Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 614 Awesome, Occupation

Chapter 614 Awesome, Occupation
"Heavenly Soldiers? Thor? What evidence?"

Chu Sijiu felt a little uneasy in her heart. Is the Thunder God they said the same thing as she was thinking?

Duan Qingyang sighed, "I don't know how to explain this. After eating, I'll take you to the mountain to have a look, and you will understand."

Chu Sijiu didn't want to say much, and responded lightly.

Shui Hanbing was serious, frowning tightly, "Where is the treasure of the ancestor of the Chu family?"

Duan Qingyang put on an embarrassing face, spread his hands out, pretending to be innocent, "This story has nothing to do with me, whoever told you, you can go find someone."

Chu Sijiu frowned and yelled at him suddenly, "You are a middleman, you didn't report what you knew, you lured me to this place, if you don't look for it, who will you look for?"

Duan Qingyang was depressed, and rubbed his nose, "Chu Zimo is your cousin, and the surname of Chu is the national surname of Beidi National University. It is considered human kindness for you to come here to find out the truth. This matter has too much to do with it. It’s hard to explain clearly.”

Chu Sijiu was annoyed, and there was an evil fire in his heart.

Lowering her voice, she said in a low voice, "It's true that I'm the daughter of the Chu family, but I'm also a Ming matchmaker who is marrying into Prince Su's mansion and has been a princess for three years. My children Chen'er and Yu'er are both surnamed Dongfang."

What are these guys up to?

Chu Sijiu had already thought of the seriousness of this matter.

If it is what she thinks, the two countries in the south and the north are colluding and want to join forces to destroy the Dayu country?
Seeing her reaction like this, Duan Qingyang felt a string in his mind stand up.

No wonder Chu Zimo spent such a large amount of money to get her here, she really understands.

His eyes became serious, and he raised his hand to make an oath, "No matter what the Northland Kingdom thinks, the Duan Royal Family of the Southland Kingdom is committed to the peace of the Central Continent, and will spare no effort to bring about a truce."

Chu Sijiu's eyes were extremely cold, completely unaffected by what he said.

"Dinner." She said calmly.

Duan Qingyang knew her temper, depending on the situation, even if she saw it and could solve this problem, she would not help them.

Shui Hanbing has always been based on Chu Sijiu's will, his eyes seemed to be filled with ice, and he swished at Duan Qingyang.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gu Biqi quickly picked up a piece of roe deer meat from the plate and put it on Chu Sijiu's plate, "Try it, it's a special product here, tender and delicious."

Chu Sijiu smiled lightly, picked up the roe deer meat and put it in his mouth, biting it a few times, "Well, it's really delicious."

The air was heavy and silent.


After eating, the group got on their horses again and went deep into the forest.

Duan Qingyang is a quick-witted person, during the time of silence, he has already thought up the script and lines.

Along the way, he always wanted to find a chance to have a private chat with Chu Sijiu, but it was a pity that he couldn't, Gu Biqi was also a shrewd and capable person, probably knew what he was thinking, and deliberately stopped him in front of him, chatting happily with Chu Sijiu .

Chatting with women is serious business, what can he do as a man?

I can only chat with Shui Hanbing.

Although the Ice God was not as transparent as Chu Sijiu thought, he decided that he was a wolf with ambition.

He raised his head coldly and ignored him.

Poor Duan Qingyang, the majestic Prince of the Southern Lands, has a hot face, but can't see a warm smiling face, I really don't want to play with this group of people.

The road into the mountain is very narrow.

The sun dapples down from the shadows of the trees, and there are lush green plants on both sides, dotted with small wild flowers, and dancing butterflies.

This mountain is very deep, stretches and spreads, and is very wide.

After walking for more than half an hour, I couldn't ride a horse anymore and needed to walk.Chu Sijiu is very tired these days, even if she was an outdoor expert in her previous life, she is frowning now.

