Noble daughter does not want to marry

Chapter 535 Young Master Qingmu ascends the throne as emperor 2

Chapter 535 Young Master Qingmu ascends the throne as emperor 2
A group of people were relieved to see that he understood the righteousness so well.

Fifteen days later, Mr. Qingmu ascended the throne as emperor, the Empress Dowager was canonized as Empress Dowager, and the late Yifei Empress was posthumously named Empress Dowager Wenxian.

For the women in the harem, a few high-ranking concubines were named concubines, and the rest entered the royal temple to accompany the ancient Buddha with blue lanterns.

Although Young Master Qingmu had just ascended the throne, he was not worried about his unstable foundation, and immediately investigated all the princes' faction thoroughly. Yang Xiang and Cheng Jun were naturally the first to be investigated.

And the former prince Nan Qingpei was deposed as a prince because of his father's murder and having an affair with a concubine in the harem.

All the women in the Eastern Palace, except the crown princess and the two side concubines who followed the crown prince, all the rest of the women were sent home.

It was kindness not to directly sentence Nan Qingpei to death. Mr. Qingmu's performance these days made a group of ministers extremely happy.

He acted swiftly and resolutely, and he showed affection when dealing with his brother. However, within a few days, everything was handled in an orderly manner, and he even gave many new suggestions.

Everyone is very satisfied with his performance, especially the current queen mother, who only thinks that Nan Qingyu's ascension to the throne is much better than Nan Qingpei's ascension to the throne, and now the government is in his hands like a fish in water.

Even in the past, Emperor Nanyong had to think for a few days before making a decision when encountering political problems, but now the new emperor can quickly make a decision when encountering problems, and has his own way of employing people.

After going to court, Young Master Qingmu looked at the magnificent palace, where Emperor Nanyong lived, and most of the things were preserved.

It's just that his bedroom was not placed in the main hall, and he felt sick when he thought of all the unsightly things that had happened in that room.

So he changed the plaque of Fuyang Palace, where the late emperor lived, and named it Qingyun Palace, chose a loft and renamed it Xiangsi Building, and chose the place on the second floor as his bedroom.

Acacia building, Chang Acacia!
It seems that soon she will know that Mr. Qingmu has ascended the throne as emperor, and she will be his queen!

He can give up Fenglinjiangshan for her, if she is willing to come back!

He has only been enthroned for a few days, and when things here can be let go, he will leave Nanyong to find her back himself!
Although Nanyong Kingdom is not big, it will not always be so big in the future. He will expand Nanyong's territory little by little.

He didn't think much of the position of Emperor Nanyong at first, the territory was less than half of Fenglin's. Although the late emperor had spent a lot of thought and money on military strength, it was far from being strong enough.

But he will take over all of this, he already has the power to fight against Feng Lin, and Nan Yong's power will definitely give him even more wings!

It was rare for him to be free, so Mr. Qing Mu asked Mr. Yong'an to fetch the pen, ink, paper and inkstone as well as the ground paint. He took a sheet of decree and pressed it with a ruler. The clean wolf hair was stained with ink and began to draw the outline.

Just after drawing a few strokes, the outline of a woman appeared vividly on the paper. At this moment, the voice of Eunuch Yong'an came from outside.

"My Majesty, Miss Li begging to see you!"

Young Master Qingmu continued to paint, and said lightly, "Tell her that I am not free, and let her go back when she has nothing to do!"

Mr. Yong'an was about to speak out, but the girl's dissatisfaction had already come from outside.

"Cousin, you have been busy for so many days, you must have time to rest, right? Dad asked me to enter the palace to accompany my cousin, and I also brought my cousin the pastries that my cousin used to eat, yes I did it myself!"

Young Master Qingmu frowned when he heard Li Mingming's charming voice outside.

"I said I'm not free, so hurry back!"

Li Mingming stomped her feet, "It's rare for me to enter the palace, so you don't want to see me like this? Cousin, we've only seen each other since you came back. I... I just miss my cousin, don't I? And my father ..."

Speaking of this, her voice softened, her father's intentions were obvious, if she wanted her to enter the palace more to cultivate feelings with her cousin, sooner or later the queen's position must be hers!

Young Master Qingmu listened to the voices outside, and then looked at the painting in his hand. The outline had been drawn, and the only thing left was to paint, so he had no choice but to put the wolf hair away, and then went to open the door of the imperial study.

Looking at the pretty girl outside and seeing her shy face, her voice immediately cooled down.

"Miss Li, I don't seem to be so familiar with you. Although you are Li Xiuzhuan's daughter and my cousin in name, I have only met you a few times. If there is nothing else, please don't enter into it privately in the future." Gong, don't think that I will spare you for Li Xiuzhuan's sake! It's your first offense today, so I don't care about you!"

Can he still not understand Li Shuirun's thoughts?

After Li Xiuzhuan rescued him 20 years ago, he knew what he was thinking. It's just that Li Shuirun has his own thoughts these years, and he, Young Master Qingmu, naturally has his own thoughts. When Li Xiuzhuan wanted to use him, he didn't Also using Li Xiuzhuan?

