Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 409 In the end, it is still here

Chapter 409 In the end, it is still here

Let a top killer arrange to run away.

You have to have some imagination.

At least Chu Sijiu couldn't think of this situation.

In fact, Shui Hanbing had already started making arrangements, and Xin Nailiang cooperated.Both of them were killers, so you can understand it as soon as you say it.

It is very simple to say, it is a game of "killer and thief".

Trick those criminals who have committed the most heinous crimes and are wanted by the government to come to Yecheng.With a ratio of 1:2, a corresponding number of killers were recruited and came in to capture them.

One or two, inconspicuous.

Get the quantity of 30:60, it is considerable.

Enough to turn the city of industry into a mess.

Among them, Suzaku Street accounted for half.

As a result, Chu Sijiu was in a state of panic, always feeling that it was cold behind him, and a flying knife would come out.

"Hey, wouldn't it be too wicked to do this? What if..."

If the killer is not strong enough and the villains are allowed to run rampant in the world, wouldn't the common people suffer? !

Shui Hanbing knew what she was thinking, and her cold eyes were full of arrogance, "With Xin Nailiang watching, he will clean up."

Chu Sijiu rolled her eyes, feeling very unreliable.

"These people can't be caught by the government. This time, it's all about eliminating harm for the people." Shui Hanbing comforted her.

"Okay, fart... just wipe the tail clean." She waved her hand casually.

There are only the two of them in the inner courtyard of the gallery.

Yun Duo was sent to Jiu Niang Jewelry Shop.

She is also sinister and only tells half the story.Tell Yun Duo that she has set up a plan to catch Jiang Yang's robbers on Zhuque Street, and let her watch Xiaoshi carefully.

Because I have done chivalrous things before, I have some credit.

Yun Duo didn't suspect anything at all, her little face flushed, and she happily went to Jiuniang to sit and watch, waiting to watch the excitement.

"Young Master Han Bing, I can't bear it in my heart. It's really embarrassing to see Yun Duo in the future." She sighed.

"Then I won't see you." Shui Hanbing said simply.

Chu Sijiu was desperate, and turned her head to look at him, "You will never find another woman who loves you so much, sooner or later, you will regret it."

Shui Han's eyes were deep and cold, and he said flatly, "I know what I'm doing."

Twisted melons are not sweet.


Lying lazily on the table, he raised his hand and waved casually, "Alright, call me when you leave."

I was already upset in my heart, and now I don't even want to talk.

Dongfang Hao still didn't come back last night, so she just left... In the future, he will be at the top of the temple, and she will be far away in the rivers and lakes. I'm afraid I won't be able to see her again in this life.

Is it really only the meeting in front of the regeneration stone? !
A wry smile.

There is such a thing as dead souls, she knows.But how the soul moves, she has no idea.

Anyway, last time, she saw neither Po Meng nor the regeneration stone.

Forget it, think about it and worry about it.

On the street, there were already shouts and screams.

Let's start the game of "killer catches thief".

Straightening up, she asked solemnly, "When will you run?"

Shui Hanbing's expression was a bit playful, and the corners of his lips curved slightly narrowly, "There is one thing I forgot to tell you."

Chu Sijiu rolled her eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

"I found ten more thieves."


"Their target...is you."

Chu Sijiu let out an "ah", and his complexion turned bitter.

She had already realized that the guards Dongfang Hao arranged on Zhuque Street stood far and near, including Mingsha, had to find someone to stop them.

He glared at him frustratedly, "Why don't you tell me earlier, so that I can be prepared."

Shui Hanbing looked at her coldly, "What are you prepared for?"

Chu Sijiuyu said, martial arts is something that I really can't prepare for in a while.

"Psychological preparation." She slapped the table viciously, "If you make a sudden attack, it will easily cause my spiritual trauma. If I get some post-traumatic stress disorder, it will be disabled."

"If you really had what you said, you would have gotten it long ago." Without giving any face, he just went back.

Chu Sijiu was speechless again, before she could organize her words, she heard a "click" on the roof...

Subconsciously raised his head, wow, this is it? !

The shining knife, the burly figure, the eyes that stare like copper bells... are exactly the same as the image of the thief written in the book.


With a soft cry, Chu Sijiu let go of her girl and ran away.

Thinking about it in his mind: horsewhip—on the back; Tianshi gloves—in the sleeve; cloud claws—in "Snowball's" girdle.

Oh, I'm going to run to the back street.

She can't do anything else, she is very good at sprinting.


The street...is really messy.

I saw several groups of people fighting, killers, robbers, I couldn't tell the difference.

Pedestrians huddled in the corner of the courtyard wall of the shop, watching the bustle in fear, while the guards and spies stood on the eaves of the corner, staring at their target, extremely nervous.

Seeing Chu Sijiu screaming and running out of the gallery, several guards went up.

Shui Hanbing didn't see him for a while, and according to their thinking, he was entangled by the assassin inside.

Chu Sijiu didn't dare to run in Jiuniang's direction, fearing that she would catch Yun Duo, so she turned and ran in the opposite direction.

She was good at her feet and ran swiftly, and the thieves following behind were constantly stopped by the people of Su Wang's mansion... She ran to the back street dripping with sweat, and Shui Hanbing took the horse and waited there.

"Ten more." He warned.

Chu Sijiu was stunned for a moment, with a helpless expression on his face, "You have said everything at once."

"It's all over."

While speaking, he calmly put down one person and turned around, "According to your method last time, walk through the alley."


Chu Sijiu's interest rose, and she rolled onto her horse beautifully, "Let's go."

A short arrow actually shot from the corner.

She was so frightened that she leaned over suddenly, and the arrow "swish" past her ear.

Play for real.

Shui Hanbing's eyes were also cold, and after a few leaps alone, he pulled out a person from the corner, looked at him hesitantly, and knocked him out with a knife.

"Let's go." He also got on the horse.

The two horses rushed out, followed by dozens of people, also riding horses, chasing them up.


Entering the alley, it is Chu Sijiu's world.

She has a street map of Yecheng in her mind, which she has measured with her feet since she was four years old.

Plus her superb riding skills.

Turning left and right, turning forward and backward... The people chasing behind were dizzy by her abduction, and several of them got stuck in the dead end and couldn't get out.

There are also strong ones, so two, always chasing after.

Shui Hanbing let them chase.

This is more realistic.

Just like that, two riders and two riders ran to the north gate of Yecheng.

This place is not as lively as the South City Gate, there are not many cars and horses entering and leaving, and the order is orderly.

Shui Hanbing is a sensitive person, holding on to the horse rope, "Stop."

Chu Sijiu thought that he was going to play a joke with the two behind, so she also grabbed the horse rope violently.

Sure enough, the two behind were unable to catch up and rushed to the front.

She had already been prepared, when the horse was whipped, she would sweep away thousands of troops with one move... the people who were whipped fell off the horse.

Silver bell-like laughter rang out in succession.

At the gate of the city, someone heard laughter, raised his head slightly, his face was as silent as iron, and his eyes that turned all sentient beings were full of loneliness and loss.

"Ah Jiu, you're still here after all."

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(End of this chapter)

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