Daming Military Empire

Chapter 167 The Big Defeat 3

Chapter 167
The First Corps of the Expeditionary Force had already arrived in Goa at noon that day, but more than 500 ships had to take turns entering the port to unload their cargo. No matter how fast the speed was, it would be late at night until all the people and weapons got off the ship.

Hou Shilu did not go to Goa with Shivela and Conde to rest in the city of Goa, but directly found an open space next to the port to set up camp, and made an appointment with Shivela and Condede to go to Mysore together the next morning.Kong Dede left more than 1000 musketeers and more than 100 cavalry in Goa to defend the city, while he led the expeditionary force to Mysore with [-] recruits and Shivera.

The current city of Mysore is quite different from what it was a few months ago. Naturally, the royal palace was ruined by Shivela and Kunde, but the outer city wall was doubled by them, and it could only accommodate ten people. A small city with 50 people has turned into a big city that can accommodate [-] million people.

This is also a habit of the colonists. After all, this is someone else's country, and they are still invaders. There is always a lingering sense of insecurity, so they will build cities every time they occupy a place to increase their sense of security.

After the expeditionary force entered the city of Mysore, the defenders of the entire city of Mysore have reached [-], and the cannons have reached a terrifying [-]. In this era, it is almost an impenetrable fortress. If Aurangzeb knows each other If so, it is estimated that they dare not attack.

Is Aurangzeb sensible?It's strange that he is sensible, the reason why he hasn't come to attack for so long is not because he is afraid.First of all, it would take time to mobilize troops from various places. Then, he had to send an application to the imperial capital to explain the situation. After all, he was not the emperor yet, so if he did not explain to the emperor that he had assembled so many troops rashly, others would definitely think that he wanted to rebel.

It is not unheard of for princes to support troops and rebel in the Mughal Empire. For example, the current emperor of the Mughal Empire, Aurangzeb’s father, Shah Jahan, once raised troops in an attempt to seize his father’s throne. After the defeat, he was displaced for seven years. For a long time, he was not able to proclaim himself emperor until the death of the old king.Therefore, although Aurangzeb is arrogant, he still dare not assemble an army at will. It is necessary to obtain the permission of the current emperor, and other princes will naturally obstruct it. More than three months have passed.

At this time, he had already faintly heard that the invaders had dispatched reinforcements, and he also knew that the city of Mysore had doubled in size, but when did Aurangzeb suffer such a big loss, without even attacking the city walls? He was killed nearly 2 horses when he went up, and he couldn't swallow this breath.Besides, he has assembled 20 troops this time. What is the concept of 20 troops? In this era, in his mind, 20 troops are a symbol of invincibility. No neighboring country has ever been able to withstand the Mughal Empire. 20 troops.Therefore, he ignored the enemy's reinforcements and directly led an army of 20 menacingly towards the city of Mysore.

At this time, Hou Shilu had already taken over the defense of Mysore City, and the [-] recruits under Kong Dede had been trained by Luo Siwei for almost a month before he came. Into the battle.

As for the [-] cannons, only [-] of the Expeditionary Corps were installed on the city wall, because the other [-] belonged to Kong Dede and Shivira. They only assisted in defending the city this time. We are about to attack south, and naturally the artillery cannot be fixed to the city wall.But this is also good, just use the two hundred artillery pieces as mobile reinforcements, and they can be transferred to whichever side of the city wall can no longer withstand it. Anyway, the artillery pieces can be pulled away, which is very convenient.

Although Aurangzeb is arrogant, he is not the kind of master who remembers to eat but not to fight. He suffered a big loss last time, and this time he will naturally make corresponding adjustments. He is an idiot.Of course he is not an idiot, he is the "Honor of the Emperor" known for his resourcefulness, so this time he attacked the city, he thought of many ways based on the lessons from the last failure.

First of all, he thought it was inconvenient for the cannons to move, and the enemy should mainly concentrate the cannons in the north of the city. He simply surrounded the city of Mysore in a posture of attacking from all sides. Launch a fierce attack, and the enemy's artillery will not be dispatched in a hurry.