Li Mingming is his only daughter-in-law, and now she is in her [-]th year, when she is ready for marriage, can he not understand what Li Shuirun is up to?
Li Mingming's complexion was a bit ugly, she stood there holding the things in her hands, and she didn't understand that her cousin she was thinking of would treat him like this, didn't he look so gentle and jade-like?

How could it be so cold to the bone?
Eyelashes fluttered a few times, she raised her small face a little aggrieved.


Young Master Qingmu looked at the girl in front of him indifferently, "Now that I have ascended the throne as the emperor, it is not appropriate for Miss Li to call me like that again, and I will still be called the emperor in the future. Is this how Li Xiuzhuan raised his daughter? See I don’t know how to salute anymore? Is it just shouting outside? Do I need to send a few nuns to Li Mansion to help Li Xiuzhuan teach his daughter?”

Li Mingming did not expect that he would come here full of joy, thinking that despite his good looks, he could catch his eyes, and even live in the palace.

She didn't expect to be humiliated so much when she came here, and she didn't even take her father seriously!
His eyes were filled with tears, and he wanted to refute several times, but seeing the other party's cold posture, he dared not say anything.

Seeing that Li Mingming was unmoved, his eyes were crystal clear and moist, Young Master Qingmu said again, "Li Mingming, go back and tell your father that I already have a candidate for queen in my heart, so let him stop wasting his thoughts! You girls of the Li family As long as I am here, there will be no time for you to enter the palace as concubines!"

If you want to take advantage of his momentum to ascend to the sky, then it depends on whether Mr. Qingmu is willing or not!
How could he, Mr. Qingmu, be so easy to handle?
If Li Shuirun kept his own place, for the sake of saving his life, he would not lose his glory and wealth, but if he had other thoughts, then don't blame him for being cruel and merciless!

When Li Shuirun saved him back then, it was just a pawn he cultivated.

When he was recovering from his illness, he blocked all his news, and even his mother and concubine didn't know that he was still alive, so his mother and concubine left early.

Li Mingming turned even paler when she heard the emperor say such words, is he rejecting her?
And the emperor has only been enthroned for a few days, how come there is a queen candidate?

Her father told her that she would be Nanyong's queen!
Her father had also told her in the past that her cousin was a dragon and phoenix among men, and he would marry her to him in the future!
At the end of summer, Chang Xiangsi and the others returned to Fenglin, and stood on the land of Fenglin country again, half a year later.

The Eleventh Prince's Mansion has been taken back by the imperial court, so it is naturally impossible for Feng Jiangyi to stay in the Eleventh Prince's Mansion, so the carriage stopped at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

He had moved a lot of his clothes in Xiangfu's mansion long ago, even in the small world that belonged to her in Shenxian's mansion restaurant, he had arranged a lot of his things.

In the carriage, Chang Xiangsi looked at Xiao Mu.

"I won't invite you to the Prime Minister's mansion for tea when I come back from Chuchu, I will invite you another day!"

Xiao Mu also knew that most of these days were spent in the carriage, and he was already exhausted, so he said, "You guys also go back and have a good rest, and I will treat you to tea some other day!"

Feng Jiangyi said, "Let us invite you!"

Then got out of the carriage first, then carried Chang Xiangsi down, and told Wu Ya, "Wu Ya, send Mr. Xiao back to the Xiao residence, Li Yi, come down, I have something to tell you!"


Seeing Li Yi get off the carriage, Wu Ya drove the carriage away.

Li Yi walked in front of them and asked, "I don't know what orders the master has?"

"You go to the Eleventh Prince's Mansion first, and take people to move all the things hidden in the underground palace to the top floor of the restaurant in the south of the city, as well as my things in the study. It's sealed, you go in secretly."

There are still many good things left by him in the underground secret room in the Eleventh Prince's Mansion, and those things can't be cheap for others.

Li Yi nodded, "Subordinates understand!"

When the new butler in the prime minister's mansion saw the two of them, he saluted immediately.

"The villain has seen..."

When talking about this, the housekeeper paused for a moment, and then said again, "I have seen Miss Fourth and Young Master, Miss Fourth is back!"

The news that Feng Jiangyi was demoted to a commoner had already spread.

Chang Xiangsi looked at the butler, and asked with a smile, "During the time I'm away, is everything going well in the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

The housekeeper said, "Returning to Miss Fourth, everything is fine. The Eldest Young Master has not come back yet, and Lord Baili is still living in the Prime Minister's Mansion. It was the Eldest Young Master who kept him when Lord Baili wanted to move out. At this time Master Baili has not retreated yet."

Chang Xiang thought that he had the number one scholar and the second place in the prime minister's mansion, and Chang Luo and they haven't got any specific information about him. Although they have doubts, they can't be completely sure, so he nodded.

"I understand!"

So he took Feng Jiangyi's hand and entered the Xiangfu.

When I left the Xiangfu, the Xiangfu was still covered with snow, but now the scenery has changed again.

The breath of late summer is very strong, and a hundred flowers are in full bloom. When I walked to the pond in my small yard, it was full of flowers.

(End of this chapter)

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