Chapter 203

It took more than two months to recover Dongfan of Baodao, defeat the Dutch navy, build a huge southeast defense line, and also overshadow Dongying by the way. Now it is finally possible to return to the imperial court. Looking at the blue sea, Zhu Cijiong couldn't help but feel Emotion.

This sapphire-like sea is really fascinating. Some people like its beauty, some people like its broadness, some people like its purity, and some people like its huge wealth. Since the age of great navigation, the great powers have given the ocean a new Function, that is to plunder the passage, if you do not plunder through the ocean, then wait for others to plunder you through the ocean.

In the past, Daming was waiting for others to plunder, but now Daming finally has the capital to plunder others. This seems to be a bit incompatible with traditional thinking, but this is the case in this era. In the eyes of the big powers, plunder and colonization are not derogatory terms but derogatory terms. Complimentary words, in this era, if you want to survive, develop, and grow stronger, you must adapt to this robber logic. It is better to be a robber than to be robbed.

Starting from Dongfan Nandaying Navy Base, it will take about seven or eight days to reach Dongdaying Tianjin Xingang at a normal speed. In these seven or eight days, Zhu Cijiong felt extremely uncomfortable. It was not because he was seasick, but because he felt too crowded. , There are too many people in his entourage. Thousands of people are crowded on this battleship with a capacity of less than 500 people. The degree of congestion can be imagined.

In fact, he felt this way when he came here, but at that time his main focus was on regaining Dongfan, so the feeling was not so obvious, but now it is different, when he relaxes, the feeling becomes more obvious.No wonder Chengzu had to build such a big treasure ship. The emperor’s boat was too small to do well. In the future, he would definitely have to take a boat frequently. He could barely make do with it if he stayed at sea for a few days. If it was a month or even a few Moon, that definitely won't work.

The idea of ​​rebuilding treasure ships irresistibly occupied his mind. Daming could build treasure ships in the first place. Although it was interrupted for more than 100 years and the skills were a little rusty, after two years of production practice at Dongda Construction Shipyard, it should have the ability to build treasure ships. The ability of the treasure ship, right?

No matter how eager he was, the speed of the ship was only so fast. After seven or eight days of wild thinking, he finally arrived at Dongdaying Tianjin Xingang, but there was a small fleet of ships coming in front of him. Zhu Cijiong was surprised. The fleet actually sailed directly towards the fleet of the Beiyang Navy. Aren't they afraid of colliding with the holy driver!

People from the Beiyang Navy were stunned to ask. It turned out to be Luo Yangxing, the commander of the Jinyiwei. Well, this guy is really not afraid of bumping into the holy driver. He is also Zhu Cijiong's favorite. Under normal circumstances, Zhu Cijiong really would not take him How about it.

Knowing that this guy came, Zhu Cijiong didn't let anyone stop him, and let him go directly to the flagship. This guy lived a good life, and he gained a lot of weight. He didn't see the majesty and fear of the Jinyiwei Commander at all, but looked like a A wealthy businessman who makes money from harmony, when he saw Zhu Cijiong, he knelt down and flattered him: "The commander of the Weichen Jinyiwei, Luo Yangxing, visited the emperor. Congratulations to the emperor for defeating the barbarians, regaining the lost land, and spreading the prestige outside the territory...."

Does it wear a lot of clothes? Flattery does not wear it, but if you take too many photos, it is easy to cause skin diseases. It is uncomfortable to have goose bumps all over the place. Zhu Cijiong quickly raised his hand when he saw the endless posture of this guy. Said: "Okay, okay, what are you doing here, is there anything important?"

Looking at the excited look on this guy's face, it really doesn't look like any major event has happened. Sure enough, Luo Yangxing continued to flatter him: "Hehe, Your Majesty, I have nothing to report, but His Royal Highness the Regent and Lord Shoufu are leading the hundred The officials and the civilians near the capital greeted the emperor's victory at the port pier, and specially asked the humble officials to inform the emperor."

This is a new thing. When he came back from his own conquest, everyone was busy with their chests and backs. He deliberately didn't let everyone come to greet him. This time he forgot to order, but it's okay, every time the triumphant return is silent. It is indeed inappropriate for Xi to come back. The respect of the emperor is reflected in the worship of his subjects. Letting them worship and worship will help improve his prestige. This kind of opportunity must not be wasted in the future. Thinking of this, he said happily: "Well, everyone If you are interested, I am very happy, and I have passed the decree to let the soldiers of the navy form a neat array, so that everyone can see the majesty of the Daming Navy."

I used the messengers to climb up the mast to convey the order, and soon the Beiyang navy began to line up, fifty ships in a row, fifty ships in a row, neatly arranged, the momentum, the majesty, the people who saw it were absolutely shocked .

Slowly, the horizon appeared ahead, and the port was approaching, but there were still fifty brand new battleships parked in front of the port, neatly lined up in two rows, two or three miles long, with a waterway about one mile wide in the middle, all the way to the port.

