Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 643 Your Majesty, Where Do You Sleep At Night?

Chapter 643 Your Majesty, Where Do You Sleep At Night?

After all, Xiao Jian is Dongfang Hao's confidant, so he must make a careful guess.

On the fourth day, Xiao Guizi came in a carriage and delivered the emperor's oral order to let the imperial concubine return to the palace.

He was clever, so he first went to Xiao Jian and Wang Xing to find out the situation.

"The weather is calm, nothing special." Xiao Jian said truthfully.

Yunhong made fun of him and allowed him to enter the craftsman's workshop in Hongye Mountain Villa to see the latest weapons.

Xiao Guizi wanted to hear the main point, so she opened her eyes wide, "Do you know why the imperial concubine refuses to go back to the palace?"

Wang Xing laughed unkindly, "Eunuch Gui, you are serving the emperor, and you are also familiar with the imperial concubine. The emperor silently appointed Concubine Xue. Do you think the imperial concubine can be kind to the emperor?"

Xiao Guizi said "Ouch", "Master also said the same thing."

"What does the emperor mean about Concubine Xue's matter?" Wang Xing was very curious.

"This matter, no one really knows the reason. The master was sent by the emperor to announce the decree. He even gritted his teeth and argued with the emperor for a while. It is useless." Xiao Guizi shook his head.

"Is it still not possible to mention the imperial concubine?" Xiao Jian was also curious.

"Official matters can be mentioned. A few days ago, the emperor announced the people in the Ministry of Rites and hinted a few words, and the Ministry of Rites immediately issued an official document. The news here came back, and the emperor was gloomy and unhappy. But he didn't turn his face or anything, and then So they sent me here." Xiao Guizi answered hesitantly.

"What is the emperor thinking about the imperial concubine now?" Wang Xinggui asked.

They were all gossip-savvy, and their eyes sparkled a little.

Xiao Guizi looked around and said in a low voice, "The emperor's thoughts on the imperial concubine are very contradictory. He seems to hate it, but he also seems to like it. Sitting there, he often loses his mind, thinking about it, frowning, like a headache."

Xiao Jian frowned. Did he damage his brain and have sequelae?

"What about Concubine Xue?" Wang Xing continued to ask.

"Concubine Xue is very flattering to the emperor, and she will send some soup to the meeting hall every other day, and the emperor will eat it to save face." Xiao Guizi said simply.

This information is not enough.

Wang Xing also looked around and lowered his voice, "Where does the emperor sleep at night?"

Xiao Guizi knew that they would inquire about this, they were all the emperor's confidants, and he did not hide it, "The emperor has never been to Concubine Xue's Ruhui Palace, and Concubine Xue asked for it several times, but the emperor refused."

"Is the emperor there?" Xiao Jian couldn't hold back, and asked.

"No, apart from going to the outer hall for the morning court, the emperor usually stays in the meeting hall, and then returns to Kunhe Palace. Once in the middle of the night, he wandered around in the harem, and ended up going to Yongning Palace. I reckon, the emperor's mind is still lost. In the imperial concubine's place, I just don't know what happened in the middle?" Xiao Guizi scratched her head, puzzled.


After the gossip is over, we still have to do serious business.

Going through the process according to the rules, Chu Sijiu also gave face.

In the hall, idlers avoided, and she was the only one present.

With a calm face, he calmly listened to Xiao Guizi's oral instructions.

After listening, she neither said to go back to the palace, nor said she would not go back to the palace, Gu Zi frowned and thought about something.

Xiaoguizi was sweating, but she also stood upright with her waist straight.

Suddenly, Chu Sijiu raised his eyes, and asked seemingly unintentionally, "Eunuch Xiaogui is the emperor's confidant eunuch, and he has come here, why don't you just make it more official by letting you carry an imperial edict? "

Xiao Guizi was startled, the sweat on his forehead became thicker, and he said, "How dare I guess what the emperor is thinking."

Chu Sijiu nodded, she never made things difficult for the people below, and simply asked, "How many women did the Emperor sleep with during the days I was away?"

