The blackened heroine is very ill

Chapter 324 Happy to Explode

Chapter 324 Happy to Explode
Rong Qing's crimson lips curled up slightly.

The upward arc was cold and full of hostility.

"The only person in this world who can stop you is yourself."

The girl's dark pupils seemed to carry some kind of magic.

Shen Ciran just looked at it like this, and felt as if she had been poisoned by something, and couldn't help but want to sink.

She whispered: "Do it according to my own ideas?"

"Yes," the girl rubbed her hair encouragingly, "As long as you think about it, there is nothing you can't do!"

Shen Ciran suddenly woke up like a dream.

My mind was as clear as enlightenment.

She smiled softly.

"Okay, I see, thank you Rong Qing!"

"You don't need to thank me." The girl's smile was still so sweet, "People like us who are destined to live in darkness don't need to know how to thank this kind of thing."

After saying this, Rong Qing led Shen Ciran down the stairs directly.

She didn't think about why this woman was able to enter her room through the heavy combination lock.

How many people who can get the opportunity of rebirth are simple?

She gave a low laugh.

As for the faint malice she felt just now...

Because it's too bland, it's definitely not Rong Qing who made Shen Ciran harbor malicious intentions~
Maybe it was Baili Liuli.

Or maybe it was Li Beijue.

It could also be Li Jingcheng.

Anyway, it can't be Rong Qing——

If Shen Ciran harbored malice towards Rong Qing, then she would have become a corpse under the girl's scalpel~

She would not even have a corpse, and would be wiped out under the action of that weird flame.

I can't even find any evidence~
The girl chuckled lightly.

Interest flashed across his eyes.

I really like seeing those people in pain and powerlessness.

Such a picture is really beautiful!

When Bailiyu came back, it was almost six o'clock in the evening.

The man's body was covered with dust and dust, and it was obvious that he was in a hurry to get back.


The first time Bailiyu opened the door, he saw Rong Qing sitting on the sofa drinking milk and eating biscuits.

He rushed towards Rong Qing in an instant.

Pressing Rong Qing under his body, he rubbed his head against Rong Qing's neck.

It took about two to three minutes before the village heard Baili Yu's voice with some surprise, surprise, disbelief, and panic.

"Rongrong... are those... on the Internet... true?"

"You can assume it's fake."

The girl pushed Bailiyu away, looked at the bloodshot eyes in Bailiyu's eyes, and raised her eyebrows.

"Is it necessary to be so excited?"

"Of course it is necessary!" The corners of the man's lips were raised, and it was obvious that he was in a good mood, and his coquettish pupils were full of affection.

"Rongrong, this is the first time you have admitted my identity in front of everyone!"

"Do not."

The girl tilted her head, "They don't even know if that person is you, they only know that I have a boyfriend who is outside the circle."

"But I'm still very happy, Rongrong!"

Baili Yu couldn't help rubbing Rong Qing again.

He whispered: "You don't know how shocked I was when I got the news..."

If the other party hadn't pointed a gun at him at that time, he would have exploded with joy!
After getting the news, he couldn't wait to return to Rong Qing's side.

 so sleepy~
(End of this chapter)

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