Shui Hanbing kept paying attention to her expression, "Take a break?"


Chu Sijiu nodded, went to sit down on the nearby stone, and did not leave.

Duan Qingyang must have seized the opportunity, and immediately rushed over to sit next to her.Just as Gu Biqi wanted to go forward, she was stopped by a guard-like person behind, and she went to the side to whisper.

"Chu Sijiu, we have friendship. This matter is related to the security of the country, and it is impossible for the Southland Kingdom not to participate. I understand your position. If you understand the mystery, you will destroy it."

Duan Qingyang raised his eyebrows with a very serious expression.

Chu Sijiu pondered for a long time before saying, "If this matter is what I think, it is already beyond the scope of my ability."

Duan Qingyang was depressed, that's right, no matter how Chu Sijiu was, she was just a mortal, and the Heavenly Soldiers and Thunder Gods were really difficult for her.

"Tell me, what's the situation above?" The voice was calm.

Chu Sijiu was assassinated many times, and the scenes were grand, such as the most recent one, which made the scale of the two armies fighting.

The psychological endurance is extremely strong.

Seeing her calm, Duan Qingyang also calmed down.

"This mountain is inaccessible. The scenery at the bottom of the mountain and the top of the mountain are almost the same. They are all large mountain walls. I heard from the Orion here that there is a large flat land half an hour up from here, and there is a cave in the deep place. Most people dare not go there. , I am afraid that there are big guys like tigers and black bears. Since five or six years ago, there will often be thunder here. I don't know what kind of evil he got, it seemed like someone was calling him, so he went in. Then he saw an astonishing scene, and then he fainted. After waking up, he was actually in Hucheng, confused in his mind, saying yes Ask him to bring a letter to the prime minister, Chu Zimo, and hand it over to him, otherwise the god of thunder will chop him off. Be afraid, touch it, there is really a letter in his pocket, he waited three days in front of the prime minister's mansion, and finally waited When he arrived at Chu Zimo, he rushed over to deliver the letter. Afterwards, he described the situation in the mountain to Chu Zimo. Then, that’s it. For details, you have to go up to see it, anyway, it’s very shocking.”

Chu Sijiu pursed her lips, and sat expressionlessly, her mind turning and turning.

She naturally doesn't believe that there is even a god of soldiers and thunder gods. Based on the fact that she was reincarnated with the memory of her previous life, she tends to believe that there are people in the same situation as her in this world.

Moreover, just like the time-traveling gods in the small web articles in the previous life, this person had an awesome career in the previous life.

A powerful career that can make explosives.

Came here pretending to be Thor.

His brows were furrowed.

In the era of cold weapons, explosives, a magical thing, are no less than the atomic bombs of the previous life.In a country-to-country war, you can quickly gain an advantage.

It can be said that whoever has the formula of explosives will have the magical power to rule the earth.

Decisiveness is even better than Genghis Khan.

No wonder the always calm Nandi Kingdom couldn't hold back and sent Duan Qingyang out to coax her.

How to fix it?
Frowning, he sat in a daze.

Shui Hanbing had been listening on the sidelines, and now she stepped forward, "I'm so scared, go up and have a look."

Chu Sijiu raised her head, and there was some pity in her eyes, God, it's finally your turn to be ignorant and fearless.

"Can I not go up?"

Burying her head into her knees, she didn't want to face this bleak life.

Shui Hanbing was taken aback, it was the first time he saw such a negative Chu Sijiu.

He lowered his head and asked in a low voice, "You don't want to go?"

"I don't want to." Chu Sijiu was very resolute, this was not something she could solve.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Gu Biqi ran up quickly, lowered her head and whispered a few words in Chu Sijiu's ear.

Chu Sijiu was stunned, and a flash of fear quickly flashed in his eyes.

She stood up abruptly and said loudly, "Come on, let's go up quickly."

 This chapter is: June recommendation vote owes 6.


(End of this chapter)

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