Chapter 279 I'm Suffering

The corner of Xia Mingyan's mouth twitched, he really thought about it, but she had no way to fight against him now, she put her hand on his arm: "Shang Jinyang, I'm really not feeling well, I haven't been feeling well these days, if you want find me a doctor!"

Unexpectedly, Xia Mingyan would take the initiative to ask him to see a doctor.

Shang Jinyang was a little surprised, why is he so obedient?

Doesn't she hate doctors the most?

Now I am not afraid of the doctor anymore, it seems really uncomfortable.

"Honey, I'll call Dr. Ike right now, hold on for a while."

Xia Mingyan nodded in pain, her face became paler and paler, her body seemed to be hollowed out, and she sat on the bed panting uncomfortably.

Waving his hand: "Go quickly, I'm suffering."

Shang Jinyang felt that he was taken seriously, and he broke away from the haze just now, and pressed the inside line: "Let Dr. Ike come in immediately!"

"Where are you uncomfortable?"

Xia Mingyan nestled in his arms, pointed at her stomach: "I don't know, my stomach feels uncomfortable, I always feel like vomiting, nausea..."

"You have a bad stomach, don't you know? You haven't eaten on time these days, so you can't bear it. When Ike comes, you have to be good, and you have to cooperate with injections and medicines, and you can't lose your temper, you know?!"

Shang Jinyang gently touched the top of her head, Xia Mingyan felt his worry, and nodded: "I see."

After Dr. Ike came in, he saw Shang Jinyang gently holding Xia Mingyan in his arms. For Shang Jinyang, who has always been tyrannical and domineering according to the outside rumors, such a scene is really rare in a century. ah.

Doctor Ike didn't dare to say too much, seeing Xia Mingyan was so uncomfortable: "Sir, I'm here."

"Show her, what's going on? Is it gastritis?"

"Miss, what's wrong with you? Can you tell me about the situation?"

Xia Mingyan raised her head lazily, and glanced at him. Her clean and clear eyes were like pools of bright moon and clear pool. Ike was taken aback. She is such a beautiful woman, no wonder Shang Jinyang loves and loves her so much.

"What are you looking at!" Sensing Ike's dazed look, Shang Jinyang hugged the little thing in his arms fiercely, pulled the thin quilt to cover her body, and stared at Ike with deep black eyes , as if saying.

If it weren't for you being useful right now, I would have dug out your eyeballs with just those two eyes you just looked at like this.

Ike took a step back in horror, lowered his head, trembling with fear.

"Doctor, I just feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable, nauseous, and want to vomit... I feel tired all over... My mouth is also bitter and tasteless..."

Dr. Ike is an authoritative doctor. Hearing Xia Mingyan's description like this, he didn't need to show her, and he could cure her with intuition. This is not sick, it must be pregnant! !
But he didn't dare to say it so rashly, seeing Shang Jinyang like a hen protecting its cubs, how could he dare to say it without understanding it.

If not, the inspection was wrong, which surprised Boss Shang, and he would not be able to eat his pockets when the time came.

Dr. Ike wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Why don't I check it for you."

Xia Mingyan was really uncomfortable, so she agreed to have the doctor check it out to see what went wrong.

Since there were no instruments at home, Ike suggested going to him.

This way you can check everything.

(End of this chapter)

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