Xiao Guizi was startled, "Your imperial concubine, you really dare to ask."

However, the master has explained that no matter what the empress asks, she must answer honestly.

"The servant has been following the emperor. He has never been to other palaces, nor has he let his concubines come to the bedroom. During your absence, the emperor has not slept with other women."

Chu Sijiu's face remained unchanged, and she let out a soft "oh".

After a moment, she said calmly again, "Eunuch Xiaogui, go down and have a rest. I will let you know before we leave."

"Uh, oh. Thank you, ma'am." Xiao Guizi didn't know what the answer meant, but she didn't dare to ask any more questions, and stared blankly at her slowly leaving.

He rolled up his sleeves and wiped his sweat heavily.

I used to think that the imperial concubine was smiling and easy to get along with.

It turns out that her aura is so strong, the master really didn't miss it, those concubines in the harem really have nothing to look at in front of the empress.

Including that Concubine Xue, she wore long skirts all day long, dressing herself in a graceful and majestic direction.

Not far.


After returning, he met Xiao Jian and Wang Xing again and explained the situation.

Wang Xing shook his head, "Not optimistic, that's how the imperial concubine dismissed me."

Xiao Guizi was dumbfounded, "Then what should I do?"

Xiao Jian patted him on the shoulder to comfort him, "Not necessarily, the question about whether you slept or not that the imperial concubine asked you is very important."

Wang Xing was too familiar with this plot, and nodded with his lips pursed, "Yes, since the imperial concubine asked, it means that she will give the emperor a chance. Fortunately, she didn't sleep, otherwise...the imperial concubine might not go back."

The two of them gave Xiao Guizi some confidence, and she also shook her burden.

"The master said that the imperial concubine also has intentions for the emperor, but she is not like other women, and regards the emperor as the sky. As for our emperor, we look strong, but in fact we have nothing to do with the imperial concubine, and we are determined by her. For example, this Come on, the emperor asked our family to come over to pass on the oral order, even the noble concubine asked, why not simply issue an imperial decree? Our family reckoned that the emperor was afraid that the noble concubine would resist the decree, and if he froze, it would be difficult to go down and leave a way out."

Xiao Jian nodded thoughtfully, "Depending on the situation, if the imperial concubine does not return to the palace, the emperor will come to pick her up in person."

"It's possible." Wang Xing seconded.


Industry city, imperial palace, meeting hall.

Dongfang Hao frowned, silently flipping through the memorial.

Xiao Guizi was not there, so Shiquan came here temporarily to guard the gate of the palace.

Different from Xiao Guizi who is exquisite in all directions, Shiquan has the air of a great god, he speaks and does things with a strict eye, and he doesn't even bother to raise eyebrows when he doesn't like people.

For example, Qian Ximei.

Every other day, the activity of delivering soup at Chenshi started again.

The dress is exquisite and thoughtful, the skirt is swaying, and the waist is straight, looking magnificent.

"Little eunuch, go inside and inform the emperor that my concubine is here." Qian Ximei sent it off many times, and her words were taken for granted.

Shiquan saluted dryly, "Why are you here?"

Qian Ximei was startled, and turned her head to look at him carefully, "Little eunuch, you were also the day before yesterday, why did you ask?"

Shiquan calmed down and said unhurriedly, "The day before yesterday had the events of the day before yesterday, and today has the events of today. It would be better for Concubine Xue to explain clearly."

Qian Xi's eyebrows darkened, and she held back her anger, "This concubine is here to deliver some soup to the emperor, please pass it on to my little eunuch."

Shiquan nodded seriously, "Concubine Xue is waiting."

Push the door open and go in, then turn around and close it carefully, leaving no gaps.

Slowly saluted, "Your Majesty, Concubine Xue has brought you some soup."

Dongfang Hao frowned slightly, just about to say something.

Shiquan didn't move his brows and eyes, and followed up slowly, "The imperial concubine's delay in returning, my servant thinks it has something to do with the emperor's eating these soups."

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(End of this chapter)

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