The Rise of Ming Dynasty 1646

Chapter 198 Broke His Teeth

Chapter 198 Broke His Teeth

"Follow the order!" Tong Yangjia felt that the artillery could not shoot at each other. Hearing this, he immediately ordered the artillerymen of the Han army to stop firing and push the artillery forward.

Immediately, the former army of Jianlu started to move mightily.The chariot was in front, followed by twenty or thirty phalanxes, advancing towards the Ming army's position.

Bai Yindai, who was in charge of covering Tulai's two wings, saw the main force rushing forward, and hurriedly led his six thousand bannermen to follow along.

In the large formation of the Jianlu Chinese Army in the distance, Azig sat upright on his horse holding a telescope, his face slightly sullen, obviously seeing Tulai and Tong Yangjia slumped under the shelling of the Ming army.

"These southern barbarians have some tricks." He turned his head and said to Zhuobutai, "We can't let more Jianzhou warriors die from cannons." He pointed to the right wing of the Ming army, "I order you to lead the cavalry to attack the right side of the southerners. Destroy its guns. If you have the opportunity, break its flanks and cut across the enemy's formation."

He looked at the Mongolian Melezhangjing next to him, "Ru Battar, you lead the Mongolian cavalry to attack with Zhuobutai, and listen to his orders."


"The end will obey orders!"

Soon, the Jianlu Central Army raised dust all over the sky, and [-] Jianzhou cavalry and [-] Mongolian cavalry set off at the same time, bypassing Baiyindai's troops, and attacking the right wing of the Ming army.

Azig had already dispatched all the main infantry and cavalry in his hands, and now there were only ten thousand green camps defending the Chinese army and Han Dai's two thousand reserve troops, but for some reason, he always felt uneasy.

Or maybe it was because the sudden green camp failed too quickly.He squinted his eyes for a little thought, and said to the soldiers beside him, "Order Cao Cunxing to lead 4000 troops to attack the left flank of the Southerners.

"Let Han Dai lead his troops to go around the enemy's rear and attack."


Azig fought with his father since he was a child, and he knew that the Ming army liked to defend rigidly and was not good at facing the enemy more often.

Many times when the Taizu was in a bad situation, he used the tactics of surprise soldiers to attack and harass from multiple directions, so that the Ming army could not take care of both ends, and finally turned defeat into victory.

Seeing the messenger galloping away, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth again. With these three groups of soldiers and horses attacking the enemy separately, the Ming army will undoubtedly be defeated.

"Jianlu has reached within [-] paces, let the artillery of the Polu camp concentrate on bombarding Tulai's left flank. The infantry line is ready to meet the enemy." Zhu Linmei said to the messenger.

In the binoculars, he saw that the left wing of the Jianlu former army suffered heavy losses under the continuous bombardment of the Dragon Guard artillery, and three or four phalanxes had completely collapsed.

However, these Eight Banners soldiers were also quite aggressive, they still maintained the overall formation and kept approaching. At this time, they had already entered the range of the Frankie cannon of the Polu camp, so Zhu Linmi would not be polite to them.

"Report!" A hussar in charge of security came galloping and warned loudly, "Jianlu cavalry was found on the north side, with a number of three to five thousand, forming an array three miles away."

Zhu Linmi was about to turn the binoculars to the north when another hussar came and said, "Report! There are enemy troops gathered on the south side, the number of them is about [-]."

"Report! There are more than a thousand Jian captives bypassing his right wing, and their whereabouts are unknown..."

Zhu Linmi frowned, and ordered Shi Lin to spread out the map and mark it on the map according to the military situation reported by the scouts just now.

"Azig's troops are all out, and they want to kill me with one blow." Zhang Jiayu looked at the arrows on the map coming from all directions and immediately suggested, "My lord, we should concentrate our forces to defeat the captive army first, so as not to be attacked by the enemy."

Zhu Linmei nodded, pointed at the map and said, "Looking at the distribution of Jianlu's troops, it is intended to use infantry to hold back my main force in the front, and concentrate cavalry to break through my right flank. As for the enemy army on the left, it should be used to restrain and create a new space for its cavalry. Chance."

