I just want to stay at home in peace

Chapter 185 I'm Really Not an Idol

Chapter 185 I'm Really Not an Idol

After the top ten singers broke out, Mo Yun was annoyed for several days.

Although in the video there is a faint glow from the guitar, covering his face.

But the audience at the scene knew Mo Yun.

Undoubtedly, Mo Yun's information was picked up.

"Ah, so he is that Mo Yun!"

"That Mo Yun who was admitted to Jiangnan Martial Arts University as a third-rank martial artist?!"

Slowly, the dusty memories of these people came to my mind.

"God, didn't the rumors say that he was hurt by love, stayed at home dead, and never went out?"

"Uh, I just went to the post bar at school and looked through the posts, and some people said that he died suddenly at home..."

"Nonsense, do you believe this too? Mo Yun is bright and handsome, these are all rumors!"

"That's right, it's just that he keeps a low profile on weekdays and doesn't bother to care about these things."

"However, his singing can make people cry, and he has been hurt by love... It's not impossible!"

"Well, I really want to comfort him, give him a loving hug, and give him warmth!"

"Climb! He's mine! The hug should be given by me!"

"Go away, he belongs to my mother!"

"No, it belongs to this fairy!"


The next day, girls from Jiangnan Wuhan University ran to Mo Yun's house one after another, coveting his beauty.

For this, Mo Yun was very helpless.

Sometimes, it's too good to be really troublesome.

This is also the reason why he has been reluctant to expose too much.

Look, this is just singing a song, and it becomes like this?
If they knew more, the people who came to Mo Yun every day would probably have to line up for tens of miles.

If any guy went crazy and demolished his house, who would he cry to?
For these people who came to the door, Mo Yun was too lazy to respond to them at first. No matter how they knocked on the door outside, he just played games on his own, without being affected in the slightest.

In addition, he also went out to reward missions as usual.

Of course, when he went out, he was silent, no one could notice him at all.

For the sake of unnecessary trouble, he also changed his appearance and turned into an ordinary-looking guy.

After three or four days like this, these people never saw Mo Yun, and finally lost their patience, and they all dispersed.

After all, they all have their own lives and they all have to practice, so it is impossible to guard Mo Yun all the time.

Mo Yun also heaved a sigh of relief when the limelight passed, and decided to keep a low profile in the future and never participate in such cheating competitions again.

After the experience of the Top Ten Singer Competition, in the days to come, Mo Yun would change his face when he went out to reward others, so as not to be recognized by others.

In this way, Mo Yun lived quietly for almost a month.

Until yesterday, the system asked him to challenge the copy of the Buried Demon Mountain in the Martial Dao Dreamland, and something went wrong again.


Sleep till dawn.

After opening his eyes, Mo Yun habitually swiped his phone first.

As a result, his face turned black.

Mo Yun hit the headlines!

He didn't expect that the first kill announcement that day was a world announcement, and everyone in the martial arts dream had seen this announcement!
As a result, Mo Yun exploded again.

Of course, most people questioned the result of the first kill at Buried Monster Mountain, thinking that the Martial Dao dream system was malfunctioning.

As a result, these people became official one after another.

The result was unexpected. The official immediately stated that there was no fault in the system, and the data was completely normal for this first kill.

For this response, many people do not believe it, especially those who have experienced the despair of Burying Monster Mountain.

Even if they were killed, they wouldn't believe that a student from Jiangnan Wuda University could clear the most terrifying dungeon of Buried Demon Mountain.

These people believed that the Martial Dao dream data was wrong, and they banded together to file a real-name complaint, asking the authorities to investigate clearly before making a conclusion.

However, the results were surprising.

The Martial Arts Dreamland official is extremely powerful, and the Wu Dao Dreamland accounts of these Wudao college students who complained were all banned for a week.

Among them, the instigator was even banned for a month.

And the instigator is Jingwu Linyi.

Finally, the Martial Arts Dream officially made an exception and released some data.

After the data was announced, everyone fell silent.

Because a person who knows how to do it can understand it at a glance.

Although things are weird, when Mo Yun cleared the dungeon of Buried Monster Mountain, all the data of the Martial Dao Dreamland were normal, there was no problem at all!

Regarding this, Lin Yi wanted to cry but had no tears, and wanted to find a piece of tofu to crash him to death.

He was still 48 merit points short of being able to exchange for the secret book of sword techniques that he had dreamed of.

However, now, he is actually banned from logging into the Martial Dao Dreamland!
However, at this time, he didn't dare to be tough with the Martial Arts Dreamland official, so he could only turn his target to Mo Yun.

He really wanted to see how powerful this man who was able to clear the dungeon of Buried Monster Mountain was, and how divine he was!
So, he said that in three days, he would go to Jiangnan Wuda University to meet Mo Yun in person, and see how awesome this man who has cleared the dungeon of Buried Monster Mountain is!
Seeing this, Mo Yun frowned and concentrated: "This guy, really wants to be a sixth-rank warrior?"

For this, Mo Yun took a deep breath, and seriously said two words: "Spicy chicken!"

A sixth-rank martial artist cannot provide him with any experience.

"Hehe, Sand Sculpture, do you think I ignore you?"

While complaining, Mo Yun continued to browse, only to find out that he actually has fans.

When Mo Yun was questioned, many people stood up and stood up for him, saying that he is versatile and unparalleled in martial arts, and that it is just a piece of cake to clear the Burial Demon Mountain, so there is nothing to doubt.

Mo Yun was very pleased with this, and grinned.

"It seems that there are still people who understand."

However, before Mo Yun could finish his joy, his face immediately turned dark again.

He found that these people who supported him were all girls!
Soon, he saw such a post.

"Don't worry about them, Mo Yun, we will always support you. By the way, just ask, does anyone know when Mo Yun will record again?"

Below the post, a group of people copy and paste, all pink accounts.

In addition to copying the thread, someone uploaded a video of Mo Yun singing, as well as a photo dug out from nowhere.

And, soon the videos and photos were put on top by the host.

Then, the video floor and the photo floor exploded.

Mo Yun immediately understood.

The reason why he was supported by these girls was because he was handsome!

These people are coveting his beauty!
Mo Yun felt pained by this, and was so angry that he wanted to smash his phone, their phone!

"Excessive! Lao Tzu is clearly a powerful faction, not an idol faction!"

After brewing on the bed for over an hour, Mo Yun slowly got up and took a shower.

After eating the exquisite breakfast that he made by himself, Mo Yun decided to read comics.

Lying on the sofa, Mo Yun performed the imperial object technique, and randomly selected one out of the piles of comics.

The manga flew in front of him, and Mo Yun was a little surprised when he glanced at the cover.

"Breaking the sky?"

Frowning, Mo Yun planned to put the manga back.

But after thinking about it, I opened it and looked at it.

Mo Yun has already finished watching the anime version, and got a ring.

Although he bought the comic version of Doupa for a while, he never opened it.

It suddenly occurred to me that this version seemed a little different, so I decided to take a look at it casually, and didn't expect to be able to brush up skills or anything.

However, something weird happened.

(End of this chapter)

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