Chapter 30

In the principal's office, Tang Xiao made himself a pot of tea after a long absence.

After working hard day and night during this period, the problem of the Jiangnan Catacombs was finally resolved.

Catacombs, also known as dimensional space, is a different-dimensional world that Blue Star suddenly appeared 300 years ago. There is a vast world and extremely powerful different-dimensional creatures living in it.

It is said that when the Catacomb first appeared, a large number of dimensional creatures crawled out of it. They were cruel and bloodthirsty and killed anyone they saw, causing huge damage to Blue Star.

In the end, with heavy casualties, the Blue Star humans finally wiped out all those dimensional creatures, and sent people to guard and suppress the dimensional passage, preventing them from coming out to wreak havoc.

It is also precisely because of the emergence of the Catacombs that the martial arts that were originally in decline developed rapidly in Blue Star.

After hundreds of years of development, the martial arts flourishing age where all the people practice martial arts has emerged.

Because modern thermal weapons are disturbed by a mysterious magnetic field in the dimensional space, they can't play much role. The people of Blue Star are in a sense of crisis, so they work hard to practice martial arts.

Up to now, the martial arts level of Blue Star humans has reached an unprecedented height.

Although the number of burrows is gradually increasing, they are still tightly suppressed by the Blue Star humans.

Except for the first time, there has never been a situation where the cave creatures rushed to the ground.

It's just unfortunate that some time ago, there was a small problem in Jiangnan Dimensional Space.

Fortunately, with the unremitting efforts of all parties, the problem was resolved, and the Jiangnan Dimensional Space was restored to stability. Tang Xiao, who was the principal of Jiangnan Wuda University, was finally able to relax.

As soon as he was free, the incident of being attacked that day kept appearing in Tang Xiao's mind.

Too shameful!

He is the dignified principal of Jiangnan Wuda University, known as the Sword Demon, and he was beaten violently in his own territory!
What's even more exaggerated is that this incident was filmed and posted on the Internet. The entire network has broadcast over [-] million, and Tang Xiao has become an Internet celebrity!

It's fine to be an Internet celebrity, but someone actually made an emoji out of his photo!
That's right, Tang Xiao's emoji became popular.

The content of the emoticon package is as follows.

Tang Xiao, who was dressed in ice and looked white, jumped out of the ground like a snowman, turned around and roared evilly: Who the fuck is messing with me?
When Tang Xiao saw this emoji, he almost vomited blood with anger: Is this really an old man?Why does the face look so strange?
In order to achieve dramatic effect, Tang Xiao's face was of course processed.

But Tang Xiao didn't understand this, he just thought that his face was distorted like that at that moment.

Look, the dignified sixth-rank master was so angry by the sneak attack, his face was distorted with anger!
Regarding this, Tang Xiao naturally reacted in his heart, wanting to find out the sneak attacker and beat him up!
However, after several days of investigation, there was no progress.

The mysterious sneak attacker seemed to have evaporated from the world, leaving no trace behind.

In the end, Tang Xiao could only give up.

When he was free today to sort out the materials, he suddenly saw the report that Mo Yun hadn't come to school for a year. He frowned and planned to talk to the kid.

Originally, he would never take care of this kind of matter, and just leave it to the people below to make decisions.

But Mo Yun's situation is a bit special.

Because Mo Yun didn't use it for class, he personally approved it back then.

"Hmph, that kid came to the door by himself back then. Jiangnan Wushu naturally couldn't refuse to accept such an excellent student. He made some exorbitant demands, but the old man didn't care at the time."

"What's more, the old man also found an excuse to beat him up, which is fair, and it's okay to give him some convenience."

"Hehe, I thought he was just mentioning it casually, but I didn't expect to actually do it like that. It's too much!"

Tang Xiao originally thought that Mo Yun asked him to approve not to go to class because it was convenient for him to use it for personal matters.

Or as an extraordinary genius, he has his own training plan and does not need to follow the progress of the school.

No matter what the reason was, Tang Xiao could understand it.

After all, he is a genius, and his behavior will be more or less different from ordinary people.

But what the hell is this kid who moved out and hasn't shown up at school since the start of school?

The principle of Wuhan University is to teach students according to their aptitude, and students with outstanding talents can even choose their own tutors for individual cultivation guidance.

In this way, even if your talent is far superior to others, you can still learn something in school without affecting your cultivation progress.

As for Mo Yun, he never appeared in school at all, let alone choose a tutor.

"Too much, too much!"

"What? Haven't gone out for more than a year, staying at home all day, neither studying nor practicing martial arts?"

"It's against the sky, it's really against the sky! Back then, the old man felt that this kid was very angry and needed a good beating, but now something is wrong!"

"No, I have to have a good talk with this kid. If this goes on, this kid will probably be useless!"

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao broke into a cold sweat.

"Oh, it's all because I'm too busy. I haven't paid attention to school affairs for a long time. I only found out now that something like this happened!"

"Hmph, what on earth is the teaching office doing? Why didn't the old man personally inform me of such an important matter? How could the old man notice such a crap report?"

Tang Xiao was very annoyed, and decided to rectify Jiangnan Wuda.

What he didn't know was that since he had personally approved the privilege for Mo Yun back then, other people naturally didn't dare to take care of Mo Yun's affairs.

This report appeared in his office because of some accidents.

"No, I have to find that kid now, we can't delay any longer, I'm going to catch him and come back to class today, the old man will teach him personally and be his tutor!"

Thinking of this, Tang Xiao asked someone to check Mo Yun's residence, and went out in a hurry.

At the same time, the practice room.

Wang Qi was wearing a tight black vest and sports shorts, revealing a large area of ​​white and delicate.


Her ancient boxing skills are smooth and smooth, which contains beauty and strength without losing power.

After typing once, Wang Qi panted slightly, stopped to wipe off her sweat, and the corners of her mouth curled into a beautiful arc.

"At this time, the principal should have seen the report, right?"

"Hmph, I couldn't get in touch with the principal before, but now, as a board member of the Martial Arts Club, it is still possible to submit a report."

"Mo Yun, Mo Yun, you can't blame me, this is what Aunt Wang ordered me to do, and I must lead you to the right path, and I can't let you continue to be decadent."

Wang Qi is very happy.

As a friend, she could make Mo Yun better, of course she was happy.

"In the past, you had the shield of the headmaster, and no one else could control you. Now, the headmaster personally takes care of you. Let's see how you stay at home, hmph!"

Wang Qian exhaled heavily, then took a sip of the spirit liquid, calmed down, and planned to continue practicing.

At the same time, Mo Yun opened the door and saw the fierce Tang Xiao approaching.

"School, principal, why are you here?"

Did things come to light so quickly?
No reason!

(End of this chapter)

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