Chapter 4385 Millennium War ([-])

Ning Zhao and Zhao Tianao stepped into the multicolored sky carefully, looking into the distance, there are layers of colorful clouds, one layer after another, and the ravines between layers, there are many colorful powers, floating , facing each other, sometimes wisps of lightning can be seen.

This is?

Ning Zhao and Zhao Tianao looked at each other suspiciously, but they didn't understand what kind of cloud this kind of existence was. Half a foot had already stepped into it, and it was too late to retreat.

"Senior Dragon Emperor, do you think there will be danger here?" Ning Zhao asked subconsciously.

Zhao Tianao looked at Ning Zhao suddenly, feeling a little unbelievable. He had never seen Ning Zhao with such a lack of confidence. For a moment, he shook his head helplessly, "I don't know, it's hard to say, but it's worth the challenge."

"Then let's go, I am also interested, all dangers, remember, no matter what happens, Senior Dragon Emperor, you just leave on your own, don't consider my comfort, I have my own way to solve it."

Zhao Tianao wanted to say something, but seeing Ning Zhao's self-confidence, he still chose to remain silent, and responded with a nod of trust.

Their movements seemed to have woken up the silence here, and there was a gentle wind as they stepped through the air, and raised the colorful clouds of cotton candy.

But you can't touch it, because these soft things contain huge power.

After traveling a little further, the surrounding environment has changed again, and the colorful clouds have become thick fog.

In an instant, Ning Zhao seemed to have entered a certain space, she lost her direction, and felt that the scene in front of her had also undergone earth-shaking changes.

What's even more frightening is that she and Zhao Tianao have been separated, and she was by her side just now.

This multicolored power is like a fog. When you are attracted to step into it, it means you have stepped into a trap. Of course, perhaps what is waiting for you ahead is not danger, but an opportunity.

Ning Zhao didn't think so, she quickly calmed down.

Since Zhao Tianao couldn't be found, she could only explore by herself first, and move slowly to see if the walls of these colorful clouds were breakable, and if there were answers to her doubts for many years hidden.

I couldn't help reaching out to touch it, it turned out to be something substantial, there was an obvious feeling on my fingers, soft and slippery, not like cotton candy, more like silk.

A similar scene ahead can't be seen...

Before he had time to see clearly, some kind of weird singing sounded in Ning Zhao's ears. First, there was a single voice, and after a while, there were more and more voices in his ears.

She also quickly understood this rule, every time she took a step, there was one more voice, and the more steps she took, the singing became a chorus, which scratched the ears and made people very uncomfortable.

When she stopped again, she could clearly feel that the singing voice had stopped increasing, and it was still the same amount, which remained unchanged.

Gradually, the content of the chanting heard gradually became clearer.

It's like there are countless people talking to you in your ears, which makes you resonate deep in your heart.

This is a kind of mental brainwashing.

Ning Zhao immediately sat down cross-legged, calmed down, and used soul power to constantly wash away the clutter in his mind, trying to make his thinking clear.

But she failed...

She also understands the so-called failure, because it is really difficult to resist the invasion of colorful forces. They start to spread in every corner of her mind, reminding you all the time, look ahead, if you keep walking, there will be more in front of you. Good things are waiting for you.

What could it be?

She stood up dumbly, and took another step in a daze...

(End of this chapter)

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