The Rise of Ming Dynasty 1646

Chapter 219 Mysterious Master

Chapter 219 Mysterious Master
Seeing the two assassins rushing forward, Zhen Zhen quickly drew out the swift sword, squatted sideways slightly, and made a fighting gesture.

She is a monk practicing martial arts halfway, and she is also a daughter. If she learns Chinese martial arts that emphasizes the basics, she does not know when she will succeed.Therefore, she had to find another way to learn simple and practical western swordsmanship from a Sibaniya swordsman as her teacher.

Although European swordsmanship is not as extensive and profound as Chinese swordsmanship, it is better in getting started quickly and getting results quickly.With expert guidance and her talent, in just two or three years, ordinary martial artists can't walk three times under her sword.

Seeing that the opponent was a woman, the two captive soldiers had the intention of underestimating the enemy, and split their two knives at Zhen Zhen and Zi Lu.

Although Zi Lu doesn't know martial arts, she has been with Zhen Zhen for many years and has seen many big scenes. At that moment, a piercing scream disturbed the enemy, and then she turned her head and ran away, her movements were as sharp as a hare.

On Zhen Zhen's side, he was extremely calm, and the front finger of the sword tip remained motionless.It wasn't until the assassin's single knife had cut to a foot above her head that she suddenly twisted her waist and turned sideways, the blade almost brushed against the tip of her nose, and at the same time the swift sword in her hand pierced out like lightning.

As the name suggests, the swift sword is a weapon that abandons all other functions and only seeks speed.Its sword body is thin and slender, and its weight is extremely light. The main attack method is stabbing.And this well-designed sword body can make the thrusting attack the fastest.

Jianlu's saber fell to nothing, and was about to withdraw the saber and cut again, but he didn't see his opponent move, but suddenly felt his arm was weak, looked down, and there was a ball of blood coming out of his chest, that's when he felt the pain.

Looking up again, the woman with the sword turned around and walked towards his accomplice.The next moment, his eyes went dark and he lost consciousness.

Zi Lu and Zhen Zhen cooperated skillfully, she circled around and saw that Miss had stabbed her opponent down, she immediately ran back screaming.

The captive soldier behind him couldn't hit him repeatedly, he was restless in his heart, when he suddenly saw a flash of cold light beside him, he was so startled that he hurriedly raised his saber to meet him.Unexpectedly, the sword as thin as a steel needle did not touch him single-handedly. When the hilt sank, the flat stab became an upward thrust.

The captive soldier hurriedly raised his head and dodged backwards, who knew that the upward thrust of the rapier was just to lure the enemy, halfway through the thrust, he changed to a straight thrust.Although it is an extremely simple change of move, it is designed for people's habitual reactions, and it will not fail when encountering ordinary opponents.

Jianlu leaned back with his upper body, and tried to avoid it but lost his center of gravity, and was immediately hit by a sword in his right abdomen.

Zi Lu, who was still running wild just now, returned immediately, picked up the single sword of the previous assassin, and slashed at the fallen soldiers with her head turned away and her eyes closed.

Zhen Zhen defuses the enemy's attack, and then hears the constant clash of weapons, turning his head to look, the man under the moonlight seems to be Shi Lin.

Your Highness is here? !
Her heart tightened, and she immediately raised her sword and stepped forward to help.

Shi Lin and his personal soldiers tried their best to form a tight formation to prevent being divided and broken, but the number of opponents was too large, and they all fought one against three.Coupled with the suddenness of the incident, they haven't had time to raise their hands to warn them so far.

Although Zhang Jiayu's swordsmanship is not bad, but he has never cooperated with the soldiers, so he can only stand behind Chen Wang at this time, beware of someone's cold arrows.

The assassin in front of him used too much force, and his slash was too late to stop. Seeing the opportunity, Shi Lin stabbed his face with his sword, and the huge momentum threw the bamboo hat on the man's head flying far away.

Under the moonlight, Shi Lin saw the blood-soaked rattail on the back of the assassin's head, and hurriedly said loudly, "It's Jianlu!"

