Chapter 125
"General," a chubby, beardless middle-aged man called out the window of the office building, "the country's surname is general."

Zheng Chenggong hurried to the window, took advantage of the moonlight to see the man's appearance clearly, then glanced at the guards in the distance, and said in surprise, "Eunuch Bai, why are you here?" Eunuch Bai Daqi.

"I promised those guards benefits, and I only said a few words, so it's not difficult to come in." Bai Gonggong said again, "The general is so confused, how can he fall into such an excuse?"

"Excuse me? What excuse?"

Bai Daqi looked around cautiously and lowered his voice, "This afternoon, Chang Yongnian told the queen that you would pretend to ambush the captives who attacked the city, but in fact you would help the captives enter the city. The queen locked you up just to be safe. stand up."

"A faction of bullshit..." Zheng Chenggong was about to get angry, but then realized that there are not a few people who doubt him recently, and it is normal for Chang Yongnian to be suspicious of himself, so he sighed and calmed down.

"I don't think Her Highness the Empress has fully believed him, otherwise, how could she be confined to the government office?" The eunuch comforted him, "After two days, the Empress's mood has stabilized. You're out."

Zheng Chenggong said gratefully, "My father-in-law took care of you."

"What did the general say, if the general hadn't led someone to find the jade biscuit last year, I would have been treated as a thief and cut off my hand." Eunuch Bai waved his hand and said, "Tomorrow I will bring food to the general. "

"Eunuch, please don't bother me. You can eat enough here." Zheng Chenggong thought for a while and said, "Can you please ask Eunuch Bai to give me a word with President Lin Lian of the Longwei Army, asking him to carefully patrol the gates of the city. During the confinement period, he will be in charge of these Dragon Guard soldiers."

"Don't worry, general, I will definitely bring the message to you."

The next day and near dusk, Bai Daqi went to the window of the official house again, called Zheng Chenggong twice, and handed in a box of food.

"Did Eunuch Bai see Mr. Lin Lian?"

The eunuch nodded and said: "Yes, I have, but Mr. Lin said that the Dragon Guards were transferred by Chang Yongnian to guard the north gate, and four hundred soldiers were stationed beside them. Therefore, it is impossible to patrol the city elsewhere as you ordered. .”

Zheng Chenggong couldn't help frowning when he heard this, in terms of elites, there is no one on the right of the Dragon Guards in Changting City, why did they gather at the North Gate?Another 400 people were sent with them?
He looked at Bai Daqi, "So, at present, nearly half of the troops in the city are at the north gate?"

Eunuch Bai nodded and said: "Oh, yes, today the government has also sent additional guards around the government office. The original guards in Changting City were all transferred to protect the Queen and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Zheng Chenggong became more and more puzzled, "In this way, except for the north gate, there are only about [-] guards in other places. Isn't this dangerous?!"

Why did Chang Yongnian deploy troops like this?Zheng Chenggong was startled for a moment, and recounted the events before and after—first, he was imprisoned because of his slander, and then the Dragon Guards were transferred away, and then the city's defenders were weakened...

A bad premonition flooded his heart, no, there must be something wrong here!
He cupped his hands to Bai Daqi and said: "Eunuch Bai, please go to Jiang Zhengxi Jiang Zongbing's place, just tell him that the current city defense force is only [-], he will have his own opinion."

Seeing Bai Daqi nodding his head, Zheng Chenggong immediately remembered that Jiang Zhengxi was seriously injured. If things happened as he expected, he might not be easy to see him, so he ordered: "Eunuch should bring some good ginseng, just call it a visit. It is really impossible to see it when it is blocked, maybe it can be passed on to Huang Ge from generation to generation."

Zheng Chenggong thought for a while, but still felt that something was wrong, and said: "My father-in-law still needs to inform Mr. Lin Lianzong, asking him to divide some people secretly, and keep an eye on each city gate day and night, especially the south gate. Tell me quickly."

Bai Daqi was surprised and said, "Could it be that something big is going to happen?"

Zheng Chenggong lowered his eyes and said, "It's hard to say right now, but I hope I'm wrong."

The eunuch nodded and said: "I can save it, so I will do it."

"It all depends on Eunuch Bai."

Nu Shan peeled off a piece of dried meat with a dagger and threw it into his mouth. With a wave of his hand, the dagger stabbed forward suddenly.

The man dressed as a businessman kneeling in front of him was so frightened that he closed his eyes forcibly, and dared to open them after a while, only to see the tip of the knife stopped only half an inch away from his neck.

"What Chang Yongnian?" Nu Shan squinted at him, and said coldly, "How dare you lie to me?!"

"I don't dare!" the man swallowed hard, and said in a trembling voice, "My general has admired Daqing for a long time, and he will be in charge of all the defenses of Changting City this time. As long as you lead the army to arrive, Make sure the gates are open."

"What are you saying is true?"

"Little swear, everything is true!"

"Haha!" Nu Shan laughed suddenly, put away the dagger and helped him up, and patted the dust on his body symbolically, "I'm just joking with you, don't be afraid. Let me ask you, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty really died gone?"

The man nodded repeatedly, "It's absolutely true, it's just that Huang Daozhou ordered the news to be blocked, and it hasn't been spread yet. But according to our general, the queen fainted from fright."

"Damn!" Nu Shan cursed angrily upon hearing the words, the Emperor of Nanming must have been snatched away by Li Chengdong or Du De!He was still slow.

But then he thought that his luck was not too bad, at least he still had the Prince Nanming, and if he took Changting City by the way, the Prince of England would be able to explain it to him.

He then asked Chang Yongnian's confidant: "How many Ming troops are there in Changting City?"

"Our general has more than [-] soldiers. There were [-] defenders in the city, and [-] cavalry from King Chen."

Nu Shan nodded. If this Chang Yongnian really surrendered, there would only be five hundred troops left. Based on his understanding of the Ming army, this person was no match for him at all.

He looked in the direction of Changting, even if the surname Chang couldn't restrain his subordinates, as long as he could open the city gate and let him in, with the strength of his subordinates, even if there were thousands of Ming troops, he would not pay attention.

the next night.Ugly.

Chang Yongnian stood anxiously on the top of the wall, constantly looking out.

Although he had already arranged it well, this risky move of treason and surrender to the enemy still made him restless.

"General, here we come!" Ma Zhong shouted, pointing to the city.

Immediately, Chang Yongnian saw two torches light up outside the south gate of Changting City, and the flames flashed three times in succession, which was the secret signal he had agreed with the Nushan Department of the Qing Army!
His heart jumped violently, and he hurriedly ordered his subordinates to respond to the letter, and then took Ma Zhong to the city in a hurry.

When they reached the gate of the city, Chang Yongnian ordered several confidants to remove the huge gate bar, and someone pushed the gate of the city open a crack.

Ma Zhong stepped out of the city, and he could vaguely see a group of people across the moat, then he passed the agreed signal, turned back and said to Chang Yongnian: "General, that's right!"

Soon, someone lowered the heavy suspension bridge, and someone else slowly opened the city gate to its maximum.

Chang Yongnian hastily greeted him outside the city, bowed respectfully and said: "The last general, Chang Yongnian, has met Master Jialazhangjing."

 Because of some problems with the cervical spine in the next two days, the state is very poor, so the update is not stable, I hope everyone can understand.I promise it will be back to normal soon, thank you all for your support and love, thank you!

  I hope everyone will support the genuine version, and continue to beg for recommendation tickets, monthly tickets, book reviews and subscriptions, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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