, what does it mean?
He dared not ask.

But my heart is uneasy.

Since the day he was born, he has been covered by the emperor's elder brother.After so many years, he never thought that one day, this backbone would fall? !

Feeling empty in his heart, he could only grind Dongfang Hao's teeth to ease his uneasy mood.

"Nephew, the rain has stopped in Yecheng, but it hasn't stopped in Qilin County. God keeps crying and crying, what does that mean?"

After I finished speaking, I regretted it. Why are you crying? It's unlucky.

"What Uncle Huang means is that it's okay to keep raining like this?"

Dongfang Hao understood his mood and answered him patiently, "Qin Tianjian has already given the answer, and it will be clear in two days at most. Qilin County will be hit by a disaster every few years. There is a grain storage station on the highlands there, just for disaster prevention. The Six Emperor Brothers and the officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs have already set off. This time, the people who receive the grain are required to plant the rice, wheat and miscellaneous grains that are in season first. Only the county official's approval note can receive the food for the pension. Therefore, the disaster will subside soon and nothing will happen."

"The emperor's nephew handled it very well. No wonder the emperor's brother let you do things without worrying... Hey, what do you think those imperial doctors eat? Why can't the emperor's headaches be relieved?"

"The imperial doctor said to rest..."

While speaking, Dongfang Hao's eyes caught the note, and a smile appeared in his heart. Ah Jiu couldn't bear his temper and wanted to go out to play.

According to her words, it is to go out and wander.

While responding to Prince Xiao's nagging, he wrote on paper: Mingsha leads two groups of people and keeps up.

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(End of this chapter)

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