Noble daughter does not want to marry

Chapter 301 You and I Join Forces, One Will Be able to Leave

Chapter 301 You and I join forces, we will definitely be able to leave (6)
Hearing this, Lu He laughed, "I don't have to deliver food to them anymore, I can just clean here from now on, Xueer can come here if she has nothing to do, and there is also my place to live You also know that, by the way, when you are working in the villa, you can’t talk about old times, otherwise you will be punished severely if you are found out. Xue’er, you are helping in the kitchen, so you can’t keep running around, otherwise something will happen to me. I can't save you!"

"You don't have to deliver food to them anymore?" Chang Xiangsi was puzzled.

Xue'er nodded, "The woman who was imprisoned this afternoon has been sent away from the villa, and the young master was treated as a distinguished guest, and now he doesn't live here anymore, and there is still a servant girl next to the young master serving him! I don't know What kind of a big man can be treated with such courtesy by the young master, fortunately he didn't offend him before, otherwise our servants wouldn't suffer!"

Chang Xiangsi nodded thoughtfully, and didn't ask too much, otherwise it would arouse the other party's suspicion.

He said, "That's fine. I'm still worried that if the woman dies, you will probably be punished. It's fine if you don't have anything to do now. Sister Lu He is busy and I won't disturb you for too long. I should also go back to the kitchen I'll come back and find you again!"

Lu He laughed, "Well, I'll look for you later!"

Seeing Chang Xiangsi trotting away, Lu He quickly closed her eyes and continued to sweep the snowflakes and fallen leaves on the road.

When she returned to the room, Feng Jiangyi had already returned, still dressed in a dark shirt, without a mask on her face, staring at her with burning eyes.

Chang Xiangsi closed the door, walked over and hugged his arm.

"I just heard the news that the eldest princess has been sent away, but I don't know where to send it. Also, Xiao Mu was treated as a distinguished guest by Mr. Qingmu at this time. Do you think it was Xiao Mu who agreed to Mr. Qingmu?" any request?"

Feng Jiangyi thought about it carefully before saying, "Xiao Mu has plenty of money, and what Mr. Qing Mu lacks for rebellion is money, so Mr. Qing Mu may be doing it for money. As for the eldest sister Huang being sent away, maybe Xiao Mu The conditions proposed, Xiao Mu knew about your news, and thought of sending Elder Sister Huang away, so he was less burdened, if he stood in Xiao Mu's position, maybe he thought the same way!"

It was much more convenient to send Elder Sister Huang away, and the chances of the three of them leaving safely were a little higher.

But Chang Xiangsi became a little worried, "If this is the case, then Xiao Mu provided him with money, wouldn't it be playing tricks on him? We can only solve this matter quickly and leave as much as possible."

Feng Jiangyi nodded, "Don't worry, I'm responsible for everything. Besides, Mr. Qing Mu is scheming, but Xiao Mu is also very shrewd, so he won't suffer. The clothes are all on the bed, you go and change them!"

Chang Xiangsi nodded, carried a pile of clothes to the back of the screen, and walked out after a while.

Because she was not tall enough, Feng Jiangyi tried her best to find a set of smaller clothes for her. It was a bit too long at this time, but it would not be too exaggerated.

The small body doesn't feel too thin because she wears thick clothes inside in winter, but now she still wears a maid bun.

It looked a bit nondescript, and with that thickly rouged face, Feng Jiangyi thought it was extremely cute, and couldn't help but stepped forward to rub her face, but finally held back.

When will he be able to wash off the makeup on this face, he really doesn't want to kiss it all with the smell of makeup.

"Come here, let me comb your hair!"

The man's bun is much simpler, not as complicated as the girl's. Feng Jiangyi untied her maid's bun and scattered her long black hair. She combed it bit by bit, and finally combed a bun just like his. , It's very simple, but it feels pretty.

If it wasn't for the makeup on her face that covered her demeanor, Feng Jiangyi really wanted to see her appearance in men's clothing, it must be a charming appearance, no wonder Feng Morao couldn't forget it after just one glance.

Finally, put the copper mask on her face. Except for her stature, she looked the same. Feng Jiangyi also put on the mask, and the eyes exposed in the mask were extremely beautiful. .

Feng Jiangyi looked at Chang Xiangsi dressed up like this, smiled, took out a dagger from her bosom and handed it to her.

"You have always been used to close combat, this dagger will help you defend yourself!"

Then he took the long sword and gave it to her, "If there is danger, don't fight, understand?"

Chang Xiangsi laughed, she hid the dagger in her boots, and then took the long sword from him.

"Don't worry, I'm not a child anymore, but you have to remember your own safety! This trip is just to inspect the terrain, don't worry about other things, we will come back when we remember the terrain!"

Feng Jiangyi nodded, took her hand and walked out, and then walked as far as possible to the dark place, the figures of the two were quickly hidden in the night.

At this time, light snow began to fall one after another, and several lit lanterns showed the quiet beauty of the falling snow.

In the past few days, he brought officers, soldiers and guards to search him day and night, almost searched the entire imperial city, but there was still no news of Chang Acacia, Bei Xuanyu was a little discouraged, but he didn't intend to give up.

He looked at the desolate night with obvious fatigue in his eyes.

Where will Chang Xiangsi go?
Young Master Qingmu's large group of people seemed to have disappeared, and there was no trace of them anymore. He admired him very much for being able to take his large group of people away in a short period of time without leaving any traces.

There is still a big difference between him and Young Master Qing Mu. When he was a young general, Young Master Qing Mu had already pretended to be a regular prime minister and immersed himself in the imperial court for ten years, and even concealed it from everyone's eyes and ears.

Really should not be underestimated!

Feng Morao, who had been by Bei Xuanyu's side for several days, was also a little tired at this time, unlike her usual bullying posture, and seeing Bei Xuanyu's lonely expression in the corridor, that figure was even more lonely.

Feng Morao walked over and stood beside him, turned her face to see the bloodshot eyes in Bei Xuanyu's eyes.

"Bei Xuan..."

Feng Morao, who had called softly just now, stopped talking, and a smile flashed in her eyes.

So she bared her teeth silently, tugged Bei Xuanyu's sleeve lightly, and yelled somewhat unnaturally.


As soon as he yelled, Bei Xuanyu turned around and glared at him.

"Who allowed you to shout like this, believe it or not, I will throw you down?"

After finishing speaking, he viciously shook Feng Morao's hand away.

It's normal for Bei Xuanyu not to show his face, but it's abnormal if he shows his face!

Feng Morao smiled, and pulled his sleeve again.

"Ayu, it's getting late, let's go back and have a good rest. I'm still looking for it tomorrow. I don't know where Young Master Qingmu is hiding. After so many days, I don't know if Acacia is still okay!"

He has always felt that Chang Xiang's complexion is good. Although he is not young, his face is extremely young. If he was born 20 years earlier, he might be able to win Chang Xiang!

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a fake, and he was disguised by Mr. Qing Mu, and Mr. Qing Mu's appearance was also excellent.

However, he still prefers the type of Bei Xuanyu, especially because of his somewhat awkward temperament, which makes people like him very much.

Bei Xuanyu's gaze was speculative for a while, watching Feng Morao continue to pull his sleeve, and then pull the sleeve back from his hand bit by bit, and moved a little distance to the side.

"Thirteenth Prince, if you do this again, go back, I don't need your help here!"

Although Feng Morao has been searching for it with all her heart these few days, whenever she has a chance, she thinks of making a move or taking advantage of words.

What he couldn't stand the most was being caught in his eyes, a man stared at so affectionately by another man, he just felt disgusted.

(End of this chapter)

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