The Rise of Ming Dynasty 1646

Chapter 526 Confronting the Yangtze River

Chapter 526 Confronting the Yangtze River
The other courtiers were also stunned on the spot when they heard the words, the imperial examination is held every three years, the last Beijing examination was in the first year of Longwu, less than a year and a half ago, now they are going to start again? !

Soon, someone came to his senses and hurriedly asked the butler, "The news is reliable?"

"Back to Mr. Chu, the chief envoy next to him had already written the letter half a month ago, and Fujing was the last one to receive the letter." The housekeeper said, "It is said to'celebrate the recovery of the old capital by the Ming Dynasty' and to'make up for the students from Jiangsu and Zhejiang. In the two years delayed by Jianlu, a special list was added..."

The surrounding area was suddenly silent. Daming now owns nine provinces in the south of the Yangtze River. To try it out, at least hundreds of tribute students would have to enter the Yingtian Mansion. There are so many talents who are not left to the assistant king to choose.At the same time, the scholars in the world will be grateful to the assistant king for having such an extra chance to enter, maybe there will be a large number of scholars rushing to tell His Highness the "favor" at this time.

After a while, the grown-up man murmured: "When the list is opened, the person who won the first place will just fill in the vacancy..."

Although he didn't say it clearly, everyone knew whose "lack" he was filling.

"The Jiangxi and Cantonese courtiers who have recently gone north are probably the most happy to see this..."

"If this goes on like this, I'm afraid there will be no place for us to stay..."

Everyone was no longer interested in having a banquet, so they hurriedly bid farewell to Li Chongqi, and went back to their residences to think about countermeasures.

The next day, more than a hundred courtiers presented Zhu Linmei, expressing their willingness to go to Nanjing to assist the government.And more officials changed their attitude of talking about the disadvantages of moving the capital in the early stage, and instead frantically touted the need to return the old capital, even talking about "where the dragon's veins are" and "the sky is at home".

In Li Chongqi's mansion, a group of officials who together with him had asked the Queen Mother to postpone the move of the capital gathered together for a "hot discussion".

"Recently, more and more people have been invited to go north. If we wait like this, I'm afraid we will have to fetch water from bamboo baskets..."

"Your Majesty Wang has already said that all the courtiers are requesting a transfer to Nanjing. I'm afraid it's too late for me to submit the petition at this time."

"By the way, we can suggest some good strategies to move the capital to His Highness, and he will naturally understand the meaning."

Someone gave a wry smile, "It's too late, all the good strategies I can think of have already been exhausted, where will it be your turn?"

"This, how can this be done?"

After a long time, Li Chongqi suddenly looked at the few people in front of him, and said slowly: "Everyone, isn't the Holy Majesty still in Tianxing Mansion? If you can make an article on this matter, can His Royal Highness the Assistant Prince not remember us?"

Immediately, Yu Zhe's eyes lit up, "Master Li has a great idea! I'll go back and write the memorial now."

"Yes! Let's go to the table together!"


Looking at the mountain of memorials piled up in front of her, Zhu Linmei couldn't help sneering, most of these were requested by officials in Nanjing, but he almost never got a copy of them, and withheld all of them—before you liked to answer them, but now you're just asking for them Sorry!

The newly opened imperial examinations are in full swing. Although the Minister of Rites and the Minister of Rites are still passively resisting, but with Xu Erlu, the "nail" he inserted in the Ministry of Rites early in the morning, the preparations are still going smoothly.

Moreover, Zhu Linmi simply took advantage of the excuse of presiding over the imperial examination, and was promoted to the right servant of the Ministry of Rites of Xuerlu, while Li Guangchun, the former right servant who had a lot of criticisms about the relocation of the capital, was transferred to Dali Temple to take up a idle position.This is also a reminder to the courtiers - don't do it if you dare, just wait in the cold yamen!
At the same time, he also took advantage of the recent "really lacking" opportunities to stuff Yao Qisheng, Ma Lin and other outstanding talents into the court.

