Chapter 221
Although Dongying is small, there are many vassal states, such as Satsuma, Osumi, Hyuga, Higo, Hizen, Chikugo, Chikuzen, Bungo, Buzen, Tsushima, and Iki on the small Kyushu Island. As a small country, there were as many as 66 countries in Japan during the Warring States Period.

There are so many small countries, and Japan is in turmoil. During the Warring States period, the princes fought against each other. You came and I fought for more than 100 years. Although the Tokugawa Shogunate finally ended the turbulent Warring States period, Dongying was not monolithic at this time. After more than 100 years, it is conceivable how deep the feud between these princes is, and it cannot be forgotten in just a dozen years.

When the Tokugawa shogunate was strong and strong, the princes of all walks of life naturally did not dare to make mistakes.

Of course, this eagerness to move is not real. The princes of all walks of life are not fools. This early bird can't be taken for granted. Although the Tokugawa clan's army has disappeared, the family governor is still there. Tokugawa Iemitsu still has a little prestige. If He summoned all the retainers and elders who were entrusted to various places, and it is not impossible to gather a hundred thousand troops.So the princes from all walks of life are waiting and watching. If the Tokugawa clan can survive this crisis and clean up the chaos in Jiuzhou in one fell swoop, then they will continue to endure it. If the Tokugawa clan is unable to clean up the mess, they can only watch Jiuzhou helplessly If the turmoil continues, then maybe they will follow suit.

Everyone can wait, but Tianchuan Yuhuang can't wait, because Amakusa Shiro, the source of the turmoil, has joined him, and the "mysterious" disappearance of the Tokugawa shogunate army is also inseparable from him, and the Tokugawa clan will definitely not Let him go.

It is said that he now has 3 troops under his command, and the Tokugawa family has [-] to [-] troops left. What is he afraid of?
This war can't just be based on military strength. Tokugawa's men don't have as many troops as him, but he is a shogun. If he gives an order, not to mention the gathering of responders, he can gather at least a hundred thousand troops. At the time, Toyotomi Hideyoshi It is still vivid in my mind that Shimadzu Yoshihiro, the lord of Satsuma, who recruited more than ten princes to land in Jiuzhou, became a monk directly. Tianchuan Yuhuang didn't want to become a monk.

So, according to Zheng Zhilong's instructions, he contacted the princes who had enemies with the Tokugawa clan everywhere, lobbying them to deal with the Tokugawa clan and carve up Dongying.However, people don't pee on him at all. What kind of onion are you, Tian Chuan, how can you be better than Tokugawa? Why should we form an alliance with you?

No wonder they are arrogant, these princes are all from famous families, the origin of the family can be traced back hundreds or even hundreds of years ago, and there are not many famous generals in the family.As for the Tian Chuan family, there is only a blacksmith, he is a blacksmith, his father is also a blacksmith, and his grandfather is also a blacksmith. To trace the origin of the family, Tian Chuanyu's royal family may have a history of thousands of years. His ancestors were surnamed Weng, The ancestral home is Fujian. Well, it’s better not to trace these things back. If people find out, it will be a big trouble.

Seeing that the Satsuma Clan was beaten to the ground, but Tianchuan Yuhuang had no progress at all, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being anxious, and if it dragged on, it would be New Year's Eve. It's not in vain, no, I can't wait any longer.

Zheng Zhilong immediately summoned Zheng Zhihu, Wang Zhengnan, Hong Xu, Gan Hui, and Shi Daxuan to discuss countermeasures. Everyone was from the army, and there was really no good advice on how to lobby these people. The way they finally negotiated was to use force. Hong Xu and Gan Hui's Dongying people sneaked into Honshu with masters of Jinyiwei, and they pretended to be princes from all walks of life to fight and provoke troubles everywhere.

Now the island of Honshu is bustling. Today, the generals of the Oda family led people to rob the goods of the Mori family, and tomorrow the retainers of the Hojo family led people to rob the Date family of grain and grass. A general of the Asakura Clan was killed...

If this kind of thing happens once or twice, everyone may be able to bear it, but it is unbearable for such a thing to happen every day, and it is inevitable to make noise, but these things were not done by them in the first place, so how can we make the noise clear? At the end of the quarrel, there is only a fight.

If it was before, the Tokugawa shogunate would definitely send people to mediate or even send troops to suppress it, but now the Tokugawa family is so devastated by Jiuzhou that they can't take care of themselves, so how can they care about them.

The princes from all walks of life saw that the Tokugawa clan did not say anything, and they became more courageous. They all started their old business and began to recruit troops, attack the city and seize the land, and fight against each other. Finally back to the Warring States Period.

There was chaos in Honshu, and the Tianchuan clan also started to mobilize. At this moment, the Tokugawa shogunate must not be able to control them. The flames of war are everywhere and if they dare to send troops to Jiuzhou again, their enemies will definitely take the opportunity to take their home.

The Tokugawa clan didn't dare to send troops anymore, so the Tianchuan clan could naturally unify Jiuzhou with confidence.

