Abandoned Concubine

Chapter 761 Sons and Daughters Chapter Walking the Rivers and Lakes

Chapter 761 Sons and Daughters ([-]) Walking the Rivers and Lakes
Coming out of Kunhe Palace, Yu'er went to find Chen'er first.

As twins, Chen'er, as the prince, suffered a hundred times more than Yu'er. Dongfang Hao found four tutors for him, and surrounded him.

His daily routine is basically as follows:

When the cock crows, go to the Qinye Palace in the outer palace to practice martial arts. The master is naturally our handsome and unrestrained Mr. Bingbing.

This hour and a half Chen'er is very happy, because he can see his obedient princess Shui Yiyun.Chen'er really loved her 1 times, and would take this opportunity to give her any good things.

Yu'er and Ruoyun are only envious and jealous.

Afterwards, Chen'er will have to deal with those four tutors, which is equivalent to the eight-hour study system from eight o'clock in the morning to four o'clock in the evening in the previous life.

From the etiquette of piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and calligraphy to the way of being a king and seeking the legal system, I have learned everything thoroughly.

To this Chu Sijiu is also very helpless, always wanting to interfere.

However, Dongfang Hao refused, and said aggressively, "Chen'er is going to be the emperor, if you don't work hard now, you will be coaxed by the subordinates in the future. Don't you want him to be a wise king?"

Chu Si said nine words, this is exactly the rhythm of a general who is about to come down from the sky.

"That can't be so ruthless, what should I do if I'm a fool?"

Dongfang Hao looked at her coldly, "Does Ah Jiu think I'm stupid?"

The meaning is very clear, that's how he learned it when he was a child.

Chu Sijiu was speechless, thinking about those high-tech students in the previous life, which one didn't work so hard.She could only take a step back, "One day off every seven days."

Dongfang Hao thought for a while, "Let's take one day off every ten days according to the official's rest period."

Strict father.

Chu Sijiu was helpless, at least she had fought for it.Nodding sadly, "Okay."

Dongfang Hao became curious again, "Learning and kung fu are learned in this way. Could it be that Ah Jiu's last life could be reaped without effort?"

Chu Sijiu nodded vaguely, "In the last life, we had a hole in our brains. When we plugged it in, knowledge flowed in."

Dongfang Hao looked at her suspiciously, "Ah Jiu is teasing me?"

Chu Sijiu raised an eyebrow and said nonchalantly.

"Of course it's to tease you. Only by suffering the hardships can you become a master. I just think that Chen'er is already a master. Why do you want to suffer all the hardships? It's better to be a rich prince and relax."

Dongfang Hao grabbed her, "I want to pass on the throne to Chen'er when he reaches the age of 20, and I will take you to live a leisurely life, how about it?"

Chu Sijiu's eyes lit up instantly, but she had a hidden heart, "It's not good for us to treat Chen'er like this."

Dongfang Hao kissed her hair lightly, and said leisurely, "We are giving Chen'er a chance to be filial."

This reason is well found.

Chu Sijiu cheered happily, "Huang Chang is right, 20 years old can indeed be the leader."

So, Chen'er, you have to study hard and make progress every day, and you must not be fooled by those ministers in the future, especially the perverted and insane Prime Minister Han Mingxuan.

Classmate Chen'er, just like that, was "framed" by these unscrupulous parents.

He is the hardest in the whole family, like a spinning top.

He is a man of faith, he always remembers what Chu Sijiu said, he must do his best, and leave those crooked melons who covet Yiyun far behind, so as to ensure that Yiyun's two eyes are always looking at him .

So he suffers and is happy.


Yu'er came just in time for his pitiful quarter of an hour break.

The little eunuch waited with cakes and tea cups.

Yu'er walked in, waved her hand without saying a word, "You guys go down first."

"Yes." The little eunuch looked at him, bowed his body and stepped back.

Chen'er has a strict temperament, looks and personality are similar to Dongfang Hao, but she has followed Chu Sijiu since she was a child, and knows how to explain herself when encountering things, and her temper is not awkward.

"What? Something on your mind?" It was rare to see a girl frowning, Chen'er acted like a brother, intending to enlighten her, "I don't have much rest time, so I'll make a long story short."

Yu'er did bad things with him when she was young, and would tell him what was on her mind.

The ghost leaned his head closer, "Brother Huang, I want to go out and walk in the rivers and lakes."

Chen'er was startled, and stared at her, "Let's play too big."

Yu'er pursed her lips, "Father Huang Shang said that I am 15 years old and I can marry you, but I haven't gone out and traveled the rivers and lakes. If I marry someone in the future, I will have no chance."

Chen'er raised her eyebrows, "Who says there is no chance if you marry someone, you just pick someone who is willing to accompany you crazy, it's fine if you don't."

Yu'er wrinkled her nose, "This kind of person is hard to come by."

Chen'er volunteered, "I'll help you choose."

"You?" Yu'er snorted, very disdainful, "You don't have time to talk to me, and you still have the time to help me choose someone? It's not as reliable as your mother."

"Then discuss it with your empress, you two have the same temperament, you must be satisfied with the person she picks." Chen'er felt that it would be better for Chu Sijiu to handle this troublesome matter.

Yu'er didn't object at all, and thought about it for a while.

"Okay, I see, let's go."

She stood up briskly, then turned her head to look at Chen'er, "Don't speak out."

Chen'er frowned, feeling a little uneasy in his heart, unable to answer, "You discuss it with your empress, I won't talk about it."

Yu'er tilted her head and thought for a while, "Of course I can tell my mother, but I need to think about how to say it? Anyway, don't worry about it."

Chen'er knows her virtues, and she will never discuss with her parents before she thinks things through.

"Then you talk to Ruoyun."

You can have this, Yu'er cheerfully waved her hand at him, "Okay. I'm leaving."


Immediately, Yu'er left the palace.

Ever since Chu Sijiu became a queen, it was a common occurrence to go out of the palace, especially in the cold and icy mansion in the past.

Eight years ago, Dongfang Hao thought it was inconvenient for their children to come and go because they lived far away, so he allocated a piece of land outside the palace and built a large house for them.

He also gave Shui Hanbing the title of Marquis of the Protectorate.

Firstly, to create conditions for Yiyun to marry into the royal family; secondly, Shui Hanbing is the prince's master, so anything is fine.

This approach decisively won Chu Sijiu's favor, since her natal family should live close.

Shui Hanbing didn't want it, it cost her boss a lot of talking.

For the sake of the younger generation, Shui Hanbing reluctantly accepted, but didn't say thank you or anything.It doesn't matter to Dongfang Hao, the number one master in the Yangzhou continent, it's normal to have a high level.

Under Master Hanbing's careful training, Chen'er's kung fu should be at the top of the younger generation, comparable to Shui Hanbing's kung fu when he debuted.

Ruoyun has inherited Shui Hanbing's talent in martial arts, plus she has a stubborn personality, is indomitable, and is good at kung fu.At such a young age, he can already draw with Yun Duo, and even win once in a while.

Yu'er, hehe, she is lazy.Although he also followed the practice, the effect was greatly reduced, and his kung fu barely reached [-]% of Ruoyun's.

Poor skills, but good brains, and a vision that allows me to soar.

Even if Chen'er doesn't say anything, she is going to fool Ruoyun.

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(End of this chapter)

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