After clearing Xiaomeng

Chapter 75 Kill Without Amnesty

Chapter 75 Kill Without Amnesty
"I'm going to meet Gelfin." Yinzhen planned to ask clearly.

"I'll go too." Teng Wangchuan wanted to kill Gelfin.

Yinzhen reached out to stop him: "After I ask you clearly, it's not too late for you to kill him. I want to know who came up with this idea."

"Do you suspect it's His Royal Highness?" Su Wanchun asked.

"Second brother is impossible."

"I'll go with you too." Su Wanchun was worried that Yinzhen would be alone.

"Let's go."

Yinzhen brought Su Wanchun and Su Peisheng to the foot of the mountain, and met Gelfin who was about to leave: "I have something to ask you."

"Fourth brother, why are you here?" Gelfin was quite surprised.

"Didn't you hear what Grandpa just said?"

"Yes." Based on his previous understanding of Yinzhen, Gelfin knew that as long as Yinzhen was angry, the consequences would be very serious.

Sitting in the tent, Yinzhen asked Gelfin, "Why did you destroy the Thousand Poison Sect?"

"Because the Thousand Poison Sect has harmed the village, everyone gets it and punishes it."

"Master, please listen to the truth. If you don't tell me, I will definitely not let you leave here alive." Not to mention that Teng Wangchuan wanted to kill him, Yinzhen wished he could chop Gelfin up on the spot.

Gelfin shivered in fright, knelt on the ground and said in fear: "Fourth elder brother, you heard what the slave said, the thing is like this, the slave learned that the Thousand Poison Sect has a recipe for immortality, so he told the slave's Ama Ah Ma came up with a plan to use the treasure map, but the last time it failed because of Da Gege."

"Go on."

"Ama was very angry, so she asked the servant to come back secretly with elite soldiers, using the excuse of destroying the Thousand Poison Sect, but actually looking for a folk remedy for immortality. Fourth elder brother, the slave Ama is loyal to the emperor, he is looking for the elixir of life , also for the emperor!"

Yinzhen nodded: "Why do you even kill five or six-year-old children?"

"They resisted. No matter how the slaves asked, they just didn't give out the prescription, so the slaves really had no choice but to search the Thousand Poison Sect and couldn't find it. In the end, they had to kill them to silence them." Gelfin thought killing Hundreds of people are nothing.

"Where's your general?" Yinzhen asked.

"Waiting outside."

Yinzhen brought Su Wanchun outside, looked at the fearless generals, and said to them: "You have killed innocent people indiscriminately, and I will personally report this matter to Huang Ama, the leader of the Thousand Poison Sect once saved my father Life is a great kindness to the Lord, now that you have wiped out his entire clan, you must give him an explanation."

Gelfin was scared out of his wits, and he brought all the soldiers to kneel on the ground: "Fourth elder brother, the slaves are all for the emperor, don't you want the emperor to live forever?"

"If Huang Ama is really immortal, what kind of prince will the prince's second brother be?"

Yes, Gelfin choked on Yinzhen's words.

"The Thousand Poison Sect doesn't have any elixir at all. You killed so many people because of those rumors. What about your conscience? Huang Ama is now emphasizing benevolent government. He is working hard, but you are holding him back. What do the people all over the world think of him?" Yinzhen asked.

Cold sweat dripped from Gelfin's forehead, and he couldn't refute a single word Yinzhen said.

"You are really stunned, immortal? Stupid!" Yin Zhen felt that it was almost done, and said to the leader of the hidden guard: "You go and invite the leader down the mountain, except for those soldiers, these five or six soldiers are at his disposal. "

Hearing this, the leader of the dark guards disapproved and said, "You will offend Lord Suo'etu by doing this, even the prince..."

"Kill innocent people indiscriminately, without pardon!" Yinzhen said that he would never let Gelfin and the others go.

"The subordinate understands." The leader of the dark guard did not expect Yinzhen to be so stern and selfless, and his heart was greatly touched. At the same time, he was also thinking, when he returned to the capital, he should stay by Yinzhen's side and serve him!
Su Wanchun looked at Gelfin resentfully, it is not a pity for such a person to die!
Thinking of those dead men, women and children, Su Wanchun felt a sense of fear. In this ancient times, it was really easy to kill anyone casually.

At the same time, Su Wanchun also understands that she is really naive. In this world, if she is rich, she can really travel all over the world!

The dark guard returned to the Thousand Poison Sect and saw Teng Wangchuan: "Master, Fourth Elder Brother invites you to come down the mountain, and you will deal with the leader yourself."

"I see." Teng Wangchuan looked at the new tomb in front of him, and said to Xiao Tao: "Get ready, I will use those people to pay homage to the dead souls!"


Teng Wangchuan sighed sadly, and flew down the mountain.

Song Yang stood in front of the cemetery and asked Lu Shaoan: "Young master, the teacher really killed Gelfin, and the fourth prince will be very troublesome, right?"

"If Yinzhen doesn't even have the right to deal with these things, then what face does he have to be the leader's friend?" Lu Shaoan understands Yinzhen's character, even if others don't talk about this matter, he can't let it go!

Song Yang didn't say anything, looking at the grave in front of him, he felt really uncomfortable.

Hearing that Yinzhen really wanted to kill himself, Gelfin pleaded bitterly: "Fourth elder brother, this servant belongs to His Royal Highness, you grew up with His Highness, you can't kill this servant!"

"If the prince is here, he will do the same." Not to mention Yinfeng, even if Kangxi came, Yinzhen would not let Gelfin and the others go.

Su Wanchun looked at Yinzhen and thought to herself: No wonder he was able to become the emperor in the end, besides being able to endure, there is also righteousness in his bones!
Su Peisheng quietly stood aside, he only hoped that this matter could appease everyone in the Thousand Poison Sect.

The Thousand Poison Sect spreads widely in the 23rd mountain range. The mountain where Teng Wangchuan lives is a bishop. There are more than 300 people, and there are more than 700 people scattered in other mountains. Fortunately, they were not implicated.

Teng Wangchuan landed in front of Yinzhen, looked at Gelfin who was terrified, and grabbed him by the neck: "You killed my disciples, and today you will use your head to pay homage to everyone who died! "

"Let me go..." Gelfin didn't want to die.

"They also begged for your mercy, did you let them go?" After speaking, Teng Wangchuan twisted hard and easily broke Gelfin's neck.

The other generals returned to Shen'er and began to flee to other places.

Teng Wangchuan drew out his knife, one by one, and killed all the remaining soldiers. As for those soldiers, Teng Wangchuan did not do anything.

The soldiers also obeyed orders, and seeing that the leaders were all dead, they all knelt on the ground, waiting for Yinzhen's punishment.

Yinzhen looked at the corpses on the ground, and said to the leader of the hidden guards: "Take them back to Beijing, and explain everything clearly to Huang Ama."

"Hey." Even if Yinzhen didn't say anything, the leader of the secret guard had to report to Kangxi.

Teng Wangchuan took Gelfin and the others up the mountain, poured a glass of wine in front of the graves one by one, then sat on the ground in a vicissitudes of life, bowed his head and did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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