Chapter 263

In addition, the tactics commonly used by the Mongols include two-wing raids and key penetration.Back then, they relied on these tactics and a large number of horses to fight from East Asia to Europe.

But no matter how good things are, they can't match the time. Three or four hundred years have passed, and this style of play has completely fallen behind the times, especially after the widespread use of firearms, it has been abused to the point of bruising.

On the vast prairie, more than 2000 Mongolian cavalry were divided into front and rear rows. Led by Teng Jite and Mang Gudai, they waved their bows and scimitars and rushed towards the Qing army's position.

The two sides were still nearly a mile apart, and the cannons lined up in front of the Jianlu formation began to roar.Although Shuosai did not carry heavy artillery because of the need to march quickly, he still carried seven or eight light artillery pieces of three or four pounds.

As several iron balls flew into the cavalry group of Sunit's department, a cloud of blood and minced meat immediately set off.Fortunately, the light cavalry in the front row of the Mongols lined up loosely, and each shell could only kill two or three people at most, but even so, the terrifying momentum of the artillery still caused some confusion in their formation.

When Teng Jisi's men and horses advanced more than a hundred steps, the cannons on the opposite side began to be replaced with shotguns, and at the same time small cannons such as tiger crouching guns also began to fire.The casualties of the Mongolian army doubled immediately, and the front light cavalry had lost at least 300 people.

Because of the U-shaped formation, the troops on the two wings of Sunite's troops took the lead in contacting the Qing army.According to their usual style of play, the main task of the light cavalry on the two wings is to harass and disturb the enemy formation with bows and arrows, creating opportunities for the troops in the middle.

The cavalry on the two wings of the Mongols was the least attacked by artillery, and the personnel were fairly neat.Harhu, who was in charge of the flank attack, had just seen that his central army suffered a lot of losses, and knew that he had to open the situation by himself.

He raised his eyes to look at the crowd, and estimated that there was still about an arrow and a half away. He immediately raised his hard bow and shouted, "Warriors of Sunite, follow me!"

The Mongolian cavalry who were trotting forward immediately raised their whips and urged their horses. This formation accelerated amidst the sound of rumbling horseshoes, galloping towards the Qing army with a column of skirmishers. Full.

However, most of the same as in the era of cold weapons, they were greeted by neat rows of bird guns.

Before Harhu's cavalry came into range, the gunners of the Qing army started shooting first, and the Mongolian soldiers were shot and fell off their horses one after another.

After two rounds of gunshots, it finally reached the effective killing range of the bow and arrow. Halhu immediately ordered to release the arrow with his red eyes staring.

In terms of riding and shooting skills, the Mongols who grew up on horseback are far better than the Manchus.For a while, the bowstring hummed continuously, and hundreds of light-feathered arrows covered the wings of the Qing army like raindrops.

Jianlu's sword and shield fighters in the front row immediately raised their shields to defend, and most of the arrows were nailed to their shields.Even though dozens of arrows pierced through the gaps in the shield, the light arrows with a longer range have limited lethality. Not to mention the elite infantry armor covered in cotton armor, even ordinary scale armor cannot penetrate.

Although the Mongols shot their arrows very fast, they had already fired six or seven rounds of bows and arrows in a short time after galloping by.However, except for a very small number of arrows that directly hit the face, delayed and other vital points, they basically failed to cause too much damage to the Manchus, let alone disrupt their formation.

But at the moment when the two sides approached just now, the Mongols ate two more rounds of firecrackers, and the light cavalry who lacked armor were shot and killed hundreds of people.

The light cavalry led by Mang Gudai in the middle of Sunite's department also started to sprint, and a large number of light-feathered arrows shot towards Jianlu with the horsepower of the forward rush.But it was almost the same as Harhu's side, what greeted them was dense shots of bird guns.

However, the lethality of bows and arrows is still difficult to match with firecrackers, especially the bows of the Mongols are relatively rough.So Mang Gudai shot several rounds of bows and arrows, but his own losses were greater than the enemy's.

The principle of the Mongols' fighting is that if the enemy's formation is not chaotic, the heavy cavalry will never easily rush.

Seeing this, Teng Jite in the back row had no choice but to order the heavy cavalry under his command to turn back and regroup to wait for the light cavalry to win the battle.

On the other hand, the Qing army followed the method of shooting in rounds. After eight or nine salvos, the infantry phalanx advanced ten feet steadily.Then the cannon was retreated to the front of the formation again, and another round of bombardment began.

Teng Jite felt aggrieved, he wanted to attack, but he couldn't get in, and if he took a step back, he would eat the enemy's shells.

Mang Gudai led his team to pass by the two wings of the enemy's formation, turned around and was about to regroup for another attack with bows and arrows, but suddenly heard the dense and heavy sound of horseshoes beside him.

He estimated that it was full of cavalry, so he hurriedly ordered his troops to line up in place, facing the direction of the enemy's cavalry and preparing to fight.

The Jianzhou people were quite familiar with how the Mongols were dispatched, so Shuosai arranged for Jialazhangjing Alin to lead the Zhengbai Banner's [-] elite cavalry to wait two miles to the west in the morning.For one thing, if the Mongols' flank attack tactics work, these troops can be used to cover the flanks.Second, if the Mongols do not gain an advantage head-on, then Alin can take advantage of their formation to carry out a surprise attack.

It can be said that the Mongols still had a tendency to fight bravely. Although they only gathered a formation hastily, they still rushed towards the Jianlu cavalry head-on under the leadership of Mang Gudai.

The cavalry tactics of both sides were taught by the same father. When they were a hundred and twenty or thirty paces apart, they drew their bows at the same time.At the same time, neither of them fought recklessly with the opponent, but leaned slightly to their left. The two armies crossed each other, and the bows and arrows in their hands kept shooting at each other.

However, the refined recurve bow used by the Jianlu is much higher than the Mongols' bows in terms of power and operability. In addition, the Qing army's cavalry is well armored. Under the circumstances, Mang Gudai's people suffered heavy casualties, and soon they couldn't hold on, and gradually scattered and fled in three directions.

Seeing that his Qingqi had been scattered, Teng Jite glanced to the south. Although he only saw a large pasture, he knew that all the herdsmen, women, children, cattle and sheep in Gungatai were there.If the Manchus cannot be repelled in this battle, they will all be in danger.

A heavy iron ball passed not far from him, smashing the upper bodies of three cavalrymen to pieces, and the scream pierced his eardrums.

Teng Jite gritted his teeth, drew out his scimitar, and ordered in a deep voice, "Form the formation, charge to the center of the enemy's formation!" He thought to himself, if he can kill the Manchu commander with this skill, there may be more chances in this battle. hope.

Soon, more than a thousand Mongolian heavy cavalry formed a column of five rows in front and back, put their scimitars on the saddle, and began to slowly press down on the Jianlu Chinese army.

In fact, the forwards of the Qing army in Shuosai were only more than 3000 people, not much more than the Sunite troops in Gungatai.Right now, the Mongols are concentrating all their remaining power in the middle, and for a while still partially occupy a numerical advantage.

But Jianlu didn't seem to see the heavy cavalry coming towards him, he still advanced ten feet steadily, pushed out the cannon, and lit it...

(End of this chapter)

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