4191 - Green Spirit Power

As soon as Ning Zhao finished speaking, she swooped down and went straight to Yao Tianpei's side. When she got here, she could easily find where Qingluan was trapped.

At the same time, Mo Juechen took the initiative to attack Yao Jingshen, hoping to buy Ning Zhao more time.

The two sides moved together, but Yao Jingshen didn't panic. He took his shot slowly, and when Ning Zhao was about to approach Yao Tianpei, he threw out the crutch in his hand and started to meet Mo Juechen himself. .

I just felt a chill on my back, as if danger was coming.

Ning Zhao turned around and blocked the Nine Heavens Jade Girl Sword in his hand.

Unexpectedly, the crutch turned around, returned to her front again, and quickly turned to attack again.

Ning Zhao was a little overwhelmed by his quick movements, and stepped back again and again, watching helplessly as there was a considerable distance between him and Yao Tianpei.

A mere crutch, how can it resist its way!

Ning Zhao quickly stabilized his body and began to think of ways to defuse the offensive of the crutches.

A ray of green light faintly diffused from the crutch.

Subconsciously, he stepped back a little further, not knowing what kind of spiritual power it was, maybe some kind of poison.

Over there, Yao Jingshen was also separated by Mo Juechen, and he flew towards Ning Zhao instead, grabbed the crutch very quickly, and attacked Ning Zhao unceremoniously.

The green fluorescent light that spreads out, but one can feel the incomparably strong vitality from it.

"What kind of spiritual power is this?" Ning Zhao blurted out subconsciously.

Yao Jingshen on the opposite side just smiled, "I am the master of life, life is under my control, death is also under my control, this is the spiritual power of life."

As soon as the words fell, the strands of green spiritual power spread out in an instant.

"Zhaoer, be careful!"

Before Mo Juechen finished speaking, he dragged Ning Zhao to the side to hide.

The spiritual power of life struck and disappeared tens of feet away from the glacier stream.

The frightening thing is that wherever the spiritual power of life passes by, no matter whether it is a low shrub or a tall tree, whether it is lush green or colorful, all of them lose their vitality in a very short period of time and turn into a Heaps of charred ashes.

The spiritual power of life is so terrifying!
If this kind of spiritual power is mastered by a pharmacist, what is the use of those pills?
What's even more frightening is that Yao Jingshen is from the Yao family...

Having said that, is it possible that Yao Family's method of resurrection is due to the effect of life and spiritual power?
In a short period of time, Ning Zhao was filled with emotions, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

As for Yao Jingshen, using this kind of spiritual power was not for defeating them, it was more like showing off.

"Do you think we still need to fight?" Yao Jingshen said calmly.

"It's the first time I've seen such powerful life and spiritual power, how can I miss it." Ning Zhao didn't show the slightest sign of fear, but he didn't do anything, and asked suddenly, "Your life and spiritual power, how can you take it away?" Human resurrection?"

"Hahaha, if you want to know the answer, just beat me, or, disband your firmament and join the Yao family, maybe I will show you the life and spiritual power mercifully, and you will know the secret of it." Yao Jingshen Laughing loudly, the corner of his eye lingered towards Yao Tianpei for a while, cursing Yao Tianpei in his heart as a trash, why hasn't he moved yet.

"For Yao Tianpei to do this kind of thing, it only shows that you are old and dim-witted. Is it true that the Yao family really has no talent?" Mo Juechen sarcastically said.

These words undoubtedly made Yao Jingshen furious, and thus made another move.

Mo Juechen had already made preparations, but he did not choose to stand still and wait for the defense. He carried the dragon spear and attacked forward forcefully. At the same time, a huge dragon general appeared behind him.

The dragon general rushed forward, followed by the countless dragon troops.

God's Will Four Divine Art!

The roar of the dragon shook the sky, carrying that devastating power.

(End of this chapter)

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