Chapter 345 Declaration of Ownership
The light in Mo Juechen's eyes flickered, and his whole body trembled.But Ning Zhao stopped as if playing tricks, "Zhaoer, don't stop, I want, I want you, I really want you!"

She is his wife, the wife that Ming Media is marrying, and even the wife who has fallen in love with the Royal Jade Spy. It is too normal for him to want her to love her.

Ning Zhao smiled strangely, and reached down with his right hand, holding his little dust directly.When Mo Juechen looked relaxed, he suddenly let go, and even turned his head and flicked it a little mischievously.

Then he backed away quickly, and before Mo Juechen could react, he quickly got out of bed.

"I still have to go to the palace, you can play by yourself."

Ning Zhao didn't blush at all, but Mo Juechen was not well.

"Zhao'er!" Pulled the person who had already got off the bed back onto the bed, and pressed him down viciously.

"You can't just light the fire, but not put it out. It will kill people." Is there a more aggrieved husband than him, probably not.

But no matter what he said, Ning Zhao was unmoved, and Mo Juechen directly grabbed her hand and groped down. Ning Zhao didn't want to, and the two of them tugged and tugged, making a fuss.

Just here, someone knocked on the door, and the sound of the breeze sounded outside the door.

"My lord, the meal is ready, do you and the concubine want to get up and take a rest?" Childhood didn't understand why he insisted on knocking on the door, but it was just a knock on the door, so let him come if he comes.

It's just that he didn't expect that at the next moment, he would be shaken into the yard by a strong wind. Qingfeng could only feel the blood in his chest churning, but he was still suffering beyond words.

Just as the second wave of power flow was about to arrive, Qingfeng clearly heard the voice of his own princess stopping it.

"No nonsense! I'm hungry, come down quickly, let's go eat." Before he had time to digest the news he heard, Qingfeng was lifted up by Mo Li and Childhood and retreated.

In a certain corner, three people silently analyzed the meaning of the so-called coming down soon.

Mo Juechen in the room was unwilling to get up, even though he was so patient with Ning Zhao, he refused to move at all.

"Get up, I'm dying again." Ning Zhao was so disgusted!
"Zhao'er, you have to pay me..." Sadness, sadness of no fate, and at the same time, he hated Qingfeng in his heart. If he didn't take care of that kid, he wouldn't be called Mo Juechen.

Originally, he was almost able to eat meat, but it was ruined by that kid, so he was so angry.

Being looked at by Mo Juechen's familiar, puppy-like eyes, Ning Zhao just felt dizzy.Thinking that he deliberately provoked him just now, if he doesn't go his way now, I'm afraid it will really make him resentful.

"I'm really hungry, let's go eat something first, okay?" He propped up his head that was pressed in his heart, and then said in a good voice.

Mo Juechen made a careful distinction, seeing that there was still a little bit of flattery in her eyes, Yu Zu's mood had improved, so he hugged her tightly, and then waited for the strong desire on his body to pass quickly. .

After a quarter of an hour, Mo Juechen finally came back to his senses, but the eyes he looked at Ning Zhao became even more resentful.

Ning Zhao laughed a little, nodded his nose, and said, "Now we are at the post station, no nonsense is allowed!"

Mo Juechen could hear the thick smile and obvious doting in the noise.He was not annoyed, and even said that he enjoyed the word a little bit, and then, regardless of Ning Zhao's objection, he kissed her hard on the neck, planted a strawberry, and declared ownership.

(End of this chapter)

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