Not far away on the Jinxi River, a late-returning fishing boat was slowly drifting past.A square-faced middle-aged man with a seven-inch long beard on the boat had noticed the movement on the shore before, but he had been watching intently.

At this moment, when he heard the word "Jianlu", he couldn't help but groaned deeply, and pushed forward with all his strength, the boat rushed nearly ten feet away.

The square-faced man picked up the wooden plate at his feet again, threw it into the water with his hands, then stepped on the bow of the boat hard, and jumped out with air.In mid-air, he stepped on the wooden basin floating on the water with his right foot, borrowed his strength and stretched forward more than a foot, and his left foot landed on the shore.

Shi Lin was momentarily distracted when he was warning, Erhe's blade had already reached his chest.Shi Lin tried his best to avoid the critical point, but felt a sharp pain in his right arm, and the tip of the knife was being pulled out with a puddle of blood.

Shi Lin yelled angrily, and put the sword in his left hand, but his moves were not as smooth as before.

Seeing the opportunity, Su Yangcha stepped forward with a sharp knife, and jumped over from the gap on Shi Lin's right. The face of a young man in front of him could be regarded as the prince of a barbarian!
He was ecstatic in his heart, and the saber went down, hoping to cut off the target's legs, and after killing all the guards, he could take him away.

But before he handed out the knife, he suddenly felt something strange behind him. Years of bloody experience made him roll on the ground in a hurry, and a slender steel sword slashed across his back.

Su Yangcha turned his head to look, and saw a woman stabbing aggressively with her sword.He had no choice but to leave Zhu Linming behind and turn around to deal with Zhen Zhen.

However, Shi Lin's core combat power dropped sharply, and the other dragon guards' personal soldiers immediately became exhausted under the siege.Soon someone's leg was cut and fell to the ground, and the entire defense line immediately showed a huge gap.

Shi Lin and the others were immediately cut apart by the captive soldiers, and more than a dozen assassins surrounded them into two groups, unable to care about Zhu Linmi's side anymore.

Seeing this, Erhe sneered, and slashed at Zhu Linmi's legs with the move "hungry tiger rushes to eat".

Zhang Jiayu couldn't take care of himself behind him, Zhen Zhen was entangled by Su Yangcha, Zhu Linmi didn't want to think about it, and immediately pulled the trigger of the spring wheel.

With a roar, a blood hole suddenly appeared in Erhe's chest, and the force of the lead bullet knocked him aside.

The soldiers of the Dragon Guards in the post station in the distance were surprised to hear the sound of the guns, and then they knew that something had happened, and hurriedly mounted their horses and rushed to the river.

Er and the two captive soldiers behind him saw that their flag officer had been shot dead, they immediately followed up with strange howls, their eyes were blood red, and they attacked Zhu Linmi from both sides.

Zhu Linming didn't know any martial arts at all, and she used her only shot. At this moment, she watched helplessly as the two sharp blades slashed at her, and she didn't even have a weapon in her hand that could block it.

In the blink of an eye, a figure suddenly appeared behind the two captive soldiers. With a big hand reaching out, he pinched the collars of the two captives. Like catching two chickens, he swung them in a semicircle and threw them three feet away. open.

The man looked like a ghost, appearing and disappearing among a group of assassins, flying up and down with a pair of fleshy palms, and the captive soldiers screamed miserably.In just a dozen or so breaths, the "ghost" had passed through the enemy group, and at least eight or nine captive soldiers were knocked to the ground behind him!
On the other side, Zhen Zhen finally saw the opening and pierced Su Yangcha's right shoulder with a sword, then ignored him, and immediately turned around to protect Zhu Linming's side.

The remaining soldiers wanted to fight again, but the square-faced man turned around and came back again. Almost no one could make a move under his hands, and several people were knocked down in an instant.

At this moment, there was a sound of horseshoes in the distance, and the remaining five or six assassins looked at each other and fled in all directions with a bang.

Mu Zhiqing was about to ask how far it was to Jiangle Station, when Ya Le said in a deep voice: "Who? Stop!"

Immediately dozens of Naxi guards surrounded Mu Zhiqing's carriage, and the scimitar was unsheathed.

(End of this chapter)

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