Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 592 Prohibition, Visitation by Others

Chapter 592 Prohibition, Visitation by Others

Almost half of June has passed, and the January appointment with Yan Zimo is getting closer and closer.

Chu Sijiu is in poor condition.

Of course, in front of Dongfang Hao and the two little ones, she was more excited than before, as if she had been injected with chicken blood.When I'm alone, I feel depressed.

The specific manifestation is that she often hugs her knees and bites her fingers.

These anomalies fall into the eyes of Xiao Xue Shiquan, and they are all kinds of analysis.

I took out the messages in my mind one by one for comparison, and went back and forth a few times, but I still couldn't figure out why she was like this?
Shiquan is a master of brain power, but his status is low. He can't figure it out, so he can only bear it alive.Standing deeply, frowning.

"Shiquan." Chu Sijiu's voice came from the main hall.

Shiquan stood up from the dark corner. He was small and thin. If he huddled in the corner and didn't pay attention, he would be ignored.

He walked in slowly and bowed, "Is there something important for the imperial concubine?"

Chu Sijiu's big eyes blinked, his energy was listless, and he looked a little bored, "How's the harem? Analysis and analysis, I want to go out for a walk."

Shiquan was stunned for a moment, then looked at her dryly for a while, and then said calmly, "Is the empress going out to find trouble? Or to watch the fun?"

Chu Sijiu didn't expect this kind of mention, and the point of interest came up, "How about finding fault? How about watching the fun?"

Shiquan licked his lips unhurriedly, and said slowly.

"If you're looking for faults, with your empress's rank, you will naturally go to those two concubines. In comparison, Xianshu has a quick temper, doesn't pay attention to her words, and is easy to catch. Concubine Shu is deep, likes to make small moves behind her back, and she speaks and does things in person. In comparison, this servant suggests that you find fault with Concubine Xian."

Chu Sijiu frowned, like a purely academic discussion, "Everything depends on changes. Recently, these two are vying for the eldest prince. In my opinion, Concubine Shu is the most sincere, but the eldest prince awarded it to Concubine Gong. , with her highly developed White Lotus rank, she should be able to make up her mind."

She glanced at her in admiration, "Your Majesty guessed very accurately, Concubine Shu has been going to Changxin Palace to visit the First Prince these few days."

Chu Sijiu hehehe, "It's a pity."

Last night, Dongfang Hao told her that Concubine Gong's father, Dali Siqing Jianhuai, held a banquet in Chunhualou for the important figures of the Han and Li families.

At the same time, Sun Xingduan, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, Qian Shike, Youdu Yushi of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and Zhou Liwei, academician of the Imperial Academy, were invited to accompany him.

The meaning is very clear, since the Eldest Prince has belonged to his daughter, the Han and Li families are asked to show their noble hands, don't make things difficult.

Sure enough, it was my dear father, who worked hard at the critical moment.

Therefore, no matter how well Li Wan cast her winking eyes, there would be no results.

Of course, it depends on human effort, the perseverance of the white lotus is extraordinary.

She pursed her lips and glanced at the stunned elementary school student beside her, "If it's so lively, where are you going?"

Shiquan was still wondering why she said "it's a pity". Hearing her question, he turned his brain around and answered carefully.

"There are two places in the harem where you can watch the excitement. One is the Empress Dowager's Palace of Compassion. Concubine Mei and the eldest princess are... Well, it's what you mentioned before, secretly fighting. Concubine Wan and Concubine Xiu are the old empress dowagers. People from her natal family, logically speaking, should help the eldest princess, but they turned to Concubine Mei. The other concubines, especially No. 4 Jing concubine Mei Xiuqin, took refuge in the eldest princess, and the two sides had a fierce war of words."

Chu Sijiu raised her eyebrows and smiled.

This old lady is really strong.Hanging the decoction, he boiled the old man of Murong Mansion to death.

"How is the old lady's condition?"

"Some time ago, the genius doctor Lu came to recuperate, and said that it won't last long."

"It's been three months, and I'm still suffering."

