come to the heavens

Chapter 559 Exploration of Alien Plane

Chapter 559 Exploration of Alien Plane

So far, the immortal gods have a total of six gods, namely:

Main God/King of God: God of War——Ye Chen, medium divine power, godhead level 11, possesses six priesthoods of Supreme, War, Warrior, Knight, Flame, and Earth, and the extremely terrifying one possesses Supreme, War, Warrior, Knight, Tactic, There are a total of thirteen domains including strategy, fire, earth, conquest, courage, duel, immortality, and soul reincarnation.

Queen of God: The God of Life——Phenia, weak divine power, godhead level 7, possesses three priesthoods of Supreme, Life and Sun, and nine domains of Supreme, Life, Sun, Order, Civilization, Fertility, Beauty, Nobility, and Kindness .

Under Ye Chen's persuasion, she adjusted her priesthood. In the future, she will focus on life as her priesthood, and her official name is Phinya, the goddess of life.

Deity: The God of Commerce——Duan Hui, with weak divine power, godhead level 2, possesses the priesthood of commerce, and possesses the four domains of commerce, civilization, trade, and merchant.

Belonging to God: The God of Strength and Monk——Canon Appleton, weak divine power, godhead level 2, has two priesthoods of strength and monk, and has five domains of strength, monk, courage, perseverance, and endurance.

Deity: God of lava and volcano——Augusta Hicks, weak divine power, godhead level 3, has two priesthoods of lava and volcano, and five domains of lava, volcano, lava element, drought, and earthquake.

Belonging to God: The god of orcs——Amand Kemp, weak divine power, godhead level 3, possesses the priesthood of orcs, and possesses four domains of orcs, strength, protection, and courage.

In addition, there is actually one person in the church who is qualified to bestow the godhead, that is, the former Grand Duke of Eby and the current king of the Immortal Kingdom, Bill McPherson. As a matter of fact, Ye Chen has already prepared a priesthood for him.

But he refused, and prayed to his faith to become the second Pope of the Immortal Church on Earth.

Ye Chen understood what he meant, agreed, and immediately sent down the oracle, choosing him as his No.2 voter and succeeding him as the second pope.

Ye Chen really understands Bill's thoughts, he is walking on the road to the Holy Spirit, and it is not an ordinary Holy Spirit.

The highest level of this kind of believer is very difficult, and one's words and deeds need to be consistent with the gods of belief. According to some games, believers need to forcibly change their own phases to be consistent with the gods' phases, which is very, very difficult.

But once successful, such a holy spirit can instantly change the essence of life and become a special existence that combines the advantages of beings and petitioners. It can communicate with gods anytime, anywhere, borrow the divine power of the gods it believes in, and be available for gods to descend on them at any time. His consciousness will not be erased from his body, which is equivalent to the incarnation of a walking god.

And even if such a special holy spirit dies in battle, it can continue to be resurrected like a petitioner, until the soul wears out to the extreme, and finally becomes a part of the divine power like a petitioner.

This kind of top-level believer is basically beyond expectation, and it is difficult for ordinary holy spirits to appear, let alone this special one.

Ye Chen didn't have much expectations for this, but it doesn't hinder him from trying. Even if he doesn't succeed, he can gain an ordinary believer of the Holy Spirit. If he succeeds, it is equivalent to having an incarnation that can exert his divine power at will in the material plane, and it is an additional The incarnation of this effect is not usually great.

You must know that although the divine power incarnation transformed by his bloodline warlock can also attack with all his strength in the material plane, it is only limited to the Phinia plane. If he goes to other material planes, he will be rejected like other divine power incarnations. What passed was only the will of the plane, but the will of other planes was not hidden.

Less than a month after King Bill McPherson took over as the second Pope of the Immortal Church, he announced the unity of the Immortal Church and the Immortal Kingdom, established the Immortal Empire, and called himself the first Immortal Pope.

This operation surprised Ye Chen who was far away in the Kingdom of God.

When the oracle was released, the god system was named Immortal, the church was renamed Immortal, and the kingdom was also named Immortal, which has its own effect.

It's just that he never said this idea, and he didn't expect Bill to think of it himself.

"Is this the so-called compatibility of compatibility?"

He followed the mortal world with great interest, wanting to see what Bill would do next.

After the establishment of the Immortal Papal State, ****, church priests were incorporated into the army, and Pope Bill ordered the official start of the Continental Unification War.

The mainland that had just calmed down fell into war again, but this time it was a human civil war. With the help of the church and even the gods, other countries, even the Taton Empire, the most powerful country in the mainland, could not resist. Unification will definitely come, but when will it come? question.

Ye Chen only paid a little attention to the war in the mortal world. Now his focus is no longer on the plane of Phinia, but on other planes in the boundless ocean of force.

With the direct support of the gods, it is absolutely impossible for other countries on the mainland to hold back the soldiers of the Immortal Empire. When the mainland is unified and its forces are concentrated, it will be more convenient to expedition to other planes in the future.

As the war on earth continues, Ye Chen, in the name of the immortal gods, invites all demigods and legendary powerhouses in the plane to gather to discuss the exploration of other planes.

At the party, Ye Chen invited these demigods and legendary powerhouses to leave the plane of Phinia and explore other planes. He promised that anyone who finds a plane with a lot of intelligent life and comes back to inform the Immortal Church will wait. The church conquers that plane, and the discoverer will get a god position in the immortal church to help him become a god.

Exploring alien planes is generally impossible for ordinary people. Theoretically, anyone with a professional level of ten or above can explore alien planes. However, the extremely high death rate of exploring alien planes discourages most professionals. Only those who are legendary and above have a higher success rate.

The legendary powerhouses of the Immortal Church are limited, and most of them need to guard the plane, so they can only hire other powerhouses from the mainland.

The Immortal God System rules the Phinia plane, and these demigods and legendary powerhouses are doomed to have no further possibilities. If they want to become gods, it is only possible to leave the Phinia plane and go to a different plane, so they can't help but agree.

There are quite a few demigods and legendary powerhouses in the Phinia plane. There are six demigods in total. There is no chance in this plane, and I have left early.

As an investment, before they left, Ye Chen gave each of them a complete set of legendary magic equipment, each with a semi-artifact, to increase their survival rate in exploring the alien plane.

These legendary magic equipment and semi-artifacts are forged by Augusta, the god of lava and volcano. This god has the priesthood of lava and volcano, which is very suitable for forging. When choosing extraordinary divine power, he chose the extraordinary divine power of 'Forging Artifact', which can already be forged The highest demigod.

(End of this chapter)

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