Chapter 659
The front hall of Changchun Palace.

Zhu Linmi removed the sealant from the letter box, took out the military newspaper and glanced at it, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

On the side, Mu Zhiqing, whose cheeks were still a little red, brought a touch of shyness from the apse, and walked slowly from the apse, and first put on a mink cloak for him, seeing his solemn expression, asked softly Said: "Your Majesty, but something important happened?"

Zhu Linmei put away the emergency report, turned her head and said, "Duoduo's troops have already started crossing the river. Ming Dynasty will usher in a great battle."

Mu Zhiqing was well aware of the current situation, and immediately said: "It's a matter of the safety of the country, please go down and help. If there are any concubines who can help, just ask your Majesty."

Zhu Linmei nodded, "I'll accompany you when I get rid of the captives."

With current state affairs, it is inappropriate to miss the love of children, so he looked at Ma Wensheng who was still nervously standing aside, "What are you still doing in a daze? Go and tell Shi Lin to prepare the car and drive immediately, and the imperial camp will be reorganized!"

"Yes, I'll go now, servant girl." Eunuch Ma responded, and just about to turn around, he seemed to remember something, and said with wide eyes, "Grandfather, are you going out of the palace?"

"Yes. This battle is extremely critical, and I have to go to the front line to command."

Ma Wensheng hurriedly knelt down and said: "Grandfather, you are going out of the palace just after your wedding, if the queen mother finds out, you will definitely punish your slaves..."

When Mu Zhiqing heard the words, she stepped forward and said: "When the red candle is still on, the sages of the past can't do anything to pull the saddle horse! Your Majesty just go and suppress the captives at ease, the Empress Dowager has her own ministers and concubines to go and persuade them."

Zhu Linmi patted her hand gratefully, then squinted at Ma Wensheng and said, "Why don't you go soon?"

"Hey, yes."

Half an hour later, when the imperial soldiers surrounded Zhu Linming and drove out of the Meridian Gate, he saw Yang Tinglin leading a group of imperial courts to meet him.The emperor wanted such a big event, but it was immediately spread out of the palace.

Yang Gebu and others saluted beside the car, and said as if they were facing an enemy: "Your Majesty, the Ninth Five-Year Lord, must not go to dangerous places lightly."

"Your Majesty, please sit in the court to rule the world!"

"Your Majesty's body is full of gold, and the sword in front of the battle has no eyes. In this case..."

Yang Tinglin also came up and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, even if you want to conscript yourself, it is better to discuss with the ministers first, and wait for the deployment of heavy troops from all over the country to escort you, and then go on the expedition..."

"Not too late? The military situation is changing rapidly, and it will be too late if you delay for a while!" Zhu Linmi is extremely tired of their rotten theories, such as "the emperor should not go to danger" and "the emperor sits in the court", in the end, they are all bad habits that value civility over military affairs dictates.

He frowned and said loudly: "There were Liu Bang, Yang Guang, and Li Shimin in the past, and later there were Taizu and Emperor Chengzu of the Ming Dynasty, whoever was not a soldier and horse all his life, and they all played a powerful and prosperous age.

"The current battle is about Daming's survival. If I win, I will be safe even on the front line. If I lose, even though Daming is big, I won't be safe anywhere!
"The ancestor's motto, 'The Son of Heaven guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country' does not mean that I should huddle in the palace and wait to die, but that I will be bathed in blood on the battlefield, and I will die before the army!"

He looked at Yang Tinglin, "Mate Yang, don't talk too much, get out of the way."

Yang Tinglin was well aware of the emperor's temperament, so he immediately bowed and took a few steps back. The other courtiers wanted to stop the car and try to persuade him, but Zhu Linmi waved at Shi Lin and said, "Stop all of them! Argument."


Outside the Forbidden City, a group of civil servants looked at the backs of the imperial camp and thousands of dragon guards, but they didn't expect that today's day would be so powerful, they looked at each other again, and had no choice but to disperse.


Ai Songgu stretched out his almost frozen arms and legs, squinted his eyes and looked out of the haystack, saw that it was already bright, and then he crawled out.

