Chapter 3851 Fierce War

Standing on the city wall, Qing Hongzhong watched Qing Hongsheng lead the Qing Nightmare Army bravely forward. Don't think about it, this battle must be tragic.

Since the Bai family dared to attack Qingcheng with such fanfare, it was enough to show that they were fully prepared.

This is knowing that they are going forward to die, but these good men of the Qing family still have no scruples, even if they become smoke, even if they become cold corpses, in order to protect their homeland, they will not hesitate.

Qing Hongsheng took the lead and rushed into the Bai family's camp as fast as he could, beheading ten people in a row with his sword drawn.

After the follow-up Green Nightmare Army followed, the two families fought together.

The clanging sound of the collision of cold weapons is like that tragic and heroic tune, without that kind of cadence, but it is a melody composed at the cost of life and embellished with blood.

Not long after, the land under his feet was gradually dyed red.

Splendid spiritual power bloomed in mid-air, roaring explosions from time to time, disrupting the long mournful song.

Qing Hongsheng was attacked unexpectedly and had to retreat some distance.

At this time, a member of the Bai family also rushed forward quickly.

The man stared at Qing Hongsheng with malicious intentions on his face, and said with a sinister smile: "If you are not mistaken, you are Qing Hongsheng, the owner told me that it is true that you can meet old opponents when you come to Qingcheng. Some grievances and grievances should be settled."

Just when Qing Hongsheng was wondering, he suddenly noticed the long horizontal scar on the face of the person in front of him.

"Bai Xie!" Qing Hongsheng finally remembered, and a smile appeared on his face, "I almost forgot that the scar on your face was made by my hand."

Bai Xie's expression froze, she gritted her teeth, and roared angrily, "Today is the time for you to pay off your debt!"

Qing Hongsheng frowned, not daring to be negligent, carefully dodged the blow, followed closely behind him, and slashed down with the long sword.

Unexpectedly, this backhand sneak attack would not have much effect. Being blocked by Bai Xie, this reaction was much stronger than before.

"How did you improve so much?"

The corner of Bai Xie's mouth slightly raised, "You have been standing still for too long, so let's use your blood to pay off the debt."

At this time, a few phoenixes flew out from the white demon army, they wanted to take only Qingcheng and attack Huanglong directly.

"Bai Xie, let's get rid of these people as soon as possible, don't waste time." One of the phoenix reminded in a cold voice.

Seeing that Bai Xie's face changed, it was clearly displeased, but he didn't have any rebuttal words.

Qing Hongsheng was afraid for a while, but fortunately, the people of the Dragon Clan were not exposed in advance, and he only hoped that a few people of the Dragon Clan could resist these phoenixes.

Things are always unsatisfactory, this time the Phoenix clan is determined to eat the Qing family, and the Phoenix they sent is not that simple, besides, they already have information that there are people from the Dragon clan in Qingcheng.

Since the Dragon Clan helped the Suzaku Clan, the Phoenix Clan would naturally not show much mercy to the Dragon Clan and sent out real masters.

With the appearance of the Phoenix Clan, the Dragon Clan hidden in Qingcheng will definitely not neglect and go out to fight immediately.

With the passage of time, the battle between the two sides is about to be decided. The Qing family is at a disadvantage, and failure is only a matter of time.

Several members of the Dragon Clan were also suppressed by the Phoenix, and the strength gap was too huge.

If these few members of the Dragon Clan fail, Qingcheng will be destroyed!

Qing Hongsheng also saw the current situation, and hurriedly asked a few Green Nightmare Army to go forward to help, preferably to help a few Dragon Clan people share some pressure, but the Green Nightmare Army who rushed forward was instantly bombarded. It became a cloud of blood mist, and it couldn't play any role.

The people of the Dragon Clan also all began to retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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