The current situation in Jiuzhou is still very favorable for the Tagawa Clan. The three old powers have serious problems. The Shimadzu Clan of the Satsuma Clan killed 4 horses because of the invasion of the Ming Dynasty's vassal state Ryukyu. The strength is not as good as before, and the Otomo clan in Chikugo is even more extinct. Of course, they are also unparalleled. Now the Nabeshima clan is in power in the Ryuzoji family, but their strength is basically still there.

It can be said that as long as the Ryuzoji family who is also in the Hizen Kingdom is defeated, more than half of the great cause of dominating Jiuzhou will be completed. Tianchuan Yuhuang directly sent Amakusa Tokisada, Tianchuan Hongxu and Tianchuan Ganhui to lead 9 people to Xianglong. The Tera family's territory launched an attack.

Nabeshima Katsushige is currently in power in the Ryuzoji family. He can be regarded as a person who participated in the Battle of Sekigahara, and he is not ignorant of the art of war. If they were defeated one by one, it would be better to directly gather all the horses in Saga Castle, relying on the castle to fight a decisive battle with the Tagawa clan, maybe there is still a chance of winning.

Thus, the battle of Saga, one of the most numerous large-scale battles in the history of Japan, began. Uh, why is it said to be one of the most large-scale battles in history?This Dongpu is not the Ming Dynasty, the place is so small, there are so many princes, and the princes from all walks of life usually have only a few thousand troops under their command. If there are tens of thousands of people participating in the battle, it is a big battle. A battle like this with more than [-] participants on both sides There are really not many, so the Battle of Saga can definitely be regarded as one of the largest large-scale battles in the history of Japan.

This battle was a siege battle combining hot and cold weapons. The attacker was the Tagawa clan who replaced the Matsuura clan by Hizen Hirado. There were [-] people participating in the battle.The defender is Hizen Saga who replaced Ryuzoji's Nabeshima clan. The number of people participating in the battle is less than [-], and the main general Nabeshima Katsushige.

It is reasonable to say that the princes from all walks of life in this state look down on Emperor Tian Chuanyu. You, a blacksmith, know how to fight, even if you have 10 people under your command, so what? Do you know how to arrange troops?
Tianchuan Yuhuang really doesn't know how to fight. If he is asked to command 9 horses, it will definitely be messed up. He doesn't need the enemy to fight, and he collapses.But he doesn't know Amakusa Tokisada, Amakusa Tokisada can be said to be a genius general, but in history he was directly besieged by 12 shogunate troops in the dilapidated original city, lacking weapons, food and grass, and no foreign aid. Cao Shizhen insisted on holding on for three months that day. You must know that he has more than 3 farmers in total, and only more than 1 people are really capable of fighting!
It's different now, he has 9 people under his command, excellent weapons, sufficient food and grass, and he has received professional training from Ming army aid personnel, so he knows all kinds of tactics well, and at the same time he has used muskets for a year And artillery, the use of thermal weapons is proficient, and it is more than enough to deal with the 5 horses of the Longzhaosi family.

He first used psychological tactics, encircling three ques and one, only enclosing the northwest and south sides of Saga Castle, leaving the east side unencircled, so that the enemy would have the hope of escaping and would not resist desperately;

Then he used the tactic of attacking the east and attacking the west. He asked Hong Xu and Gan Hui to lead 2 troops each to feign attacks from the north and the south, while he himself led [-] main forces to live in the west of the city. Blow hard;
In the end, he used the barrage tactics of the Ming army to suppress the enemy troops on the city wall with artillery, and [-] infantry rushed to the city wall in one go.

Not many generals in Dongpu had learned the art of war at that time. Even if they had learned it, it was a military book handed down from the Ming Dynasty. All the introductions were pure cold weapon warfare. Some people can understand it, but the last barrage tactic is a pure heat weapon tactic recently summarized by the Ming army. No one in Dongpu has heard of it. No matter who encounters it, they will be at a loss.

Amakusa Shizhen first let Hong Xu and Gan Hui feint to attack on the north and south sides for a few days. After the enemy troops in the west were attracted to the north and south sides, he immediately launched a general attack. Three hundred artillery pieces were densely arranged in three rows by him. There was a blast against a section of the city wall to the west, and then [-] main forces rushed up like a tide.

Now the defenders in the city were dumbfounded. The artillery shells on the section of the city wall attacked by Tian Chuan’s army were like rain. Who would dare to go there? Then what kind of courage is there to stand up and defend the city, Amakusa Tokisada attacked the city wall in one go.

Now that the city wall has been attacked, the battle is basically over. You must know that there are only less than 5 people in the city, and an average of more than 1 people on each side, plus the enemy on the west wall More than half of the army was lured to the north and south sides. At the moment, there are less than 5000 people guarding the west. Five thousand vs. fifty thousand, how can they stop it!
Katsushige Nabeshima was in a hurry and made another fatal mistake. He actually transferred most of the defenders on the north and south sides to the west for support, leaving only a few people to guard the north and south sides. You must know that Hong Xu and Gan Hui are still on the city wall Down below, as soon as he transferred the people away, Hong Xu and Gan Hui changed from a feint attack to a real attack, and rushed directly to the city wall.

There is nothing to fight in this battle of being broken on three sides. Nabeshima Katsushige had to command his men to escape from the east, but was chased by the army led by Amakusa Tokisada. Less than 1 people actually escaped. The temple builders are finished.

(End of this chapter)

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