Chapter 918

In a short period of time, Gu Qingsong had already gone through several contacts in his mind, and also thought of several plans.

Yun Wuwei saw through Gu Qingsong's possible plan, snorted softly, and smiled mockingly from an angle Yun Wuwei couldn't see.

"Patriarch Gu may not know something. Not everyone can pretend to be the young master of the Mo family. Yun has his own way of judging. Now I have to trouble Master Gu to invite the young master out. The Mo family cannot be without a master for a day. In order to find the young master People like Yun have put in a lot of thought."

Yun Wuwei urged, and the impatience on his face was properly expressed.Gu Qingsong and his son looked at each other, very embarrassed.

Gu Tianling didn't want such a good thing to fall on Mo Juechen's head like this. He gritted his teeth and said again, "Mr. Yun doesn't know something. In the early hours of yesterday, all the rooms of our Gu family were stolen..."

"Second Master Gu has already mentioned this matter just now, but Yun doesn't think that my dignified young master of the Mo family would covet such a small property of the Gu family, so this must be a misunderstanding by Master Gu." Once talking nonsense, Yun Wuwei interrupted him again.

"Yun Mou came to the door today, just to invite the young master to return, and to ask the Gu family's patron, Gu Erye, to invite our young master out."

Yun Wuwei cupped his hands towards Patriarch Gu and said in a serious and humble tone.

But the eight teenagers behind him didn't have such a good tone. They stood forward in unison with their long swords in their hands, and their eyes were locked on the father and son of Gu family, "Please Gu family invite our young master of the Mo family to come out. "

"What do you mean by this!" Gu Tianling growled impatiently, pointing at the eight teenagers, "Didn't I tell you all? Mo Juechen is guarding himself, deliberately using the name of chasing thieves, and he hasn't looked back yet. Home, how do you ask us to invite you out if you are not here?"

Gu Tianling has completely confirmed that it is impossible for these people to be used by him, and they are still here to support Mo Juechen. If this is the case, there is no need for him to be polite.

Thinking about it this way, Gu Tianling's tone was naturally not pleasant.

"The young master of the Mohist family is still dignified. Let alone Gu Mengmeng's belly, he is even more defiant and guards himself. So what about the Mohist family in Yunzhou, it's nothing more than that!"

As soon as Gu Tianling uttered such obvious disdainful words, Yun Wuwei and the eight teenagers immediately looked gloomy, and the long swords in the teenagers' hands might be unsheathed at any time.

"Second uncle, what do you mean by that!" Gu Mengmeng hurried over when she heard that someone was looking for Mo Juechen. As soon as she arrived at the door, she heard Gu Tianling's malicious words, so she didn't care that Patriarch Gu didn't care Ask someone to invite her to come, and she will be straight up.

"Jechen and I are in love with each other. I am honored to be able to bear children for him. This is a wonderful thing, but why does it change in your mouth when it comes to your second uncle?"

Gu Mengmeng already knew the origin of Yun Wuwei, her first reaction was that Mo Juechen should have found this person, and no one knew Mo Juechen's origin better than her.

But after thinking about it for a while, she felt that things were definitely not as simple as she thought, and maybe there were reasons she didn't know about, so she wanted to find a suitable opportunity to have a detailed discussion with Yun Wuwei.

So she didn't want Gu Tianling to intervene at this time to make things more complicated.But Gu Tianling was first interrupted twice by Yun Wuwei, and then in front of Yun Wuwei and others, Gu Mengmeng, a little girl, reprimanded him with a video, how could he live with face.

(End of this chapter)

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