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Chapter 328 The Middle-Aged Uncle Appeared Suddenly

Chapter 328 The Middle-Aged Uncle Appeared Suddenly

Wen Yun was a little surprised by Ning Zhao's new taboo, but then she figured it out and found that Ning Zhao's words were undoubtedly the most direct.

But Ning Zhao found that Wen Yun understood the meaning of her words instantly, and couldn't help but smile knowingly, Wen Yun is really smart.

What Wen Yun did later, Ning Zhao didn't pay much attention to it. He only knew that she and Wen Ruyu had formally confirmed the covenant relationship, and even took the initiative to go to the regent to check her existence.Also because of the covenant relationship between Wen Yun and Wen Ruyu, when Wen Yun proposed to take Ning Zhao for a walk on the street, Wen Ruyu actually agreed.

At this time, Ning Zhao and Wen Yun were walking on the streets of Nanjiang City together.Ning Zhao is still dressed in men's clothes, while Wen Yun is a tender and delicate daughter. When they walk together, they can easily make people feel that they are a good match.

Some black lines slipped across Ning Zhao's forehead, but this was not counted, Wen Yun insisted on holding her hand.Ning Zhao was unwilling at first, but Wen Yun's smile was too bright and harmless, so he had no choice but to let her go.

The reason why Nanjiang City was named Nanjiang is because of a big river that passes through the city.Across the river, here is Nanjiang City, and there is Nan'an City belonging to the Mo Dynasty.

On the other side of the river, Nanjiang City has red tiles and white walls, green mountains and green waters. Ning Zhao and Wen Yun walked on the bank of the river together, with the breeze blowing on their faces, it was very comfortable.The two of them didn't bring any entourage with them, but they looked like rich sons who sneaked out of their homes.

Along the way, Wen Yun enthusiastically introduced some customs and solar terms in Nanjiang City to Ning Zhao. Without the obsession as before, Wen Yun is now a little more calm and sincere. She said happily, Ning Zhao listened carefully.

However, this mode ended because of a child who bumped into him suddenly. Wen Yun touched her waist, and then shouted: "You little bastard, you dare to snatch your aunt's purse, and you don't even look at it!" Look, your aunt was a master at that time."

As he said that he was going to chase that child, Ning Zhao couldn't laugh or cry, because thieves don't know borders these days.Looking at Wen Yun's vigorous pace, and then thinking about what she said about a master, he shook his head with a broken smile.

Seeing that there was a gazebo in front of it, it was built by the river, and one side of the pavilion seemed to be suspended above the river, and the decoration was extremely gorgeous and beautiful, so I thought of going up to have a look.

Ning Zhao checked the surroundings deliberately, and there was no warning sign saying not to approach, so he wanted to go in and have a rest, and wait for Wen Yun to come back to find her.

When Ning Zhao approached, he found that there was already a person standing in the pavilion. Ning Zhao thought that it was originally a public landscape, and the scenery here is so beautiful, it is normal for others to enjoy it together.

Standing on the side facing the water in the pavilion, you can feel the river blowing on your face. With good eyesight, you can still see the busy people in the city on the south bank across the river.Ning Zhao thought about Mo Juechen who was opposite, and wondered what he was busy with now, whether he was still angry with her.

Thinking of this made her a little distracted, but when she came back to her senses, she found another person in the pavilion staring at her for a long time.Blaming himself for being so low in vigilance, Ning Zhao turned his head and saw a middle-aged man's face.

"I don't know why this uncle looks at me like that?" Ning Zhao didn't want to pay attention, but the man's gaze was too aggressive.

"The girl is not from the Southern Barbarians, why did she appear in Nanjiang City?"

Ning Zhao raised her brows. She thought that her appearance was not much different from that of a Nanman, so why did this middle-aged man tell at a glance that she was not a Nanman.

(End of this chapter)

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