Sister paper, I am a real gentleman!

Chapter 157 [157] More symmetrical

Chapter 157 [157] More symmetrical

Pushing Qiangwei out of the dormitory, Ruocheng closed the door by the way.

After the two of them walked away, Ruocheng carefully asked: "I was not here just now, what happened? I think you two are acting weird, you are not arguing for some reason, right?"


Qiangwei sighed softly, lowered her head, and kicked the air: "I'm also to blame for this. I wanted to know about your school situation, but I couldn't control it for a while, and my tone was a bit heavy."

She is also very frank, no twists and turns.


Ruocheng was speechless.

Could it be that this guy is a sister-in-law?

But after getting along, it didn't feel right, and it was more like doting on myself.

"By the way, it's only eleven o'clock now. Is it too early for us to go to the cafeteria?" Ruocheng took out his mobile phone and glanced at the elder sister.

Qiangwei raised her head and looked at her: "No, I'll take a rest after eating and I'm going to drive back to the company."

"Are you going to work this afternoon?"

"Well, there was something wrong with the company yesterday. In order to send you to school in the morning, I deliberately took half a day off. I have to go back to deal with things in the afternoon, otherwise, the higher-ups will be dissatisfied with such a delay."

"Are you sure you don't want to take a lunch break? Every time I finish eating, I become very lazy and don't want to move. I even want to lie in bed and take a nap."

"There is coffee in the car, I will drink it before departure."

While the two were talking, the elevator door opened.

It was probably the first day of school, and there were still many students who hadn't returned to school. The road was a little deserted, and there were only three or two people dragging their suitcases and walking towards the dormitory building.

"Sister, don't be too tired at work, remember to eat on time, work and rest regularly, don't often stay up late and work overtime." Ruocheng couldn't help but reminded.

Qiangwei turned her head and stared at her for a while, before bursting out laughing: "You, who is the elder? Have you never heard of a elder sister like a mother? I take care of you, so why do you care about me? "

Ruocheng held his head high, and said righteously: "You are a fallacy! I am a hunk! Does a hunk care about his family? Hmm? Let me tell you, Mu Qiangwei, don't let me be your sister. One day, I will definitely want"

"What do you want?"

Qiangwei looked at her with a half-smile, with a dangerous gleam in her eyes.

Ruocheng teased his face, and began to change the subject: "Ahaha, today's weather is really good, very suitable for fitness swimming."

"Don't change the subject, what did you just say you want?"

"There are very few people in the cafeteria today, let's hurry over to have dinner."

"Hey, stop! Finish your sentence if you have the ability!"

"The food in the school cafeteria is as bad as ever." Ruocheng looked disgusted.

Qiangwei remained expressionless, and continued to pick up vegetables and put them into a bowl: "Just let it go, eat as much as you want."

"I know~"

If it were changed to the previous world, the eight major cuisines would not be
will not!

But at least she can cook by herself.

Of course, I learned it all from my ex-girlfriend.

After inlaying cooking skills, Ruocheng can reluctantly try the dish of Man Han Banquet.

Here comes the question, who provides the cooking space at school?

Is it possible to go to the back kitchen of the cafeteria and show the uncles and aunts a wave of operations?
Furthermore, even if she really cooks those delicacies, what is she, Mu Ruocheng, planning?

If you work hard, but just to satisfy your tongue, you might as well order takeaway or go out to eat.

Lying on the table, with his arms resting on his chin, Ruocheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

She is thinking about what to do next.

The novel has been let go, and the game cannot be played all the time.

Investing in those few projects has no results in a short period of time.

Many people like short-term profits, but these often lose money, and even if they make money, they make very little.

When Mu Ruocheng invested, it happened just in time for the interest rate adjustment.

As a long-term project, investment cannot be accomplished overnight.

It's like you travel back to the past and spend money to buy a lot of Bimou coins.

The best solution is to pretend to forget that you bought these, and wait until it is worth taking out and selling them.

The process is a bit long, so it has to be boiled slowly.

Ruocheng shook his head, not thinking about it for now.

Prepare for CET-[-].

There is also the computer level, which is easy to win, Ruocheng said that there is no pressure.

Here comes a new question, what can I do after these exams are over?

Looking for something to do.
When people are free, they feel bored and panic.

In the past, because I wanted to earn living expenses, I went off-campus to find a part-time job.

The purpose is pure, so it won't be too boring.

Now that I have all the conditions, I feel empty, lonely and cold.

As for the tasks of the system, she planned to put them aside.

Relationships are all about letting nature take its course and taking its course. If you interfere too much, you may be relatively happy, but there is also a great possibility that you will fall apart.

Ruocheng herself doesn't like playing tricks, so asking her to think of ways to get things done is definitely impossible~!

Unless lifespan issues are involved, it's better to continue to fish and paddle.

"what happened to you?"

Putting down the chopsticks in her hand, just after wiping the corners of her mouth with a paper towel, Qiangwei found her lying on her stomach weakly, as if she had encountered some trouble.

Ruocheng squinted at the other party: "It's very idle, very boring, I want to find something to do."

"Uh uh."

Qiangwei froze for a moment, obviously she didn't expect that she would answer like this.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Qiangwei leaned over and said in a low voice, "How about I find you a part-time job?"

"Get lost! I don't want it!" Ruocheng pushed her face, trying to move it aside.

"Hey, Cheng Zi has grown up and started to dislike her sister."

Qiangwei shook her head and sighed, with a sad face: "My sister is useless, so miserable~"

"Screenplayer, stop!"

"Okay, after dinner, we should go too."

Seeing that she was about to rush over, Qiangwei quickly stood up, picked up her bag and changed the subject.

"Wait a minute, I'll pack a copy!"

Ruocheng has not forgotten that there is a cute little one in the dormitory, who is hungry and pitiful, waiting for him to go back to feed.

Sending Qiangwei to the parking lot, Ruocheng quickly pecked her on the face while no one around was paying attention.


Staring at the girl with a blushing face, Qiangwei fell into a momentary stupor.

Just when Ruocheng thought that she would despise herself and was ready to be scolded and accused.
"And this side, kiss again, it's more symmetrical."

Qiangwei pointed to the other cheek, and said very seriously.

"Get out! Get out of here!"

The expected accusation did not come, but was ridiculed by the elder sister.

Ruocheng is almost dying of embarrassment now, don't turn your head away and don't want to look at Qiangwei.

In fact, she is such a thief, how could she not notice the reluctance and loss hidden in Qiangwei's eyes?

I just don't want to make the parting too sad, so I choose this way to drive away the other party.

"I'll give you back everything you said just now. Remember to eat on time and keep a regular schedule. Also, don't fall in love. If you let me know, which boy stole your heart, I will..."

"How about you?"

"Ahem, it's not good to fall in love anyway. You are still young, and you put your studies first."

"Okay, okay, don't be a mother-in-law, hurry up and get out!"

"What's the hurry? I'll drink some coffee first to refresh myself a little."

(End of this chapter)

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