The Rise of Ming Dynasty 1646

Chapter 513 "Rolls Royce" in the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 513 "Rolls Royce" in the Ming Dynasty

Four-wheeled carriages have many advantages over two-wheeled carriages, such as two or three times the load capacity, no need for horses to work hard to maintain longitudinal balance, smooth driving, and so on.

However, when the four-wheel vehicle is turning, the turning radius of the wheels on the left and right sides is different. If the wheels are directly installed on the carriage, it will cause the embarrassing situation that the outer wheels are stuck on the ground when turning.

Fortunately, this problem can be solved with a simple frame steering knot. In layman’s terms, the front axle is separated independently and connected to the frame with a longitudinal axis. When turning, the front and rear wheels deflect independently, and the slip problem is naturally eliminated.

In fact, there have been vehicles with this structure in China in history, and they were mostly used as large freight vehicles.However, due to its good adaptability to undulating roads and low cost, two-wheeled vehicles are always the first choice of Orientals.As for the four-wheeled vehicle, because there were no craftsmen paying attention to it, the technology including the steering structure was gradually lost over time.

Due to the need to move the capital this time, Zhu Linmi took the time to lead craftsmen in the Military Weapons Bureau to trial-produce a four-wheeled carriage.In terms of transporting heavy goods and saving the physical strength of horses, four-wheeled carriages have great advantages. If they can take advantage of this opportunity to start mass production, they will also play a great role in military logistics in the future.

Moreover, Zhu Linming's four-wheeled carriage also has "black technology" far beyond the West, that is, shock absorbing springs and rubber wheels.

You must know that the carriages of this era are all wooden wheels, which are directly mounted on the carriages with the axles, and there is no asphalt road, which can make people fall apart when driving.

In comparison, a car equipped with steel plate shock springs and rubber tires can filter out [-]% of the bumps. Although it is only a solid soft rubber tire, the ride comfort is still "spike" any carriage in this era.

In addition, the four-wheel structure is relatively stable in the horizontal direction, and the car body is also more spacious. It can be said that the carriage designed by Su Chengyu is the "Rolls Royce" of the Ming Dynasty!
Of course, the four-wheeled carriage also has its own disadvantages, that is, the passability is not as good as that of the two-wheeled carriage.However, this car is mainly aimed at the "luxury car" market in big towns, and there is no problem in using it on the roads of bustling cities.

In addition, according to Zhu Linming's infrastructure plan for the Ming Dynasty, the post road will be rebuilt according to the "highway" standard in the future, so the scope for the four-wheeled carriage to flex its muscles will be even greater.

"If you want to get rich, build roads first", Zhu Linmi has heard this sentence since she was a child. Convenient transportation is the fulcrum of economic development, and he will definitely invest in this aspect.

After the wooden rail transit in Yunnan is put into use, other places will follow suit.This thing can be said to be the "railroad network" of the seventeenth century.At this time, he took the trouble to trial-produce a four-wheeled carriage, and another very important reason was that it could be transformed into a special carriage for wooden tracks on this basis.

It is conceivable that after a few years, "railways" and "highways" will be spread all over the land of Ming Dynasty. Whether it is the development of industry and commerce, or the mobilization of troops and logistics, and even communication, tourism, etc., will benefit from this and become Very convenient.

Just as Zhu Linmei was instructing the craftsmen how to install the shock absorbing springs on the frame, a soldier came to report: "My lord, the craftsmen from the Ganzhou Military Bureau have entered the city."

"It's finally here." Zhu Linmi showed a relaxed smile, "Let them settle down and come here to build the carriage together. The design has been prepared for them. During the manufacturing process, it is just right to show the craftsmanship to the craftsmen here standardization."

Although the scale of the Nanjing Military Bureau is large, it is still an old-fashioned manual workshop model, which is incompatible with the "advanced productivity" of Ming Dynasty.Zhu Linmei considered that there should be no military pressure on Ganzhou in the future, so she simply transferred all the technical backbones of the Ganzhou Military Weapons Bureau to Nanjing.

