Fu Shao, your wife is a little arrogant

Chapter 459 Another style of painting

Chapter 459 Another style of painting

"Ah, is there?" Shi Xian replied disapprovingly. After tidying up her clothes, she made way for him to come in, and then quickly closed the door.

After Fu Sishen entered the door, his eyes sank and he turned his head to stare fixedly at the woman behind him who had just closed the door, looked at her straight legs, and then asked back with a frown: "No? Then why didn't I see you in Ningxia?" Soon wearing such a short skirt?"

It was only then that Shi Xian realized what he was concerned about, and she then said, "I haven't come back here for many days, and some of the clothes are on your side. These are clean clothes. I don't know if you What is sour?"

Really, apart from the clothes she buys for work, she doesn't wear many of her own clothes in private, and she only has two or three sets of home clothes a year.

Ning Yuan has a lot of clothes, but the zeros on the listings are too scary, she dare not wear them, so she put two sets over there.

There are no clothes here.

Fu Sishen suddenly grabbed Shi Xian's wrist, and then pushed him against the locker next to him, asking in a magnetic voice, "I'll buy what she wears instead of hers. Do you dislike me, huh?"

Fu Sishen really thought so. When Shi Xian stayed with him, he wore conservative home clothes.

She is obviously already familiar with him to the point where she can't be more familiar with him, but she is still guarding against him.

What he couldn't figure out was, how could he have a different style of painting when he was with Jian Qing?
She was taken advantage of, wasn't he the one who suffered?

The voice in Fu Sishen's heart was actually like this, how could a woman be so biased!
The man's slightly rising ending made Shi Xian feel a chill down her spine. She raised her hand and grabbed his woolen coat, then smiled brightly and gracefully: "Honey, it's wrong for you to say that, I'm in Ning Yuan. I have lived here for so many days, and it is too hurtful for you to say that you dislike him now."

After finishing speaking, she hugged his lean waist, and then forcibly led him into the living room, trying to escape the disaster.

"You think you'll be fine just by smiling? I'll keep this in mind. When I get back, I'll see how I behave." Fu Sishen finished speaking and scratched Shi Xian's nose.

But after shaving, I felt that it was not enough, so I bowed my head and asked for it-sweet mouth.

"I haven't washed my face yet, don't..."

Shi Xian's heart was beating fast, she pushed him away and ran back to the house.

The reason why she was nervous was because, firstly, she was afraid that Jane would run into her when she woke up, and secondly, she hadn't washed yet...

Fu Sishen looked at her fleeing figure, and smiled silently, he was still so shy.

After washing and changing, Fu Sishen watched Shi Xian eat her breakfast before taking her out.

In the car.

The man glanced at her sideways, and said, "It's the end of the year soon, so it doesn't matter if you take annual leave early."

Just say it, and he'll let someone handle it.

"When you become my boss someday, I will listen to you." Shi Xian turned her head to meet his gaze, and then smiled with her shallow lips.

She can't stay like this all the time, it's easier to think about those unhappy things when she stays there, and she might be able to clear her mind after being busy with work.

"Did you listen to what your boss said?" Fu Sishen asked thoughtfully again. To be honest, after going through such a thing, he really hoped that she would adjust her state properly.

When others see her smile, they may really feel that she is relieved that these things are over.

But what Fu Sishen saw was her forced smile without a trace, her injuries seemed to have healed up in front of people, and she seemed to have let go of all kinds of things.

But after she got married, she would often nest in a corner in a daze for a long time, and she didn't even know when the water was cold after soaking in the bath.

 I'm not in good condition recently, I can't buy masks,
  Anxiety and headache~ Babies must stay at home~
  Don't go out and wash your hands frequently, you know?
(End of this chapter)

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