Take a plane to the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 345 Hong Chengchou's Ingenious Plan

Chapter 345 Hong Chengchou's Ingenious Plan
Unfortunately, he was doomed to guess wrong.

Just when he finished speaking and was still looking at Zhu Changyuan with a smile, Zhu Changyuan waved his hand, made a gesture that made him dumbfounded, and said something that made his heart tremble.

Zhu Changyuan made a beheading motion with his right hand, and he ordered in a clear voice to the bowed soldiers: "But anyone who shields criminals will be killed!"

However, when Zhu Changyuan gave the order, the generals who accepted the order, such as Qin Lin, were stunned.

Although he regarded Zhu Changyuan as a god, he never expected that this guy would give such an order.

To kill or not to kill?
At the moment when several people hesitated, Wu Sangui breathed a sigh of relief, a smile that was not easy to detect by ordinary people appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he was secretly proud: so what if you give the order?

Which soldier in the world would dare to carry out such a ridiculous order?

Wu Sangui's idea was correct, but unfortunately, he underestimated Zhu Changyuan's influence in the Shaanxi border army.Seeing Qin Lin and the others hesitate, Zhu Changyuan said: "Those who obey my orders are all my brothers and subordinates of Zhu Changyuan, otherwise, they are my enemies."

Having said that, Qin Lin couldn't help but shuddered and trembled, then took a deep breath and said, "Brothers, I don't care what you choose, I'm going to follow the general."

After finishing speaking, he calmly drew a hard bow and shot an arrow at the dark crowd below.

A soldier in the crowd fell in response.

"The last general swears to follow General Tian to the death!" Another general bowed his bow and shot.

Immediately, the soldiers under them also opened their bows and arrows one by one, and shot down indiscriminately.

The six people, after hesitating for less than a minute, completely obeyed Zhu Changyuan's order, led the men under him, and shot a dense rain of arrows at the crowd below.

Suddenly, there were screams from below.

Wu Sangui's face turned pale with fright, looking at the subordinates below, his heart was bleeding.

This is the Guanning iron cavalry of the Ming Empire, the most powerful cavalry in the entire empire, not only can confront Huang Taiji head-on, but also, Cao Wenzhao only led 1000 of them back then, and was able to beat Li Zicheng's [-] troops into a mess flee.

These six thousand iron cavalry were famous. They followed Wu Sangui's uncle Zu Dashou earlier, and now they belonged to him.

However, now!

Zhu Changyuan actually sent all six thousand cavalry to death because of an assassination incident.

"No wonder he asked me to gather these six thousand cavalry in the Wengcheng. It turned out to be... well, if I knew this, why bother." Wu Sangui's face was pale, and he felt guilty: "I should have handed over the ancestral court in the first place. than the destruction of all.”

"I should have thought a long time ago that this Zhu Changyuan is a lunatic who can do anything."

Seeing the Ming elite who was about to twist and surge below, who was being shot and killed, Wu Sangui felt so powerless, pointed at Zhu Changyuan, and said, "You, you, are so dark-hearted."

"If there is a grudge, there is a grudge, and if there is a grudge, revenge. I, Zhu Changyuan, have always lived happily!" With a cold snort, he continued: "Some of these people assassinate the general, and some cover criminals. They are all guilty. Command, punish the guilty, how can you say that you have a dark heart?"

"Those who deliberately murdered this general deserve to die." After a pause, he said contemptuously, "Don't worry, this general guarantees that even if someone gets away with it, he will be brought to justice sooner or later."

These words were obviously meant for Wu Sangui.

But after Wu Sangui heard this, he was numb and didn't react at all. He stared blankly at the constantly crowded and squirming crowd below the city, and his movements gradually became less and less, gradually returning to calm.

"Dead, all dead!"

Wu Sangui muttered to himself, in his mind, right now, there was only one thought: run, run quickly, as far away from this lunatic as possible, and run to the capital as soon as possible to sue the emperor.

He decided to sneak back to the capital, and then ruthlessly read Zhu Changyuan's book.

However, there is no need for him to sue, but more people sue.

What's more, the filing speed is [-] blocks faster than him.

In the dark of Shanhaiguan, a servant who followed Zhu Changyuan had already sent a letter to the capital about all the flying pigeons that happened in the city tonight.

At the same time, in the other dark corners of the city, there were also people who sent news of the mutiny in Shanhaiguan City to Shengjing via Feige.

In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, it was never uncommon for the two sides to plant eyeliners in each other's armies.

Shanhaiguan is only a few hundred kilometers away from the capital, and the speed of flying pigeons to pass letters is still very fast.So, the next afternoon, Emperor Chongzhen received the news.

When he learned that there was a mutiny in Shanhaiguan, he was not too surprised, but when he knew that all six thousand Guanning cavalry had been shot and killed by Zhu Changyuan, he spat out a mouthful of old blood and passed out immediately.

After the Battle of Songjin, after the First World War, the elite of the Nine Frontiers of Ming Dynasty were completely destroyed, and the rest of the property that can be seen is only the six thousand cavalry in Shanhaiguan.

This is also the last elite division of the Ming Empire.

But now it's a good thing, Zhu Changyuan waved his hand and killed him.

Emperor Chongzhen was not only angry, but also hated.

If God gives him another chance, whether he will send Zhu Changyuan to Liaodong is still a question.

+ + + +
Chongzhen fainted to the ground in anger, and the exact opposite of him was Huang Taiji.

