Chapter 260

If you want to ask how to build this city, Zhu Cijiong really doesn't know. He can't even pile up the earthen walls, but it doesn't matter. There are many experts in this field in Ming Dynasty. They have all developed the ability to build fortresses, and the speed of building walls is frightening.

Now that the Liaodong Army is guarding far away in Guanning, it is naturally impossible for Zhu Cijiong to transfer them here, but the Dingliao Army guards the prisoners in Fengyang, the central capital, and it is the same to transfer them here, because the Dingliao Army was formed in Liaodong The grassroots generals in the army are basically the old people of the Liaodong Army. Building a city wall is easier for them than eating porridge.

Moreover, there are nearly 30 rebel prisoners in Fengyang, the central capital. Zhu Cijiong originally wanted them to stay there to build the railway from Kaifeng to Fengyang, but now it seems that it is more important to expand the capital, so Zhu Cijiong directly issued a decree ordering the establishment of the Liao Dynasty. The army and the Wuwei army quickly escorted all the prisoners from Fengyang, the central capital, to the capital.

It is thousands of miles away from Wupingwei of Fengyang Mansion to the capital. Even if Qin Gongming and Li Mingfu rush hard, it may take half a month to arrive. Naturally, our Chongzheng Emperor Zhu Cijiong will not be idle for such a long time. I wanted to reorganize the Ming army in an all-round way, but the peasant uprising in the northwest has not been resolved in the past few years. A certain number of defenders must be kept in various places, and the reorganization cannot be carried out. Now that the northwest has finally been completely calmed down, the reorganization can be put on the agenda up.

According to the establishment of the Ming Dynasty at the time of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the total number of the Ming army was about 280 million. Later, in order to save expenses, they were basically changed to garrison guards, leaving only a few frontier troops to guard the nine sides. Has the total number decreased by now?Zhu Cijiong asked Sun Yuanhua to check it, and there was nothing missing!

It has been more than 300 years, why is there not one missing?In fact, it is not surprising at all. Although the Tunwei has no salary, it does not need to pay taxes, and the land is provided free of charge by the imperial court. That is to say, as long as you work hard, it is not a problem to support your family. popular.In the Ming Dynasty, there was no control over childbirth, and there were a lot of births in a lifetime. Naturally, there is no problem with the inheritance of this military household. The number of military households has not been reduced for more than 300 years. I don’t know if there has been a reduction, at least on the books.

Of course, it is impossible for Zhu Cijiong to reorganize all 280 million guards into a regular army. In that case, the annual military expenditure will be astronomical. It is enough to expand two legions on the existing basis, and then form three reserve legions.

The two expanded legions are actually a reorganization of the original defenders in Shaanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Huguang, and Fengyang, the central capital. Wan, since they were all recruited anyway, it would be a pity to simply reorganize them into a legion, and then send them back to various places to serve as guards.

Why did the 25 people form only two legions? Don’t forget that there is also the First Legion of the Expeditionary Army in Mysore on the South Asian subcontinent. Zhu Cijiong plans to select among the 5 people, and select the most elite 25 people to supplement the First Corps of the Expeditionary Army.

He also thought of the names of the remaining two legions, which are called the Second Army of the Expeditionary Army and the Second Army of the Frontier Defense Army. As for the candidates for the commander, he plans to transfer Qin Yiming to be the commander of the Second Army of the Expeditionary Army. Shivela complained more than once, Ceylon is not peaceful, and the planted rubber saplings may be in danger of being destroyed, so Qin Yiming and the Second Expeditionary Army Corps should be allowed to guard for two years. When the saplings grow up, they will not be destroyed so easily. At the same time, it is also a kind of training for Qin Yiming, at least he can get familiar with the colonial environment earlier.

Zhu Cijiong is planning to promote Cao Bianjiao to be the chief general of the First Army Corps of the Frontier Defense Army. This kid is a little younger, but the name of the first fierce general of Ming Dynasty is not just for bragging. Regardless of his qualifications and military exploits, he is enough to be the commander of the army.

As for Zhu Cijiong, the commander of the Second Frontier Army Corps, he is optimistic about Ma Xianglin. The battle in Kuizhou Mansion directly made Zhu Cijiong see the ability of this cousin. He was able to defeat Zhang Xianzhong with [-] ordinary defenders. There is no doubt about it. As for his loyalty, he has already passed the test of history. In the Chongzhen Dynasty, he led a lone army to defend Xiangyang, fought until the ammunition and food ran out, and fought until the casualties of his soldiers were exhausted. In the end, he died for the country. Loyalty, just based on this, he is qualified to be the leader of the legion.

By the way, is it a bit too much for Zhu Cijiong to reuse Qin Liangyu's family so much?You must know that Qin Liangyu is already the commander-in-chief of the first regiment of the Imperial Guard, and Qin Yiming and Qin Gongming are also the commander-in-chief of the regiment, and now he has promoted his son to be the commander-in-chief of the regiment. This family of four controls a total of 40 troops. What if they rebel? manage?
This kind of worry is completely unnecessary. In history, all the men of her Qin family, including her son and daughter-in-law, died for the country. She was still determined to fight against the Qing army until she died with regrets. For the country, the nation, and the There is no doubt about the loyalty of the Emperor Ming. As for some people saying that she was protecting the interests of the chieftain, this is pure nonsense. None of her husband, brother, son, daughter-in-law, or nephew died to protect the interests of the chieftain. .

Her husband, Ma Qiancheng, was injured when he suppressed Yang Yinglong's rebellion for the imperial court, and was framed by eunuchs and died of illness in prison;

Her elder brothers, Qin Bangping and Qin Banghan, fought bloody battles against Houjin in Hunhe and sacrificed their lives for the country;

Her younger brother, Qin Minping, died in battle while suppressing the She'an Rebellion for the court;

Her son defended Xiangyang alone and died for the country;
Her daughter-in-law Zhang Fengyi led an army to chase down the rebel king for her own use, and died in battle;
Her nephew Qin Gongming died fighting for the court to suppress the Shapu Rebellion;

This seems a little incomprehensible. In the troubled times at the end of Ming Dynasty, everyone was trying to protect their lives wisely, but they went on and on, rushing to reincarnate and sacrifice their lives for the country. What is this for?What makes them so loyal to their country?The sporadic records in historical materials may explain why they did it:
According to historical records, Qin Liangyu's father, Qin Kui, a Gongsheng in Zhongzhou, said to the sons and said: "There will be troubles in the world, and my son is the one who can hold the sword and think of the country."

According to historical records, before her son Ma Xianglin died for the country, he wrote a letter saying: "My son vows to live and die with Xiangyang, and I hope that my mother will not worry about my son's safety!"

Qin Liangyu's reply letter has only one sentence: "Good! Good! Good! Serve the country faithfully, my son!"

It can be seen from this that the Qin family has a tradition of being loyal to the emperor and patriotic to the country. Such a family motto of serving the country with loyalty and loyalty cannot be reused, so who else can use it!

(End of this chapter)

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