This is the Dutch battleship captured by the United Fleet of the Daming Navy. When it was first captured, it was pitted and ugly, but the keel frame inside was not damaged. Just like new.Now the battleship is full of red flags, just like a red carpet laid on the water, it is extraordinarily grand.

Zhu Cijiong smiled knowingly, and ordered the Beiyang Navy fleet to stop neatly in front of the Dutch battleship line, and the flagship sailed to the pier through the port.

At this time, the pier was already lined up with imperial officials and Jinyiwei guards, and the coasts on both sides were full of civilians. From a distance of two or three miles, you can see the whole picture of the Beiyang Navy. So many warships are lined up there neatly. , It’s indeed shocking enough. There have been bursts of exclamations on the coast. Where have ordinary civilians seen such a huge fleet? The Daming Navy has so many warships. Slowly, the exclamations turned into cheers, Da Ming, too! Strong!

At this time, the battleship had docked, and Zhu Cijiong walked up the escalator to the pier amidst warm cheers. The civil and military officials on the pier and Shangwan Jinyiwei immediately knelt down neatly and said in unison under the leadership of Zhu Youjian and Xu Guangqi : "My minister welcomes the emperor triumphantly, long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live."

Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, and the people on both sides could hear them clearly. Most of these people were relocated from the disaster area. They were sincerely grateful to Zhu Cijiong. If it weren't for the emperor, half of the people present would have starved to death. up!Hearing that the emperor had returned in triumph, many people came here from tens of miles or even hundreds of miles, just to welcome the emperor and express their gratitude.

Now, when they heard the voice of the mountain on the pier, they knew that the emperor was there, in that direction. Everyone kneeled down consciously facing the direction of the pier, and the mountain shouted: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live." Over and over again, the voices became more and more uniform, and tens of 10 people shouted the scene in unison. His support is the best reward for him.

After the welcome ceremony at the pier, Zhu Cijiong did not rush back to the capital immediately, but gathered a group of cronies in the Dongdaying Palace, and proposed the idea of ​​re-enforcing the ship, and asked everyone to discuss the feasibility.

After discussing for a while, everyone came to the conclusion that the size of a treasure ship depends mainly on what you use it for. If it is purely for the sake of size and shock, regardless of the speed of the ship, then the legendary one is 44 feet long and [-] feet wide. Bazhang, a large treasure ship with nine masts and twelve sails can also be made.But that was purely a decoration, the speed of the ship was estimated to be ridiculously slow, and it was not suitable for sailing at sea at all.

Everyone agreed that a medium-sized treasure ship with a length of 37 feet and a width of [-] feet should be the limit size for normal navigation. No matter how high the speed is, it cannot be guaranteed, and it can only be put on display.

Of course Zhu Cijiong wanted the treasure ship to sail normally, and he didn't build the treasure ship to show off to others, so he chose the medium-sized treasure ship without hesitation.

Thirty-seven feet is about 37 meters, and fifteen feet is about 120 meters. This size is already large enough to carry more than 50 people without any problem.

Then there is the problem of firepower equipment. Everyone thinks that Zhu Cijiong is trying to make himself comfortable, so it is suggested to install a few howitzers on the deck for fun. With the protection of the Ming fleet, it is almost impossible for the enemy to rush to Zhu Cijiong's car.

But Zhu Cijiong is unwilling. Since ancient times, there are several emperors who hide in the palace and do not go out, or go out under the protection of heavy guards and cannot see the enemy at all. Whoever has never been on the battlefield, he doesn't want to be a useless vase, and his battleship is naturally a super super battleship with super firepower.

Everyone also knows the emperor's temperament, it is impossible to stop him from going to the battlefield, since he can't be stopped, he can only increase his firepower desperately, and the naval guns on both sides simply use other battleships as the main guns As for the six-inch howitzer, Sun Yuanhua decided to fight for the main gun, and the success rate was less than [-]%. He also wanted to make twelve eight-inch howitzers for the emperor. According to the success rate, at most two hundred can be made. This waste is nothing compared to the emperor's safety.

The eight-inch howitzer is terrible, with a terrifying range of five or six miles, and the weight of the solid bullet is nearly a hundred catties. That guy, with one shot, can smash the deck of the battleship through. It is simply a battleship killer!
Zhu Cijiong is naturally very satisfied with this plan, but such a super giant ship is not so easy to build. First of all, even if it is equipped with two craftsmen in the dock, it will take nearly two months to build one. Moreover, the current river channel and dock of such a large super battleship are definitely not enough. A dedicated river channel twice as wide as the current river channel must be dug, and the dock should be about twice the size of the current dock.

Zhu Cijiong roughly estimated the time. Although it was the Chinese New Year, he still couldn't help asking the Ministry of Industry to start preparations immediately.Let them dig the river, build the dock, and start construction immediately after the new year. The treasure ship must be built before March next year, because on March [-] next year, he will go to the vassal state of North Korea to preside over the first imperial examination. Palace test!

(End of this chapter)

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