Chapter 118 Inside Story
Chu Cangqiong finally confirmed the identity of Hua Ruomi, and his gloomy face finally changed into a look of surprise. Just as he was about to talk to her, he saw the curious eyes of the servants coming and going around him, so he took Hua Ruomi Pulled into the inner room, let the servants who were packing their clothes back down, then slapped Hua Ruomi on the shoulder fiercely, and said viciously: "You damn girl, so many things happened, you don't come to me , Do you think brother I can't protect you?"

Hua Ruomi rubbed the shoulder that was hurt by Chu Cangqiong, and said aggrievedly: "Didn't you come here, sister, I have suffered so much, and I will be beaten and scolded by you when I come to you, brother, woo, it's too shameless." That's right!"

Chu Cangqiong knew that she was pretending to be pitiful, so he gave her a blank look, but still reached out and rubbed her shoulder, and said in a bad tone, "I know it hurts to hit you, so I can remember what my brother said next time!"

Hua Ruo smiled, nodded again and again and said: "My sister will naturally remember what my brother said, but, my brother is getting married, and if I don't notify my sister, do you think my sister can't come up with a congratulatory gift?"

Chu Cangqiong couldn't help but knocked her on the head once, and said angrily: "Damn girl, even you are here to make fun of me, brother? Hurry up and help me find a way to escape!"

Hua Ruomi smiled and said: "Cheng Xueying looks good, brother is still not satisfied, could it be that there is someone else in his heart, who is it, if you don't tell me, I won't help you!"

Chu Cangqiong was choked, and only managed to choke out two words: "Nuan Nuan..."

Hua Ruomi was shocked, but after thinking about it, she felt that it was only natural that he and Nuan Nuan knew each other earlier than he knew himself. They were like childhood sweethearts who had played since they were young, but the friendship of childhood sweethearts turned into love. OK.

Chu Cangqiong said that when fighting against the Demon Sect, Nuan Nuan ran out from Zhongtian Mountain privately and went to the frontline battlefield, wanting to kill the enemy and eliminate the demons. At that time, he happened to be on the front line, so Nuan Nuan fought side by side with him At that time, he was already attracted by Nuan Nuan's bold and free temperament, but Nuan Nuan still regarded him as a friend at that time.

Later, Nuan Nuan lost contact with him during a surprise attack by the Demon Sect. Chu Cangqiong searched for Nuan Nuan day and night for three days and three nights before finding her trace in a cave on a cliff.

At that time, Nuan Nuan's cultivation was only on the fourth floor of the foundation, and he met a disciple of the Demon Sect who was on the sixth floor of the foundation, and fought with that disciple for a day and a night before leading him to the edge of a cliff, holding the idea of ​​dying with him , fell off the cliff together, but fortunately Nuannuan was blocked by a big rock and fell into the lair of a spirit beast on the mountain wall, thus saving her life.

When Chu Cangqiong found Nuan Nuan, she looked very embarrassed. Chu Cangqiong felt sorry for her and scolded her. Neither of the two said anything, but they both knew that their relationship and feelings were different.

Chu Cangqiong finished talking to Hua Ruomi with a blushing face, Hua Ruomi smiled happily, and then frowned and asked: "Since you and Nuan Nuan already have feelings for each other, what about the marriage with Cheng Xueying? Even if it is your family It needs to be in the right family, but Nuan Nuan's family status is better than Cheng Xueying's!"

Chu Cangqiong said angrily: "It's not my damn third brother, he was afraid that my marriage to Nuan Nuan would threaten his eligibility to inherit the throne, so he did everything possible to obstruct him, using my mother to threaten me and let me marry Cheng Xue Ying."

Hua Ruomi's complexion sank instantly when she heard the words, and she threatened the lives of her relatives again. These so-called upright people are always serious on the surface, but they are thieves and prostitutes behind their backs, and they can't do anything!

Cursing a few words secretly, Hua Ruomi asked again: "But did Cheng Xueying betroth the name of Si to the second young master of Sijia?"

Chu Cangqiong nodded, and said with a wry smile: "But that guy in the name of Sizhi didn't have this good fortune, and he has been dead for more than a month."

Hua Ruomi was stunned, and hurriedly asked: "How could the name of Si die?"

Chu Cangqiong said: "I don't know about this either. I only know that he died suddenly before he got engaged to the Cheng family. However, his family only received the news later, so they divorced the Cheng family."

Hua Ruomi was still puzzled, and continued to ask: "Even if Tong Cheng's family divorced, there is no need to marry you, right? Your third brother is afraid that you will threaten his status, so there is no need to choose Xueying. !"

Chu Cangqiong smiled wryly again: "This is not to blame your second brother Hua Ruolian, if he hadn't brought Cheng Xueying into my palace and was bumped into by the third brother, he insisted on telling the king that I and Cheng Xueying have made a private decision for life , and I ruined the girl's innocence."

Hua Ruomi was stunned, confused by the chaotic plot, and stammered and asked, "What do you mean by ruining the girl's innocence?"

Chu Cangqiong was even more helpless, and said with an expression on his face, "Cheng Xueying is pregnant."

"What? Pregnant?" Hua Ruomi exclaimed with a look of being struck by lightning.