"Want to eat us in one bite? I'm going to break his Azig's teeth!" He immediately made a deployment, "Order General Zhen to transfer the five divisions of the Polu Battalion on the right wing to prepare for the defense of the cavalry."


He then ordered Zhang Jiayu: "Send all the reserves to the right flank. The artillery and cavalry battalion of the Dragon Guards gather behind the infantry on the right flank, and cooperate with the infantry to stop the enemy cavalry!"

Five rounds of infantry, plus two rounds of the reserve team and a dragon guard infantry battalion and dragoon cavalry battalion, more than 700 infantry were concentrated on the right side.At the same time, there are more than 1000 cavalry in the two cavalry battalions of the Dragon Guard, especially [-] plate armored heavy cavalry.

With these troops, supplemented by an artillery battalion, it is enough to hold three to five thousand Jianlu cavalry.

Zhang Jiayu quickly recorded the order, and then suggested: "My lord, when fighting the enemy cavalry, the hunters should be able to play some role."

"That's right." Zhu Linmei nodded and said, "Divide two companies of hunters to the right wing. Also transfer the engineering company to the right."


Zhu Linmei looked at the frontal battlefield, "Order the main force of the infantry to cooperate with the Polu battalion to defeat the frontal captive army as quickly as possible!"

On the frontal battlefield, there were more than 3000 Dragon Guard infantrymen and nearly [-] soldiers from the Polu Camp.

What they were going to face was the nearly [-] Jianzhou flag soldiers from Tulai and Bai Yindai and their followers, the number of whom was more than [-].

Although the Ming army is at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, they have great advantages in weapons, tactics, and morale.In particular, the Dragon Guard Army, which has the embryonic form of a modern army, is far from being able to match the old feudal army of Jianlu.

Zhu Linming is very clear about how the tens of thousands of Manchu Qing troops were completely abused by the [-] modern Western troops in the [-]th century. He has absolute confidence in the Dragon Guards.

He continued: "After defeating the enemy army head-on, divide the infantry into six rounds to resist the Qing army on the left wing, and the rest of the troops turn to the right wing to support and besiege the Jianlu cavalry!"


After the deployment was completed, Zhu Linmi got back on her horse and waited and watched the development of the battle.He has done everything he can, and the next thing is to see the heroic Ming soldiers.


The Jianlu former army finally advanced to about [-] steps away from the Ming army despite the shelling. Tulai had already grown impatient and shouted: "Order the whole army to shoot at the enemy in turn!"

All kinds of cannons were pushed to the front again and began to be loaded with gunpowder.The infantry continued to move forward under the cover of the chariot, and they could not shoot effectively until they were within a hundred steps of the enemy.

The Ming army also moved, and the ten Morris phalanx on the left began to turn.The infantry line of the Dragon Guards and the Jianlu battle formation were basically equal in width, and the phalanx of the Polu battalion could outflank the enemy.

The infantry line of the Dragon Guards kept in a straight line, following the army drums and approaching Jianlu.They were ordered to defeat the enemy as soon as possible, so they had to take the initiative to attack.

The cannons of the two armies sounded almost simultaneously.Dozens of iron balls staggered across the battlefield and smashed into the opponent's army formation with the momentum of thunder.

From time to time, soldiers of the Dragon Guard were hit by shells, leaving several gaps in the infantry line.But the other soldiers, as if they didn't see it, still stepped on the drums, gritted their teeth and walked forward firmly, only silently remembering the hatred of the sacrifice of their comrades in their hearts.

But the Qing army was completely different. Dense iron balls accurately flew into the crowd, plowing out dozens of "gullies" made of flesh and blood. There were screams one after another, and most people were afraid of being hit by cannons.

The elite infantry on both sides of the phalanx tried their best to restrain them, but even so, the phalanx could only be maintained without disintegration, and the various arms in the formation had long been in chaos.

At the same time, the forward speed of the phalanx with more cannonballs on the left has also slowed down significantly, while the phalanx on the right gradually protrudes forward, and the entire formation becomes a diagonal line.

(End of this chapter)

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