Then, according to the characteristics of the guns and artillery, he also adjusted the siege equipment. The Jinglan was not built, not to mention the trouble of building it. He also reinforced the siege vehicle, and the wooden boards on the top became a row of thigh-thick logs, so that not only the guns could not penetrate, but also the artillery could not be smashed. up.

In the end, he also adjusted the soldiers' equipment a little. He threw aside the heavy iron shields. It was too heavy for a person to lift and climb the ladders. He equipped all the siege troops with lightweight wooden shields. Shield, anyway, when you climb the city wall, the shells are already out of reach, as long as you put it on your head to prevent the musket bullets.

These tactics have been adjusted very well. If Kong Dede and Shiweila were to play against him, he would probably suffer a big loss, but the problem is that Hou Shilu and Luo Siwei are in charge of the city defense now, so he probably won't get much advantage for this little trick. up.

Aurangzeb set up camps on all sides of the city of Mysore, and they all deliberately set up three or four miles away. The purpose was to make the enemies in the city confused about his reality.

Ordinary people can’t see so far, and Kong Dede and Shiweila’s telescopes can’t see so far either, but Hou Shilu and Luo Siwei are holding the latest military telescopes of Ming Dynasty. The latest military binoculars can already see five or six miles away, and at a distance of three or four miles, it can be said that even the hairy faces of those fan soldiers can be seen clearly, so all his little tricks were seen by Hou Shilu and Luo Siwei Clearly.

According to the distribution of Aurangzeb's forces, Hou Shilu made corresponding adjustments. He and Luo Siwei led [-] musketeers from the expeditionary army to garrison the east and west walls, and Kong Dede and Shiweila each took [-] recruits under their command to guard the city. On the north and south walls, as for the [-] artillery, two thousand were sent to each side of the four walls, and the remaining two thousand were to operate the two hundred cannons of Conded and Shivira behind the left and right walls.

Corresponding arrangements were also made for Hou Shilu, the siege equipment of Aurangzeb. They not only have muskets and cannons, but also grenades and mines. That is ten grenades and ten landmines per person, 5 people brought 50 grenades and 50 landmines, which basically emptied the warehouse of Wang Gong Factory!
These grenades and landmines are simply a sharp weapon against cold weapons attacking the city. Every night, in the dead of night, Hou Shilu would send people to climb ropes down from the city wall, carry baskets of landmines, and bury the left and right sides of the city walls within [-] steps. densely packed.He felt that this was not enough, so he screened the iron ore collected in the city, and carried all the iron ore over [-] catties to the city wall to be used as rolling stones. He also asked Shi Weila and Conded to collect them in the city Hundreds of cauldrons were set up, filled with all kinds of fats, and they were about to set fire to a siege engine.

Five days later, Aurangzeb finally finished his preparations. Instead of launching an attack immediately, he asked 2 people from the north and south to push some ordinary siege vehicles outside the city, and assembled more than two miles away from the city wall, setting up a series of attacks. Deputy siege posture.

It was like this on the sixth day, like this on the seventh day, and still like this on the eighth day. He thought that almost all the artillery on the city wall should be attracted to the north and south by him, but he never thought that Hou Shilu and Luo Siweili ignored him, only Kong Dede Complained with Shivela on the north and south walls: "You idiot, just play for one day, and play for three days, are you afraid that we don't know you are an idiot?"

On the ninth day, Aurangzeb finally stopped playing, and directly gathered 2 horses on the east and west sides to push thickened siege vehicles, and rushed to the city wall with ladders on their backs.He watched nervously in front of the big camp in the east, six hundred steps, five hundred steps, four hundred steps, three hundred steps, as expected, no cannon was fired, not even a single cannon shot was fired on the city wall, his plan succeeded!

Well, Hou Shilu just didn't want to waste shells. He looked at Aurangzeb's proud expression through the binoculars, couldn't help curling his lips, and cursed in a low voice: "Idiot."