He ate the remaining half of the potato in a few bites, feeling very sad.At the beginning, he thought that as long as he ran to the edge of the Yangtze River, he could think of a way to cross the river, but unexpectedly, he couldn't find a boat going north for a few days-everyone in the Ming Dynasty knew that Jianlu was on the north bank, and whoever had a sick mind went there run?
Ai Songgu met two desperate boatmen who said they could take him across the river, but it cost five taels of silver to open his mouth.Now only five fleas can be found on him, where is the money?
In desperation, he could only continue to wander by the river, which was really miserable.

There was a "gulu" sound in his stomach, and Ai Songgu was thinking where to find some food, when he suddenly saw a group of people with their families running towards him in a panic.

He quickly stopped a middle-aged man and asked, "What happened?"

"Run!" The man panicked and didn't pay attention to his accent. He looked behind him and said, "The tartars have landed, there are countless people in Wu Yangyang, run!"

Ai Songgu was overjoyed when he heard the words, and ran towards the river without looking back.

The middle-aged man behind him waved his hands in amazement and said, "Hey! There's a tartar over there... I'm afraid he's a madman."

After running for more than three miles, Ai Songguo saw a triangular white dragon flag fluttering in the distance, no doubt it must be his own army!He walked another distance in a hurry, and when he saw several outposts of the Qing army with spears, he shouted excitedly: "Which general are you under?"

Some soldiers saw a beggar rushing forward with a silly smile, and immediately kicked him over. The rest of them drew their knives out of their sheaths, "Where did the barbarian come from? Kill him!"

The sharp blade was only one foot away from the top of Ai Songgu's head, he suddenly had a quick wit and screamed in Manchu: "I am La Zhangjing with a white flag armor, under Prince Yu's tent!"

Although the few captive soldiers came from Jianzhou, none of them could understand Manchu, but they finally heard the sound, quickly put away their knives, and carried him into the camp.

Mu Jilun, the leader of the Jianlu vanguard, took a lot of effort to recognize Ai Songgulai. He covered his nose and asked someone to bring him a water basin and clean his clothes.

Ai Songgu shook his head again and again, "No hurry, bring me some food and drink first!"

When the guards brought sorghum and polished round-grained rice, he wiped them clean and said to Mu Jilun, "A few more bowls. Ah, that's right. The general is going south?"

The general he said refers to Duoduo, the "general of great power".

Mu Jilun nodded and said: "The last general was ordered to lead [-] strikers to clear the riverside and set up a big camp. His Highness then led the main force to come."

Ai Songgu grabbed him anxiously and said: "Send someone to report to the general, the barbarian is cheating!"

"What?" Muzilun frowned, "Tell me in detail."

"I was defeated by the Manzi's sneak attack a while ago, and I lived in the Jiangning area. I saw the Manzi's army stationed outside the city, and there was an endless stream of vehicles transporting grain and grass. I reckoned that they must have set up an ambush while my army was unprepared. Attack!"

Mu Jilun turned pale with shock, "Where did the barbarians get so many soldiers and horses? How could they ambush my 15 troops?!"

"Wait," Ai Songgu was taken aback, "You said 15?"

"That's right, 15 horses have left Yangzhou, claiming 40, and they will cross the river today."

"Isn't there only more than 6 people in Yangzhou?"

"Hey, you don't know, His Royal Highness the Prince Regent transferred tens of thousands of green battalions from Shanxi, Shaanxi and other places, and even the two yellow flag capital battalions were allocated to the generals. The total number of troops from all walks of life is 15. Hey, you haven't said yet How many soldiers and horses does the barbarian have, so I can go and call the police!"

The light in Ai Songgu's eyes danced, and he threw the empty bowl on the ground, "Damn it, there are 15 troops here, and you are calling the police?!"

"Didn't you say there was an ambush from Nanming?"

Ai Songgu sneered, "It's only 3 to [-] people. My army is thundering down. They just want to ambush, but what can they do?"

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist again, "I've suffered so much these days, and the savages will definitely repay you a hundred times and a thousand times!"

(End of this chapter)

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