After learning about the change in Shanhaiguan, this guy laughed and danced with joy. He got up overnight to summon Fan Wencheng and Hong Chengchou, and asked, "So, what good plan can you have?"

In the past few days, the entire Qing Dynasty is worried about Zhu Changyuan's conditions for peace talks.

To be honest, Ning Yuan gave it as well, anyway, it was an isolated city, and Huang Taiji didn't care.

But Jinzhou is different. The strategic location of this place is too important. It took so much hard work to get it down. Now Zhu Changyuan is about to go back as soon as his upper and lower lips touch.

But if you don’t give it, you can’t do it. Zhu Changyuan made it clear: If you don’t give it after ten days, I will attack your Dongjiang, and then go to Shenyang.

Facing Zhu Changyuan's attack, Huang Taiji had no certainty of winning. Therefore, after weighing the pros and cons, he decided to agree with Zhu Changyuan's point of view and give him Jinzhou and Ningyuan.

However, for such a decision, the courtiers did not buy it, especially Dorgon and Duoduo, the strength representatives of the two military forces opposed it with both hands.

Now Huang Taiji was in a dilemma. Seeing that the tenth day was approaching, the discussion with the higher authorities still had no results.

But just tonight, when the news of the Shanhaiguan mutiny came, he was immediately excited, as if he smelled something beneficial to him, and wanted to make a fuss about this matter.

"Your Majesty, this incident is a great blessing for our Qing Dynasty!" Fan Wencheng cupped his hands and said, "I think that on the one hand, we want people to spread rumors in the capital of the Ming Dynasty, saying that Zhu Changyuan murdered Zhongliang and cut off dissidents. If he wants to stand on his own in Liaodong, let Beijing put pressure on him, and may even take Zhu Changyuan away directly for questioning."

"On the other hand, to stabilize Zhu Changyuan first, we only need to pretend to give him Ningyuan and Jinzhou, but the delivery has been delayed."

Fan Wencheng's idea is very good, Huang Taiji believes that the first point is not too difficult to implement, not to mention how many hidden stakes he has planted in the capital, but the suspicious character of Emperor Chongzhen is enough for Zhu Changyuan to drink a pot.

As for the false reconciliation, this move is even more brilliant, not only can temporarily stabilize Zhu Changyuan, but also makes him have no excuse to send troops to attack him. Once the angel of Daming's accountability arrives in Liaodong, there is no need to worry about everything.

No mistake, he Zhu Changyuan dared to rebel!

"Okay, Master Fan's words are just right for me!" Huang Taiji took a deep breath, stood up from the chair, and immediately felt refreshed. The good news came so quickly that he still doubts that he dream.

"Hurry up immediately, and send the terms of the peace talks to Zhu Changyuan overnight, so as not to have long nights and dreams." After Huang Taiji finished speaking, he ordered his servants: "Go, let Concubine Zhuang make me a bowl of mutton soup, I suddenly feel very hungry today .”

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!" Hong Chengchou bowed his head in obeisance.

Huang Taiji waved his hand and said: "Mr. Hong, please get up quickly. Oh, I feel that the illness in this body has improved a lot. It is just like the saying that people are refreshed on happy occasions. Hehe, Zhengchou can't deal with this Ming emperor uncle." , he is fine, he is looking for his own death."

Fortunately, Huang Taiji didn't know that there is a word in later generations called death, otherwise, he would have yelled hundreds of times.

"Your Majesty!" Hong Chengchou said again: "Your Majesty has something to say, please pardon me from death."

"Oh?" Huang Taiji raised his head and said, "But it's okay, I forgive you for your innocence."

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Hong Chengchou knelt squarely on the ground, and said solemnly: "I heard that Your Majesty's eldest princess, Princess Gu Lun, was captured by Zhu Changyuan a few years ago, and now she has become his wife."

"Bold!" Fan Wencheng scolded Hong Chengchou first, and then said: "Mr. Hong doesn't know the details, so don't talk nonsense."

"You talk nonsense!" Huang Taiji glanced dissatisfiedly at Fan Wencheng, then took a deep breath, and said to Hong Chengchou: "Yes, there are women like this, the family is unfortunate, and the country is unfortunate!"

Hong Chengchou chuckled, and said: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations to Your Majesty, how unfortunate it is for Your Majesty to have such a son-in-law as Zhu Changyuan."

Huang Taiji looked at Hong Chengchou and was slightly taken aback.

Hong Chengchou continued: "Your Majesty, if you don't want to send another person to make peace with Zhu Changyuan as father-in-law, and take the dowry to Shanhaiguan, and beat gongs and drums all the way, then there will be unexpected miraculous effects."


Huang Taiji slapped his thigh, throwing all the morals of the Manchu people thousands of miles away, and said: "Master Hong is a good plan!".

A good strategy does not mean that Zhu Changyuan can be recruited to serve his Qing Dynasty, and this is not the purpose of Huang Taiji.The point is, if this is done, what will the world think, what will the civil and military officials of the Ming Dynasty think?
Most importantly, what would Chongzhen think?
The previous move might not have had much effect. After all, everyone knew in their hearts what happened to Huang Taiji's daughter and Zhu Changyuan?

But it's different now!

Taking advantage of the fact that Zhu Changyuan slaughtered [-] Guanning iron cavalry, doing so would be like adding fuel to the fire.

"Hey!" Huang Taiji smiled, and said in a low voice: "At that time, it will be hard for you Zhu Changyuan not to die."

(End of this chapter)

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