Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 531 Yes, Enjoy Your Life

Chapter 531 Yes, Enjoy Your Life

Concubine Mei lives in Yongshou Pavilion in Kangning Palace.

She checked the records, and this is the only pavilion in the three palaces of the concubine that no one has died.She also asked a knowledgeable eunuch to look at Fengshui, saying that it gathers Qi here and is good at recuperating.

Sure enough, after she moved in, she became fatter and fatter, getting rounder day by day.

Two years ago, the Eighth Prince Dongfang Jun took his concubine, Xuan Taipin, to the Eighth Prince's Mansion to support her for the rest of her life.

At that time, Yi Wang Dongfang Yu also wanted to take Princess Mei to Yi Wang's mansion.

But she refused.

At first she felt that the place was comfortable to live in.

Secondly, the old queen obviously won't live long, and when she dies, she will be the largest in the harem in name.

Although it has no real meaning, it still has weight to say a few words.Dongfang Hao snatched his son's throne, and it was fun for her to disrupt the situation in the harem.

Of course, she didn't plan to die in the palace either.

When he is too old to die, he will naturally go out of the palace to find his own son to die.

Dongfang Yu doesn't care about her, and he has been busy in the past two years.Originally, he stayed at the front line of Yancheng to supervise the battle, but Mei Yunteng's unexpected death dealt a great blow to him.

Really depressed for a few months.

Afterwards, because of Beirong's assists, Beidi was tight at both ends, and the offensive weakened.Dongfang Hao sent Dongfang Yu over to inspect, and by the way, issued an imperial edict for him.

Ask him to go to the Ministry of Households to inspect military supplies, food and grass, and provide logistical support for the war ahead.

At the beginning, he married Li Xia, the legitimate daughter of the second family of the Li family, and had an alliance relationship with the Li family.The household department is under the control of the Li family.

Li Yanqi, the eldest son of the Li family, lacked ability and held back.

Sending him over for reinforcements is justified in terms of emotion and reason.

Of course, politically conscious people can feel it.This move is a strategy that kills two birds with one stone, and actually separates him from the mighty general's mansion.

Situation is weaker than people.

In addition, Dongfang Yu really didn't want to stay on the front line. Swords were on the verge of breaking out, bloody and cruel... devouring his good cousin Mei Yunteng.

He left sadly.

Dedicated to his work, he travels all over the country of Dayu, urging food, grass, and military supplies, and his performance is very good.

Because of his support, the Ministry of Households controlled by the Li family was on par with the Ministry of Industry led by Han Mingxuan.

Dongfang Hao saw all these.

I have to admit that although Han Mingxuan is a perverted psychopath, his work ability is indeed outstanding, and he is a great talent if he stands alone.

Of course, Dongfang Hao didn't know that this psychopath still had the strength to go to Yuefo Temple on the outskirts of Yecheng ten days after ten days to tease his nominal woman.

Attempt to cuckold him.

To tell the truth, Dongfang Hao had forgotten Ji Fanghua.


Early in the morning, Wynn came in in a hurry, "Toffee, there is news from the old general."

Mei Xinyao was slightly surprised, her eyes raised, "What did you say?"

Wynn looked a little embarrassed, licked his lips, and murmured, "It's the same news that the emperor sent someone to bring over last night."

Mei Xinyao was depressed.

She had been honest for almost three years before she used her brains a little bit, and actually alarmed her old father who had lived in seclusion for many years.

"The old general asked you not to touch the people in Hongye Mountain Villa." Wynn lowered his head, looking very honest.


Mei Xinyao felt extremely unhappy, and threw a pearl hairpin in her hand to the ground viciously.

Huai En sighed softly in his heart, the concubine was discouraged and unwilling by the first emperor.After holding back for a few years, I want to do something to balance my mentality.

It's really uncomfortable for the unsuccessful.

However, the person who sent the news just now said something.He didn't know whether to speak properly or not.If you talk about it, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop the momentum, and you'll end up implicating him.

If you don't say it, in case the old general finds out, he didn't give everything?

Eh, it's difficult.

Bending down, slowly picked up the pearl hairpin.

"Concubine, please bear with me. When the old empress dowager dies, you will be the only one in the harem. With a little trickery, those unfavorable concubines will flatter you."

Mei Xinyao snorted coldly, "The Ai family is not the emperor's mother, he can let me do whatever I want?"

Wynn glanced at her and picked out what she liked to say.

"You can use some tricks. For example, the old lady, didn't you hold a draft a few years ago. The draft is once every four years, and you will host it next time. You can choose some people who are close to your eyes. Teach it well. Don't need to talk about the next time, even now, among the concubines who came to serve you, there are still a few who want to curry favor with you."

Mei Xinyao listened, and narrowed her eyes slowly, "When you say that, the Ai family really remembers. The old queen brought it in, and the sisters of the Wei family did wink at me."

Wynn licked his lips again, and said boldly, "You are so precious, concubine, why bother with the younger generation. They... will do it themselves. "

Mei Xinyao's eyes lit up, and she suddenly became interested.

"The two concubines, Shu and Xian, offended the emperor and were punished by the rod. It's pitiful. For the sake of harmony in the harem, Aijia should visit them and explain to them the truth of being a concubine."

"Toffee is wise."

Wynn chose a middle route.

Like Fu Hai, he is a traditional and classic cowardly eunuch who cherishes his life and is afraid of death.

The old general told the concubine not to touch the people in Hongye Villa, but he told her to look at the target, think about it, how did Yun Teng die?
The old general didn't speak easily, and if he did speak, it was an order.

Mei Xinyao also devoted herself to the family. After accepting her father's order, even if she risked her life, she would embrace the Chu family and die together.

But Huai En remembered that the mighty general's mansion was sorry for the concubine. In the battle for the crown prince, the old general gave up the concubine's son Dongfang Yu and supported Dongfang Hao instead.

Now Dongfang Hao is the emperor, with great power.

There is no need for the concubine to fight her own life with a pebble against a rock for the sake of the mighty general's mansion.

When you are old, you should enjoy your life.


The old eunuch who should also enjoy his life - Fuhai.

He was sent by Dongfang Hao to the Palace of Compassion and Ning to preside over the important affairs of the old empress.

He has poor waist and legs, but he has good ears and eyes, and knows how this job fell on his head.

Xiao Guizi vividly imitated several dialogues for him.

He knew clearly that the emperor had made up his mind to enclose the Yongning Palace as a paradise in the harem, so as not to come into contact with the bloody storm outside.

Just, is it so easy?
He had just entered the Palace of Compassion and Ning, and he saw a large group of Yingying and Yanyan, having a small meeting around them.

Seeing him coming in, a beautiful woman in a pale pink dress came over immediately. She had a melon-shaped face, big eyes, and a round figure with a graceful neckline. The ranks of first-class beauties.

Her name is Xiao Jiangzhu, and her father, Xiao Yan, is a general of the faction of General Zhenwu's Mansion, and is stationed in the mountain city together with Situ Tianyu.

The mother is a close relative of the Han family.

Due to her high status as a general during the war, coupled with her kinship with the Han family, after she was selected into the harem, she was named Concubine Li, second only to the fourth concubine.

The daughter who came out of the general's mansion is good at sword dancing and has a bright temper.

"Mr. Fu Hai, you came at a good time. The concubine De is stranded in the Southland Kingdom. A few days ago, the emperor punished the two concubine Shu and Xian, and the new concubine was exempted from sickness. We just don't know what to do. Woolen cloth."

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(End of this chapter)

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