With the nearly four-mile-long workshops and more than [-] craftsmen of the Nanjing Military Bureau, once the standardization of craftsmanship is completed, a terrifying production capacity will explode. Almost his family can undertake [-]% of the weapons manufacturing work of the Ming army.

After the soldiers who sent the order left, Shi Lin brought over tea again, "My lord, let's take a rest. It's already noon, do you think you should go back to the government office for lunch first? I have to go to the shipyard in the afternoon..."

"Respond to Tianfu Ya?" Zhu Linmei frowned. The Fu Ya was located in the south of the Military Weapons Bureau, and the Longjiang Shipyard was in the north. It would be a waste of time to go back and forth.

This afternoon is not only about the reconstruction of the shipyard, but also the foundation laying of Nanjing Gezhi University and many other things.Now that Nanjing is newly restored, a lot of waste is waiting to be rebuilt, but the courtiers are still in Fujing. Zhu Linmi has been so busy recently that she can't wait to break the eight petals for a day, so she waved her hand and said: "I won't go back. Hey, the Yuejiang Pavilion is in the shipyard, isn't it?" Is it nearby? The day before yesterday, I heard the chattering of the officials of the government office, saying that the Sixi meatballs there are a must, so I went there for lunch."

"Yes," Shi Lin said immediately, "This subordinate will send someone to clear the place."

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome," Zhu Linmi pointed to her stained overalls, "It's very safe to wear this, so don't disturb the people."

"This..." Shi Lin hesitated for a moment, thinking that there were people from the Dragon Guards and the Polu Camp patrolling everywhere in the city right now, so there should be no danger, so he said "yes" and went to order the soldiers to change into plain clothes.

Immediately afterward, another soldier came into the house with a letter box sealed with wax paint, handed it to Zhu Linming and said, "My lord, this is just sent by the Yamen of Yingtian Mansion."

Judging from the imprints on the lacquer seal, this should be the memorial of the past two days. Zhu Linmi took the letter box and took out the brocade cloth to look at it.

The first memorial is Cheng Gao, a doctor of the household department, saying that the army's salary for the Northern Expedition to Nanjing was huge, and the treasury is empty at the moment, so please postpone the discussion of moving the capital.

The last one is that Lu Qizheng, a member of the Ministry of Rituals, asked for construction to restore the Forbidden City in Nanjing, so that the relocation of the capital can be implemented as soon as possible.The implication is that it is not appropriate to move the capital until the Forbidden City is completed.

Zhu Linmi frowned more and more as she watched.There are a total of [-] memorials, except that the Ministry of Industry asked to repair the water conservancy in the Chaozhou area, and the supervisory censor Ge Yanbin suggested that Jiangxi Minzhuang should be recruited to Nanzhili in response to the transfer of the capital, and more than ten other memorials were either explicit or implicit opposed the transfer of the capital.

Of course, they didn't dare to say that the relocation was wrong, they just expressed from various angles that it should be postponed and delayed for a few years.

Ever since Zhu Linmi issued a document ordering the court to prepare for the move of the capital, similar memorials have not been interrupted.He had thought that moving the capital to Nanjing would be a situation where everyone would respond positively, but he did not expect that the courtiers who opposed it accounted for the majority, and even Yang Tinglin, who he had always relied on as his confidant, was among them.

He put away those memorials and handed them to Shi Lin, and ordered them to stay in the middle as before. Then he left the gate of the Military Weapons Bureau and drove towards the Longjiang Shipyard by car.

Yuejiang Pavilion is just like its name. When you sit in the banquet, you can see the Taotao Yangtze River rushing by from a distance when you turn your head.

Zhu Linming booked a Yage Pavilion, and ordered a few signature dishes, and ate at the same table with Shi Lin and several soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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