Of course Aurangzeb didn't know that others were calling him an idiot, but he quickly paid the price for his idiot behavior. The 2 people in front of him had just rushed to about [-] steps away from the city wall. Instead of the roar of artillery, there was the explosion of landmines on the ground.

Limited to the explosive power of black powder, it is impossible for the people who exploded to be missing arms and legs, but the people in the front row were basically pierced with small steel needles all over their bodies, which is a pain.But they didn't dare to retreat, Aurangzeb was famous for being fierce and brutal, if they dared to retreat with such a small injury, Aurangzeb would definitely cut them all down without hesitation!
The 2 people who attacked the city did not receive the order to retreat, so they had to bite the bullet and rushed forward. It was a miserable situation for them to be bombed. Almost everyone turned into a hedgehog. It is okay to be stabbed elsewhere. Those who were stabbed in the testicles were called painful, and they rolled on the ground in pain.All of a sudden, the siege engines did not know how many gourds they dropped, but they kept rushing forward. Even Hou Shilu on the city wall had to admire: the soldiers of the Mughal Empire were really brave enough.

Well, they are not actually brave and fearless, they are just afraid of retreating and being cut down by Aurangzeb.

Of course Aurangzeb saw the previous situation, but he didn't order to withdraw his troops, he just gritted his teeth and cursed there: "Bastard, dare to play such a trick with me, wait until this wave tramples all the things you buried on the ground!" Light up, I want you to look good."

This Aurangzeb was indeed cruel and terrible. He just watched his soldiers advance through the mines, and he didn't withdraw until they rushed to the bottom of the city wall and trampled all the mines.

These 2 people were considered useless. They basically howled and pushed the siege vehicles back to the main formation. Of course, the rolling gourds they left behind were also pulled back by them.

2 people were bombed with thorns all over their bodies, howling in unison. The scene was horrible, but Aurangzeb showed no mercy. He directly ordered the second wave of 2 people to take over the siege vehicles and ladders, and continue to charge. !

Sure enough, there was no danger this time. The 2 people rushed all the way to the bottom of the city wall without being shot or stepped on a mine. They had already started climbing the city wall with ladders.

Just when Aurangzeb was secretly complacent, the huge stones on the city wall fell like raindrops, and there were some grenade explosions in the middle. After attacking for a long time, no one could climb the city wall!
Shame, Aurangzeb was almost mad with anger, how could the army of my Mughal Empire be so weak, no, my army of the Mughal Empire is invincible, he gritted his teeth, and sent another 3 horses to push The remaining siege vehicles rushed towards the city wall.

Hou Shilu shook his head repeatedly watching this barbaric attack on the city wall, how idiotic and arrogant it is to be so reckless!

However, it happened that their siege equipment and siege troops were almost all in place. Hou Shilu ordered all the artillery to load shotguns, and at the same time ordered the soldiers beside the oil pan to bring over the hot oil and pour it down!
"Ah!" There was a miserable howl below, and then there was a smell of meat. Hou Shilu didn't hesitate, and ordered directly: "Throw the torch."

Countless torches were thrown from the city wall, and the siege vehicles and ladders were engulfed in flames in an instant. Ah San, who was besieging the city, screamed and fled back. What greeted them was a cloud of shotgun bullets and endless bullets.

Miserable, terribly miserable, seeing a few Ah Sans running back with their faces blackened with burns, Aurangzeb finally knew what it means to be afraid, and he ordered in a panic: "Retreat, retreat, the whole army retreats."

In this battle, the army of the Mughal Empire suffered heavy casualties. Except for the 2 troops who feigned attack from the north and the south, almost all casualties were lost on the east and west sides. Aurangzeb led 20 troops to the city of Mysore. After attacking, they fled in panic with less than 10 people!
He vividly interpreted Ah San's arrogance, ignorance, and stupidity. He knew that he couldn't do it, but he still acted recklessly. Did he show off Da Ming's advanced weapons and army to others?

(End of this chapter)

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