His Royal Highness always wants to marry me

Chapter 291 291: Drag Mu Jiuyue into the water

Chapter 291 291: Drag Mu Jiuyue into the water

"This side is the rapids, and this side is the wild jungle. It is impossible to break through the rapids. If you don't go through the canyon, you can only go through this wild jungle. The terrain of this wild jungle is unknown and we can think of it. The Yuxi Army can also lay down an ambush , and it is very likely that we will camp here, we are not familiar with the terrain, so attacking like this is undoubtedly a sheep's way to the tiger's mouth. Our current situation is probably like this, do you have any suggestions?"

What do they propose?

They were completely dumbfounded, even the general gave them the terrain. Although the general didn't pay much attention, he said so many key points. They really wanted to ask, general, how much did you say that you didn't pay attention? , if you pay attention, you will directly blow up the old nest of the Yuxi army.

In a word, I admire the general.

And the most difficult generals have given instructions, how can they count on the generals for everything.

"General, I would like to take a team to explore the wild jungle. The road is exposed. I don't believe that the Yuxi Army can do it seamlessly, and I think they may not think that we know the general terrain." Take the lead. It was Liu Qiang who spoke.

"Here in the canyon, although we predict that they will ambush troops, we can't confirm the extent of the ambush. The general is willing to lead people to test it, and withdraw immediately if there is any mistake." Xiao Yiyuan followed closely and asked for orders.

"The general here in the canyon does not approve of luring the enemy. The distance of the canyon is too long. If you go to the middle, the Yuxi army will throw stones or shoot arrows, which will cause great casualties to our army." Xiao Yiyuan's proposal to lure the enemy was immediately rejected by Feng Jinhan.

"Then the general will lure the enemy at the mouth of the canyon, and attract the enemy's attention to Vice General Liu." Xiao Yiyuan proposed again.

This time Feng Jinhan did not dismiss it.

"The last general will support Vice General Liu." The remaining Wang Gang said.

"The last general cooperates with Lieutenant General Xiao." Li Fan, who spoke the slowest, spoke last.

Feng Jinhan didn't respond, but turned to look at Mu Jiuyue who was sitting there covering her mouth and breathing heavily.

Mu Jiuyue was startled by Feng Jinhan's sudden look, and immediately woke up. Before she could say anything, she heard Feng Jinhan say, "What's your proposal?"

Feng Jinhan's opening made the four lieutenants frowned slightly, but none of them refuted Feng Jinhan's words.

Mu Jiuyue also frowned, why did she get involved in this matter, shouldn't she be just a display?

Mu Jiuyue wanted to be perfunctory, but facing Feng Jinhan's gaze, she swallowed the perfunctory words.

"Shushuzi must send someone to investigate the terrain." Mu Jiuyue's opening attracted the disdain of several lieutenants, which was a complete copy of the words.

"However, Deputy General Liu, how do you plan to investigate?" Mu Jiuyue didn't rush to make a suggestion, but asked back.

Mu Jiuyue's words were very casual, which gave Liu Qiang the feeling that she was treating the war like a joke, but Feng Jinhan asked Mu Jiuyue's words first, so he couldn't refute anything, but said a little conceitedly. : "Of course I lead the soldiers to search and investigate."

"The prince knows that he is leading the soldiers to search and investigate, how does Deputy General Liu plan to lead the soldiers to search and investigate?"

This question is suspected of finding fault, but due to the presence of Feng Jinhan, Liu Qiang still endured his impatience and said: "Of course I led the soldiers to search forward in groups step by step along the terrain."

"Oh." Mu Jiuyue let out an oh and said, "Very good."

(End of this chapter)

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