Fu Shao, your wife is a little arrogant

Chapter 609 Will You Marry Me?

Chapter 609 Will You Marry Me?

Fu Sishen turned to face Shi Xian, looked at the woman in front of him, and said affectionately with fixed eyes: "Loving you is the most important thing in my life. For the rest of my life, you will be my baby. And I only belong to you, so, Xianxian, will you marry me?"

The man knelt on one knee with an elegant and gentlemanly posture, and the tiny light in his eyes was also her shadow.

The proposal came so suddenly, Shi Xian stood there with the flowers in her arms, slightly stunned, feeling really emotional.

She looked at her seriously, but when she opened her lips, she urged unnaturally: "Fu Sishen, get up first."

Shi Xian admitted that she was nervous. It was the first time she was proposed, and with so many people watching, she really couldn't relax.

Just now she was watching this scene as a bystander, but after a while, she turned into the protagonist.

This kind of change came too fast, and it caught her off guard for a while.

Next to him, Zhou Chuling, who loves to join in the fun, couldn't bear to take the lead in shouting: "Marry him, marry him..."

Before Shi Xian had time to think about it, the handsome man grabbed his right hand and looked at each other, only to hear the man's voice profess again softly: "Xianxian, I love you."

This wasn't the first time Shi Xian heard Fu Sishen say these three words. When he was in love, he would whisper in her ear, but he never took it seriously.

Shi Xian looked at the man's handsome face, and many warm images of him caring for her flashed through his mind.

Just as everyone was holding their breath and nervous, Shi Xian's nervousness suddenly dissipated bit by bit.

She looked into those pupils as deep as the sea, and the corners of her beautiful mouth suddenly raised.

At the moment she nodded, the audience burst into warm cheers.

They didn't talk anymore, but their eyes couldn't hide their sincerity and love.

When Fu Sishen put the ring on Shi Xian's ring finger, her throbbing heart suddenly became clearer.

Shicai's hesitation was because she was afraid of marriage since she was a child because of her parents' failed marriage.

Nodding because this man has given her countless senses of security since the relationship.

Those sympathies are real, and those protections are also real.

Since he was sincere to her, why didn't she try?
She should be braver.

A man who loves her so much should hold his hand tightly.

Fu Sishen took the woman's hand, and immediately, a gentle kiss fell on the engagement ring.

The warm and thin breath spread on the back of Shi Xian's hand until the man stood up.

The touch-chu between lips and chun overflowed their hearts with a hint of sweetness.

The screen directly in front of the banquet hall suddenly lit up.

In the first picture, the girl is sitting in the center of the stage and playing the piano seriously, while the man in the picture is staring at the girl on the stage.

The side face is gentle, and her eyes are full of eyes.

It was Fu Sishen who specially set aside work to watch her match in order to meet Shi Xian. The photo was taken by a friend on a whim, and he didn't expect it to be a souvenir.

The second picture shows Shi Xian and Fu Sishen appearing together at the Luo family reception.

The man's eyes fell on the woman beside him, and the gentleness between his eyebrows and eyes had already turned into a puddle of water.

There are many more in the future. In life, he secretly took pictures of her, and she took pictures of him.

These photos bear witness to the process of this growing relationship. It is a beautiful but enviable love.

The music sounded, and couples in pairs joined hands on the dance floor to dance romantically.

Fu Sishen put his arms around Shi Xian's waist, and the two danced in harmony. When the woman saw the first photo, her eyes were surprised.

After recovering, she raised her small face slightly to look at the man's stern chin, and then asked with a smile: "Mr. Fu, have you been spying on my beauty for a long time?"

(End of this chapter)

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