This is completely out of control, shrugged, "I don't know."

There are many things in Chu Sijiu's mind.

Is this right? She thought, Chu Zimo is so confident that after a month, Dongfang Hao will agree to let her go to the Northland Kingdom.

So it should be a state-level exchange?

If the old lady dies, can it be postponed for a while?

On a hot day, she should let her play with the children.

Turning her mind to this side, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Is the water park in Yongning Palace finished?"

Affected by the King Cobra incident, the Yongning Palace project was delayed.

Mainly in terms of security.

Dongfang Hao called Jiang Suo Ling, wrote more than a dozen security regulations, and asked him to come up with a countermeasure.

Jiang Suoling fainted at the time, and there was a line in the middle: How to prevent poisoning?

Is this what he can prevent?

After thinking about it, I dug a dark ditch to connect with the waterway of the imperial garden to ensure that there is running water in it, which will greatly increase the difficulty of poisoning, unless you carry a sack of poison into it.

Then there is a new problem, how to prevent someone from throwing water snakes into it.

Therefore, the channel must be dug skillfully, whether it is open or not, and a fine water network must be added to combine blocking and defense.

The craftsmen of Dajiang Institute are brainstorming.After several knots in my mind, I finally came up with a plan.

Plus some other non-part requirements.

The amount of work suddenly more than doubled.

These situations are completely under control, so he said with certainty, "I won't be able to catch up this summer."

Chu Si fainted, "Why?"

Shiquan then introduced Dongfanghao's security regulations to her, focusing on the amount of preventive work for anti-poisoning. "Currently, the location of the culvert has been selected, and it will be excavated soon."

What can Chu Sijiu say?

In this palace where king cobras may appear, anti-poisoning is really necessary.

Well, don't count on this end.

After pondering for a moment, she continued to ask, "Just now you said that there are two exciting things to watch, besides the Palace of Compassion and Ning, the next one should be the Palace of Changxin."

Shiquan nodded, "That's right, the two concubines and the concubine Li, as long as they don't go to the Palace of Compassion and Peace, they will go to the Palace of Changxin to see the First Prince, and the concubines also go with them. It's very lively there."

Chu Sijiu frowned, "So many people have passed by, what about Concubine Gong and the First Prince?"

Shiquan smiled lightly, "Concubine Gong's status is low, and she can only laugh with her. The eldest prince still doesn't speak, and the enuresis has become more serious."

Chu Sijiu's face darkened, and he didn't speak.

Those scheming girls all want to benefit from the First Prince, so they don't consider the children's feelings.

After thinking about it, she lazily straightened her waist and raised her voice, "Liu Lu, come here."

After a while, a steady eunuch walked in, "What is your order?"

Chu Sijiu chuckled, and said slowly, "You go to Changxin Palace to pass the oral order. Just say that my mother had a dream last night, and dreamed that Concubine Gong assassinated me. She was so palpitating and bedridden. To avoid suspicion, Changxin Palace was closed. Concubine Gong is forbidden to leave the palace gate, and at the same time, no one else is allowed to visit."

Liu Lu was stunned for a moment, is this okay?
However, he didn't dare to neglect, "Yes, the imperial concubine."

Sure enough, he went out to preach the word of mouth.

In just half an hour, five concubines walked out of Changxin Palace.

Concubine Shu Li Wan has an elegant demeanor, and walks gracefully without caring;

Concubine Han Mingzhu had a constipated face, she wanted to curse but forcibly held back;

Concubine Li Xiao Jiangzhu frowned, obviously upset, but didn't say anything.

Concubine Hua Duan Yiyi, who had just left the house after recovering from her injury, put her head full of emerald jewels on her head, and spat in a nonchalant way, "What is it?"

Concubine Zhuang Han Xianqiong looked at her pitifully, then lowered her eyes again.

The gate of the palace closed slowly.

In the main hall, Jian Wenran hugged Yanjin excitedly, shouting happily, "That's great, that's great, that's great."

Yan Jin stood still, with confusion, thinking, and endless sadness in his dark eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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