Now the plan to move the capital is that everything is ready and the only thing that is owed is Dongfeng. Just wait for the emperor to go north, then Tianxing mansion can be changed into a companion capital, and then the imperial court can be completely moved to Nanjing.

The memorial to invite the emperor to come to Nanjing should have already arrived in Fujing, but for some reason there has been no movement, or what is the idea of ​​the Empress Dowager Zeng?
While Zhu Lin was thinking, she heard Shi Lin report: "My lord, General Yu asked to see him, saying that there is an urgent military situation."

"Let him come near."

Yu Xin hurried into the study, raised his hand in salute, and presented a military report, "My lord, the captives are probably going to die."

Zhu Lin hurriedly opened it to take a look, and couldn't help frowning.

According to the military newspaper, Duoduo, the captive and puppet king of Yu, had led his army back to Beijing from Mobei, with nearly 4 troops under his command.In addition, the captives wantonly recruited and transferred troops from Shanxi, Henan, and Shandong, and dispatched nearly [-] people from the Beijing camp to Jiangbei to prepare for war.

He glanced at the date for the last time. It was two days ago. It is estimated that Duoduo had already left Beijing by this time.

He then murmured, "Something must have happened over there in Mobei to lose control of Duoduo's troops. However, it is not surprising that Jianlu will fight to the death in Jiangbei. Duoduo's troops plus Jianlu's Beijing camp have Nearly [-], combined with Wu Sangui's Guanning Army and the Shanxi, Henan and other green camps, there are quite a few people."

As if to answer his question, Jin Yiwei sent a secret report to Beijing.Zhu Linmi read it roughly, and then handed it to Yu Xin, "The informant said that Duoduo defeated the Khalkha tribe in Mobei, and ordered him to retreat and beg for peace. The Chahar tribe also surrendered to Jianlu again. Duoduo won return.

"This is quite different from the news from Mobei that I received last month, and it's hard to tell if it's true or not, but it's true that Duduo led his troops to the south.

"Also, it was mentioned above that Jianlu sent multiple secret envoys. At present, we can only confirm that one of them is going to North Korea, and the other is going to Mobei, but the purpose of the rest is unknown."

Yu Xin looked at the back part of the secret report again, frowned and said: "My lord, Jianlu is still in Laizhou Xing Shipyard, and Zheng Zhilong has ordered Zheng Zhilong to build a warship. In addition to the previous things, the picture must be not small!"

Zhu Linmei nodded, "Our army suffered heavy casualties after the battle of Jurong, and the recruits have not yet been recruited, and it is in the repair stage, and there is also the matter of moving the capital to spend most of the court's energy. It is precisely at this juncture that the bandits mobilize the army. come."

He got up and ordered: "Convene the staff department and the Ministry of War to discuss matters, we have to deal with it seriously."


As the fastest department to implement the order to move the capital, the Ministry of War has built a government office on a confiscated prisoner's mansion on the south side of the Forbidden City.

At this time, the main generals of the Ming army gathered together, looking at His Royal Highness the Assistant King with serious expressions.

"The deployment of Jianlu's troops is probably like this," Zhu Linmi said, pointing to the map behind him. "The main force of Jianzhou is probably less than 4, and there are 6 Mongolian cavalry. Everyone should be familiar with the Guanning Army under Wu Sangui. The strength is not inferior to the Jianzhou soldiers. As for the other captive Han troops, because there are still rebels in Shanxi and other places, it is estimated that [-] to [-] people can be mobilized.

"According to their marching speed, the Henan army can reach the Yangzhou area in the near future, and the farthest Duduo tribe can arrive in about half a month."

He glanced at the generals, and continued: "Yes, the captives in Suzhou, Changzhou and Wuhu must be wiped out within half a month in Nanzhi territory, so as not to affect the overall deployment of our army!"

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(End of this chapter)

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