Chapter 4292 One person and four beasts ([-])
Emperor Xuedao looked around and found that Ning Zhao's visit this time was very special. Behind her, it seemed that it was not a human being, but a monster.

"Let those soul bodies retreat first, I want to talk to you alone." Ning Zhao took a few glances and said lightly.

In fact, there is no need for the blood knife emperor, those souls consciously back away.

Xiaobai and the others were also smart, they stepped forward as fast as they could, blocking those spirit bodies.

The Blood Knife Emperor was stunned for a moment, feeling very uneasy in his heart, "Lord Ning Zhao, this..."

"Don't be afraid, I'm not targeting you, um... how should I put it? You know where the soul power is the strongest on the first floor of this tomb. I need soul power very much now."

"You want to improve your soul realm? But your current soul realm, all the soul power on the first floor of the tomb, shouldn't be of much use to you." The blood knife emperor asked tentatively.

"Naturally, it is to improve the realm of the soul. You seem to know something." Ning Zhao frowned. Sure enough, the soul inside the tomb is still aware of the situation here.

Emperor Xuedao was a little embarrassed, hesitated for a while, and then spoke, "Master Ning Zhao, the rules of the free spirit tomb, we ordinary soul bodies also abide by the rules, otherwise, we can't even make a soul body, but little Even if it disappears, I will make it clear to you."

"Stop talking nonsense, as long as you open your mouth, the benefits will be indispensable to you. When the time is right, it is not a bad idea to help you reshape and refine a body."


Stared at by Ning Zhao, Emperor Xuedao's voice stopped abruptly, and he quickly changed his words, "The current situation in the tomb is not as good as before, especially after getting your support, the first floor is basically divided into two. The blocks are also all fused."


"Those who obey the blood knife, the enemies of the blood knife, and the soul bodies in other areas know the relationship between me and you. They also hate this side, but they don't have the courage to attack, and they don't have that kind of strength." Xuedao sighed helplessly. , "If you don't show up, I really don't know how to face it for a while."

"How many soul bodies are there on the first floor? How many are there on your side?" Ning Zhao continued to ask.

"It is estimated that no one can count them, but it is certain that most of the soul bodies are still on the opposite side." Emperor Xuedao smiled wryly.

"Is there a way to bring them together? I've heard your good news, don't worry, I need a soul body, and I will never touch your soul body." It was too cunning, so I said a few words to reassure the blood knife emperor.

Only then did the Blood Knife Emperor float up again, his voice became a little excited, "You rest in this Blood Knife City first, and you can go and try it, anyway, they have long wanted to destroy my side, and they should come."

Before Ning Zhao could speak, the blood knife emperor left quickly, taking a lot of soul bodies, and headed to the north.


Ning Zhao let out a long breath, thinking, she is not sure whether the blood knife emperor can do it, if the first floor is hopeless, she can only go to the second floor, there must be a higher-level soul body there, I just don’t know , How powerful the soul body of the second layer can be.

Many souls dispersed, making this stone city extraordinarily empty.

Ning Zhao looked up in the sky, and the surrounding area was vast and gray. The soil on the ground was a bit like the land behind the medicine city.

Could it be that this spiritual tomb is also part of the bottomless abyss?

That was just too dramatic.

(End of this chapter)

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