Chu Cangqiong looked aggrieved: "That's right, your brother left her with me and disappeared, which hurt me."

Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so that I'm angry, but also bear such a big scapegoat, am I wronged or not!

The shock in Hua Ruomi's heart can no longer be described with the word shock, and she can't figure it out. Hua Ruolian and Cheng Xueying have been together for a month, and they are so fast. .You even have a baby, what is going on?

"But how could aunt be used to threaten you?" Hua Ruomi continued to ask.

The expression on Chu Cangqiong's face was embarrassing, and he smiled more bitterly after a while and said: "I'm not afraid of your jokes, my mother never loved my father, and was forced to marry my father, but she always loved others in her heart." , and is still meeting with that person now, this matter was known by the third brother, he threatened me with this matter, if I don't agree to marry Cheng Xueying, he will tell my father about my mother and concubine. "

Hua Ruomi's eyes widened, so it turned out that there is such a complicated plot in it, even if she had read the book before, it couldn't compare to the twists and turns of the plot.

It's just that what's wrong with Hua Ruolian, he has to leave his wife here in such a hurry, and leave alone, he doesn't look like the kind of person who starts to mess up and ends up abandoning.

Asked Chu Cangqiong, but Chu Cangqiong shook his head and said, he didn't know what was going on. At that time, Hua Ruolian only said that she would go back and confess the matter to her parents, fearing that her father's impulsiveness would be bad for Cheng Xueying, so she first Leave her with him to take care of him.

Hua Ruomi felt that with Hua Qingyun's temperament, if he disagreed, he would have a thousand ways to stop Hua Ruolian, so Hua Ruolian would never return, and the rumors were all about Cheng Xueying. The news that he is going to marry Chu Cangqiong,

Even Hua Ruoshui came to congratulate, he couldn't be ignorant, and he couldn't be indifferent, unless his personal freedom has been restricted at all, and he can't show up to explain and deal with this matter.

Chu Cangqiong also felt that Hua Ruolian would not be such a person. After Cheng Xueying found out about this, someone from the Cheng family also came to take her home, and she was probably already under house arrest. If the two of them could not be rescued , Tomorrow's wedding seems to be imperative.

Chu Cangqiong said with a bitter face: "Nuan Nuan became mad when she found out about this, she refused to listen to my explanation, and ran back to the Chonghua Sect to retreat, refusing to see me for life or death."

Hua Ruomi smiled secretly, but she couldn't show gloating on her face, she could only sigh along with him, and comfort him: "It's okay, as long as you handle this matter well, Nuannuan should see you when she leaves the customs."

Chu Cangqiong had an expression of wishing so, and Hua Ruomi couldn't help being happier.

But Le Guile, she cares about Chu Cangqiong and Nuan Nuan very much. They are both of her few friends. It would be a pity if two beautiful marriages were ruined because of this incident. .

So right now, Hua Ruo Mi made a promise with Chu Cangqiong, this matter was on her shoulders, and his marriage would definitely fail!
Immediately after leaving the Chu Kingdom’s palace, he found a secluded place and took out the Red Luan Sword. He flew with the sword and galloped to Muyun City, where he landed in an alley not far from Hua’s house. Entered the flower house.

The memories this place left for her are basically nothing good, if not for Chu Cangqiong and Nuan Nuan, the only purpose of her coming here is to kill Hua Qingyun!

The servants saluted her respectfully, but not long after entering the yard, they met Hua Ruofeng who was about to go out, cursed inwardly, but had no choice but to greet her with a smile, and called "Brother".

Hua Ruofeng frowned and asked, "Didn't you go to the wedding of Prince Chu Fourth? Why are you back?"

Hua Ruoshui said with a look of panic: "I lost the congratulatory gift for the fourth prince's brother, so... I had no choice but to come back to my mother to buy another one, and please don't tell daddy."

When Hua Ruofeng heard this, he frowned a little, because he personally arranged the congratulatory gift for the Chu family. Although it was not said to be priceless, it was still expensive. Hua Ruoshui was so stupid that he threw things away. Yes, it really made him feel bad.

But it's not good to get angry with Hua Ruoshui. After all, if he wants to be the head of the family in the future, he needs the support of these younger brothers and sisters, so he smiled lightly and said: "It's okay, don't worry, brother will prepare another congratulatory gift for you." You, just be careful next time."

Hua Ruomi said happily: "Really, thank you brother, I will definitely pay attention next time!"

Hua Ruofeng nodded and said: "You wait at home for a while, I will help you set it up, and I will come back to you later."

Hua Ruomi nodded obediently, and waited for Hua Ruofeng to leave before continuing to walk into the house, but her divine sense had already been released, exploring every corner of Hua's house.

When Shennian reached a place, Hua Ruomi was stunned, and rushed there without even thinking about it.

There was Hua Ruochen's room. When Hua Ruomy's divine sense swept over, Hua Ruochen was practicing sword, but he was vomiting blood while practicing sword.

Hua Ruomi rushed into Hua Ruochen's yard, just in time to see him covering his mouth and bending over coughing violently, bright red blood gushing out from between his fingers, instantly staining the back of his hand, the ground There are pitted sword marks everywhere on the ground, and there are many mottled bloodstains, some of which have dried up, and some have just fallen.

 please touch~ ok

(End of this chapter)

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