Sister paper, I am a real gentleman!

Chapter 112 [112] Miserable and Miserable

Chapter 112 [112] Miserable and Miserable

While Su Ruimin was feasting, Mu Ruocheng had been secretly observing.

She doesn't seem to care much about that good night kiss
Yes, she is a straight girl after all.

Moreover, if Xiao Ruimin said it on the spot, it would be too disrespectful of his own face.

I didn't expect this emotional idiot to be quite careful in life~!

Seeing her eating so happily, Ruocheng's appetite also came up.

Sometimes it's not that the food is not good enough, but it depends on who you eat with.

If you can stay with the person you like, your mood will naturally become very good!


After touching her slightly protruding belly, Su Ruimin showed a satisfied expression.

It's been a long time, I haven't eaten such a delicious breakfast!

And eat so much.

I have to say, Mu Ruocheng is a pretty good cook!

Should I have a [-]-[-] split with my mother?
After all, my mother said that after giving birth to herself, she took professional cooking classes.

The purpose is very clear, that is to prevent Ruimin from eating outside food.

Unclean, unhygienic, no security.

In case eating damages your body, who do you turn to for reasoning?

Seeing that something was wrong, those small traders packed up their stalls and fled.

In order to ensure the health of her child, and to ensure that she would not buy snacks outside, An Shuiyue really put in a lot of effort in this regard.

No matter how busy he is at work, he will cook delicious food in different ways to satisfy Su Ruimin, a greedy cat.

As a result, every time after school, she just wanted to sneak home and see what delicious food her mother made today.

Small crispy pork, French fries, lion head, sweet and sour pork, etc., enriched Su Ruimin's childhood.

Rui Min stood up: "I can't let you work for nothing, I will wash the dishes and chopsticks later!"


Ruocheng smiled and didn't stop her.

Hardworking and sensible silly girl, no one should hate her.

Well, she is still a very cute girl.

After Ruimin entered the kitchen, Ruocheng lazily leaned on the sofa, holding the remote control to switch channels at will.

Yesterday's variety show seems to be canceling the rebroadcast today.

Instead, a very old TV series.

If you think about it carefully, if you replay it, don't you think you didn't die fast enough?

The original impact was very bad, if you really do this, no one will continue to chase after it.

Holding a pot of grapes, she sat beside Ruocheng.


"Thank you~"

Ruocheng was also polite, and casually threw it into his mouth.

She prefers raisins to grapes.

Because although the grape skins are easy to peel, there is still a waste of time to toss.

If you chew it directly, the texture of the skin is not very good, and it feels too astringent.

Grapes are different, the skin is relatively smooth, and the seeds are very small and few, and some even have no seeds.

The meat is thick, the color is bright, and there is no need to peel it. It is really the first choice for lazy people!
Presumably Xiao Ruimin thought so too, right?

It's really a tacit understanding~
Look sideways, smile, sigh silently, thinking it's wonderful.

Being stared at by her like this, Rui Min felt a little uncomfortable: "Can you be a little more normal?"

"Oh? Why am I abnormal?" Ruocheng asked with a smile.

Rui Min couldn't help but move her body: "Your eyes are weird, I suspect you're going to make trouble!"


Ruocheng is a little innocent: "Don't spitting blood, do I look like that kind of person?"

After staring at her for a while, Rui Min nodded and said firmly: "It's not like, you are!"

With a malicious look, anyone who looks at it will think there is something wrong.

Hearing this, Ruocheng became even more innocent: "Wow! I'm very sad when you say that."

"I believe you a ghost!"

Protecting the grapes in her arms, Rui Min said vigilantly: "You little Bichi, you are very bad! Are you planning to snatch my grapes in your heart? Tell you, I won't give you a single one!"


Food protection is a bit too much, hey!

Of course, Rui Min was not that stingy, she was just putting on a show.

In the end, I shared the fruit with the other party, and at the same time asked nonchalantly: "Hey, don't you think our dormitory is very ununited compared to other dormitories?"


Mu Ruocheng squinted his eyes slightly, leaning comfortably on the leather sofa.

"Before I was encouraged to stand on the opposite side with you, and then there was Lin Jiayu, a neutral faction. A small dormitory for girls seems to be staged in the theater of the Three Kingdoms."

"That's because you are stupid, you can still blame me for being fooled by others?"

Rui Min was a little angry: "Hey, although it's the truth, can you be a little more tactful? Are you looking down on my IQ by saying it so bluntly?"

Turning his head, Ruocheng looked surprised: "It's strange, you still have an IQ? If you had an IQ, you wouldn't have confronted me openly in the dormitory, but you should have pulled me aside and asked about it quietly But any normal person would not think of making a big fuss. You made such a fuss that the whole class thought I was sorry for you. "

Hearing her straightforward complaint, Rui Min panicked for a moment: "Didn't you say you didn't care before? I apologized to you very sincerely. Why are you still digging up old scores here?"

Ruocheng rolled his eyes: "You think it's possible for me, but you really don't care at all?"

"Yes, but."

Rui Min's voice became softer.

Well, she was wrong about this matter.

Seeing his little greedy cat turning into a pitiful doormat, Mu Ruocheng sighed softly.

He stretched out his hand and touched her little head, and his tone softened a lot: "Actually, our dormitory can also be very united. As long as we get along in harmony and make a rule together. That is to tell what the other party has done badly, instead of Gossiping behind our backs, our relationship can even be as good as other dormitories."

However, it is doomed to be impossible.

Yang Zixuan has already slept out, and Lin Jiayu is busy working again.

There are only two people left in the huge dormitory.

Last semester, I went to film by myself, and my poor student Su Ruimin lived alone in the house.

Every time she saw the dormitory next door, went to the cafeteria talking and laughing, or made an appointment to play together, Ruimin would be very envious.

This matter has also been discussed with Ruocheng, but they also have more than enough energy.

Lin Jiayu's part-time job is a daily routine, and Yang Zixuan probably won't come back.

It is estimated that all members of a dormitory can only get together at the beginning of school, or during normal classes and night breaks.

As for late self-study or meetings, Lin Jiayu asked for leave whenever she could.

Yang Zixuan would sneak away halfway, while Mu Ruocheng was filming on the set or going back to the hotel to rest.

Su Ruimin was left alone, sitting alone in the classroom.

Compared with other talking and laughing classmates, Su Ruimin seemed a bit out of place.

This is not the college life she expected, more like getting used to the rest of her life in advance.

(End of this chapter)

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